Tiger Prints

Winfield School District 34
Where Learning is Personal
Friday, September 20, 2024
From the Principal
As we enter the sixth week of school, our fall sports teams are in the heart of their seasons, and we're proud of the hard work and dedication they're showing both on and off the field. Whether on the court or in the classroom, our students are giving their best effort, and we continue to encourage them to keep pushing forward with determination and team spirit. We are grateful for the support of our families, who play a crucial role in helping our student-athletes balance their academic and extracurricular commitments.
At this point in the school year, it's clear that the most impactful way to ensure our students have the best experience at school is through a strong partnership between home and school. We recognize parents and guardians' important role in fostering success, whether by reinforcing positive habits, ensuring consistent attendance, or helping students stay organized and prepared. By working together, we can create a unified support system that allows our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Your involvement is critical to making "Where Learning is Personal" a daily reality for every student, and we look forward to continuing this partnership throughout the year.
Test Scores going home this week!
• MAP Growth Scores (All students) provide insights into your student’s reading and math progress, helping families and teachers understand where they are and how to support their growth.
• IAR Individual Student Report (ISR) (Third through 8th grade only) highlights their performance in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, giving a clearer picture of their academic progress.
• Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) (Only Current 6th Grade Students) The Illinois Science Assessment assesses progress of students meeting the Illinois Learning Standards in Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Starting school on time - Please be prompt!
Regular school hours are from 8:20 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Students should not arrive on school grounds before 8:10 a.m. Staff supervision of students is not available prior to 8:10 a.m.
Upcoming Events
PTO & WEF News
LAST CHANCE to order Spirit Wear!
Show your Tiger pride on Fridays (or any day!) with our spirit wear! We’ve extended the sale! Today is your last chance to order spirit wear for this school year! Check out the online store here!
Thank you for your donations!
Thank you to all the families that donated snacks and appetizers for the teachers on curriculum nights and candy for the teachers lounge! There will be other opportunities throughout the school year to donate items. We really appreciate your support!
Volunteers Needed for Student Directory!
We are still looking for a few more volunteers to help with folding and stapling the student directory. This project will happen at the end of September and days/times will be determined to fit with the volunteers’ schedules. If you are interested in helping, please sign up here.
Community Spotlight:
Lions Panzek Martial Arts Open House
Join our partners at Lions Panzek Martial Arts this Saturday from 1-4pm for martial arts intro classes, touch a truck by the Winfield Fire Department, Stranger Danger presentation by the WFPD, prizes, snacks, and an incredible enrollment special (parents need to be present to take advantage of the one day only enrollment special)! Check out the flyer in our virtual backpack or go here.
Winfield Public Library-Retirement Celebration for Miss Nuccia Winfield Public Library’s beloved children’s librarian Nuccia Choate has retired after 27 years of service. During that time she has instilled a love of reading and libraries in hundreds of Winfield children and families through storytime, crafts, and special programs. Her enthusiasm, kindness, and creativity helped make the Library welcoming to every child in our community. Please join community members in the meeting room at the Winfield Public Library this Saturday, September 21 between 10:00 a.m. and noon for fun and refreshments as we wish her well. There will be opportunities to take photos with Miss Nuccia and share your favorite stories.
Thanks for your support!
Kelly Kurzer, PTO President
Mary Campbell, PTO Vice President
Lesley Gena, WEF President
Gina Christensen, WEF Vice President
Half Day PTO Social
Thanks to all that joined us for the half day social last Friday at Founders Park!
Primary Team Scoop
Our second graders have been busy exploring a unit on communities. We’re creating community flipbooks by writing and drawing about the various communities to which we belong. For example, each of us belongs in neighborhood, school family, and Winfield communities. They’ve learned that people in communities live, work, and play together. In our school family we support each other which helps all of us to do our best!
Intermediate Team News
This week in 3rd grade, the students began to explore the purpose of local governments and practiced the scientific method in science. 4th grade began researching chipmunk appearance, behavior, and habitat for their first essay of the year. They practiced integrating many sources of information such as websites, infographics, fiction stories, and even a poem for research. 5th grade began engaging in close reading, analyzing specific parts of texts to determine deeper meanings. Students also developed topics and subtopics for their first informational essay of the year.
Middle School Stories
Middle school students have been exploring energy transformations in science class. They investigated six different learning stations with hands on materials. A favorite was a memory wire that returns to its original shape when heated. The students also enjoyed experimenting with glow sticks, making a battery with an apple and observing chemical reactions.
Information You Need to Know
This Spring there will be three seats for the Winfield 34 Board of Education up for election. Our school board guides our strategic focus for the district and helps ensure that our school district works towards helping our students learn and grow. For individuals interested in running for the school board, here is the 2025 Candidate’s Guide for Elections in Illinois. The Election Day will be Tuesday, April 1st, 2025. Board of Education member information is on page 52 of the candidate guide. Here is a link to the petitions and to the statement of candidacy. Paper packets are also available from Amy Watson in the Winfield Primary Office. Candidates need at least 50 signatures on their petitions. The signature gathering window is officially open. Petitions can be filed between November 12th and 18th at the Du Page County Clerks office.