CTL Summer Bulletin
July 16, 2020
A Fresh Start for CTL!
Come travel down the new CTL hallways with us and take a peek into our classrooms. After spending the last three months of the school year with remote learning and in quarantine, we are all excited about a fresh start to the new school year. I am sure you feel the same way. Teachers have not stopped planning all summer. Everything has made us appreciate the school and kids and learning so much more, even if we will be masking and distancing. We are ready!. The entire construction team also feels protective of CTL's time frame, and we are well ahead of schedule. Air conditioning will be installed today and floor installation begins Friday.
Thank you for your patience as you waited for guidelines. We have been waiting also. Please follow the link to CTL's COVID Guidelines that have been developed by our CTL Team. Thanks for their hard work and the input of many of our parents. In preparation, we carefully studied the guidelines from national, state and local agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Texas Education Agency. We get several updates a week from the Private School Association which have provided valuable information and opportunities for PPP equipment, grants, etc. to help us through this unprecedented time. As we state in our guidelines, "The following guidelines take into account the current information we have on the virus and appropriate methods to prevent its spread. We will be closely monitoring guidelines and information or any changes. We promise to keep you updated as changes occur."
I plan to send a weekly Summer Bulletin to provide guidelines and building updates The first week of August, Amelia Maia will be sending you the enrollment packet and the student school supply lists.
Please stay safe and enjoy your final weeks of the summer break with your family. We are in for an exciting year. We hope you are as excited as we are!
CTL Puts Safety First!
One of the safety measures we have in place already--one that many schools cannot provide--is small class sizes and a small school. That combined with temperature checks, sanitizing methods, masks, social distancing, desk shields, the pod system where students will stay with their classes throughout the day and not mix classes as well as all the safeguards you will see in the guidelines, we have planned well to both stop the virus from entering our school and from spreading throughout the school.
We will continue to work together for the safety of your children. No chances will be taken. What a learning opportunity to tread these un-chartered waters and live in this unprecedented time in history. What it will teach our children about perseverance, obedience, unselfishness, courage and many more life skills that will benefit them throughout their lives!
Thank you for trusting us with not only the education of your children but the safety of your children--physically, socially and emotionally.
Please share this opportunity with your friends as our spots will fill up quickly.
Welcome to all the new parents who have joined us! We look forward to finding ways to get to know you better throughout next school year.
CTL Vision and Mission
CTL Vision
We are dedicated to igniting and growing a LOVE of learning in every child.
CTL Mission
CTL’s primary mission is to foster a love of learning by teaching students to follow their curiosity, to think creatively, and to work both independently and collaboratively. We celebrate diversity and instill integrity, compassion, and confidence in each student. We work in tandem with parents, families, and community members to ensure that each child receives the tools and nurturing needed to become his or her own unique self. CTL provides an intimate, personalized environment tailored to each student’s needs.