Wells Newsletter

September 2024
From the Office
As we continue to settle into our routines, we want to remind everyone of our building expectations: to be respectful, responsible, and safe. We encourage you to review these expectations with your student. Students are working toward earning a school wide celebration. Each classroom is focused on following directions the first time. When the entire class does this they help us reach our building goal by earning an apple to put on our school apple tree.
Please remember to join the Rooms app to stay connected with your child's teacher and receive important updates.
We are grateful for your ongoing support in helping us create a positive school environment. Your partnership enables us to focus on the growth and success of each student.
Rock Your School Event
We are thrilled to share some highlights from our recent Rock Your School event on September 27th. This worldwide celebration of learning brought our educational community together in a wonderful way. Students kicked off the day with the UTHS marching band, filling our school with energy and excitement. Throughout the day, students engaged in various learning activities centered around our theme of Going for the Gold. Even though this is a one day event, we encourage our students to Go for the Gold each day in the classroom.
These moments of joy and achievement truly reflect the spirit of our school community! Enjoy some pictures captured during our special day!
UTHS Marching Band
Students playing Olympic themed games in PE!
Wells Staff ready to support all our students in learning!
Important Dates
- Early Dismissal: Please remember that we will have an early dismissal on October 4th.
- Fall Break: Our Fall Break will take place from October 4th to October 14th. Enjoy this time with your family!
- End of Quarter: The end of the quarter is on October 18th. Report cards will go home the following week.
Community Partner
This school year, with McLaughlin Subaru and Subaru Loves Learning, each grade level at Wells Elementary school received $500 for "Adopt a Classroom" event. Our classroom teachers are able to purchase learning materials and supplies to enrich the learning environment. Thank you Subaru!