Northside Elementary School
August 12-16, 2024
Hi Cougar family,
We finished our first full week with Aloha spirit and fun. A big shout-out to all of our students and staff who showed their school spirit in their best luau gear! We will continue to have school spirit dress up days. Keep an eye on our parent and class newsletters and social media.
As we continue to work through our morning arrival routines in our car rider lines, please review the reminders below:
- Please seat your child on the RIGHT side of the car in order to help them get out safely.
- Please make sure your students are prepared and have items secured and ready to exit the car prior to entering the car line in the morning.
- Please wait until an adult comes to open the door of the car to make sure all students exit safely.
Other reminders:
Please make sure that all items belonging to your student(s) are labeled with their name. This includes sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes and water bottles.
We definitely know that mornings are a hard time for everyone, but let's work together to make it run as smoothly as possible.
This week, we will host two parent volunteer training sessions for those parents either interested in volunteering in our classrooms, Champ's Reading Club on Tuesdays, or if they would like to join us on field trips. This a county requirement and must be completed every year. Ms. Sally Brass, our counselor, will host the following sessions in the cafeteria:
- August 13th (Tuesday) at 9:00am
- August 15th (Thursday) at 1:30pm.
If you have specific questions, please contact Ms. Sally at sally.brass@cowetaschools.net.
As always, thank you for sending your child to us each day. Our mission is Nurturing, Educating, and Serving. We hope you and your family have an amazing week!
NES Admin Team
We Love Math!
5th Grade
Mrs. Buzard's students collaborating to solve their math problems.
4th Grade
Mrs. Trammell's students are using a memory game to support expanded notation!
2nd Grade
Mrs. Merry's class taking on the math facts fluency challenge using Kahoot!
Upcoming Events
August 13- Volunteer Training at 9:00am in cafeteria
August 15- Chick Fil-A Spirit Night
- Volunteer Training at 1:30pm in cafeteria
August 16- 1st Grade Dozen Day Celebration
August 22- Title 1 Annual Meeting 5:45pm
Curriculum Night (6:00-7:00pm)
- Volunteer Training at 5:30pm
August 27- Champ's Reading Club (Volunteers needed each Tuesday- Click this link to sign up)
August 30- College Game Day Spirit Day (dress in your favorite college team gear/colors)
September 6 All Pro Dads-7:15am/PT0- 8:15am (cafeteria)
September 2- Labor Day (no school)
September 4- Book Fair Begins
September 6- All Pro Dads at 7:15am followed by PTO Meeting (8:15AM)
September 9-13 (Grandparents Week during breakfast)
- September 9- Pre-K and Kindergarten
- September 10- 1st Grade
- September 11- 2nd Grade
- September 12-3rd and 4th Grade
- September 13- 5th Grade
IMPORTANT- Northside Parent Remind
It is extremely important that all parents sign up for our school's text service to receive school information correspondence including, severe weather, school closing, and school emergency updates. To date, we have only 77 parents signed up. Please see the graphic above to sign up.
Thank you!
Champ's Reading Club
In support of our school-wide literacy initiative, we will be sponsoring a Champ's Reading Club Volunteer opportunity each Tuesday. Our goal is to provide our students with an opportunity to read their selected book aloud to a volunteer. We have times set for 90 minute blocks to cover two grade levels. We encourage parents, grandparents, and community members to volunteer. Volunteers must complete our volunteer training (see dates below).Please CLICK THIS LINK to sign up for your weekly time slot, and we look forward to seeing you soon. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Addison, the principal, at amy.addison@cowetaschools.net or call the school at 770-254-2896.
Volunteer Training
There are many ways to volunteer at Northside. Our staff needs help making copies, working with students, hanging displays in the hallway, shelving books in the media center, and helping with special events, such as on a Field Trip or on Field Day. In order to be able to volunteer at any school in the Coweta County School System, you must complete a required volunteer training. We are offering this training on the following days in August :
- Tuesday, August 13th at 9:00am
- Thursday, August 15th at 1:30pm (Cafeteria)
- Thursday, August 22nd at 5:30pm (Cafeteria-Title I Curriculum Night).
The training will take less than 30 minutes.
Title 1 Annual Meeting and Curriculum Night!
Save the Date- August 22nd (6:00pm)
We will have our Title 1 Annual Meeting and Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 22nd. We encourage all parents to attend this important evening. This is a night where you will find out more about what your child is learning. The volunteer training will begin at 5:30pm, however, Title 1 Annual Meeting at 5:45pm with the Curriculum meeting to follow at 6:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hello everyone!
- *A huge thank you to everyone that attended our first PTO and All Pro Dads meetings!! We had a great turn out at both and are excited for a wonderful year with parent involvement!
- Watch for big changes happening on the playground!
- Spirit Night at Chick fil a this week - August 15th
- Next PTO and All Pro Dads will be Sept 6th at 7:15am and 8:15am respectively
- Check out our Raise Right gift card program? This is the link:
Northside enrollment code is : IJMHFZELSSYB
Board Officers for 2024-2025 School Year:
President- Chad Cowart
Vice President- Montana Farmer
Treasurer- Kim Chance
Secretary- Claire Fishburne
Social Media Coordinator-Julie Harrison
Also, our Cougar Spirit Wear is now available- Click HERE to access.
We have Cougar hats and many design options. Most designs come in youth, adult, short sleeve, long sleeve and some are pullovers.
Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to seeing all our Cougars show their spirit!
Wishing you all the best year ever!
Many blessings,
Northside PTO
PTO Cougar Spirit Wear
All Pro Dad is a program of Family First. Our chapter at Northside originated last year and is led by Nick Miller, PTO member, and Mr. Donte Miller, our Assistant Principal. This program allows our dads to spend time with their children and review a variety topics. All Pro Dads meets on the first Friday of each month in the Media Center at 7:15am. For more information, please contact Mr. Donte Miller at donte.miller@cowetaschools.net or Nick Miller at nickmiller04@gmail.com. All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you at our next session on Friday, August 9th.
Free Child's Success Seminar from Championship Martial Arts
Attention parents! We have an incredible opportunity for your child to excel in academics and build essential life skills. Join Championship Martial Arts for a FREE Child's Success Seminar and set your children up for good grades and a great school year!
Don't miss out on this empowering event! Reserve your child's spot today and give them a head start on the path to success. Limited spaces available!
Click the link below to secure your child's seat at the FREE Child's Success Seminar and watch them soar to new heights! https://forms.gle/MiMKfrTY1qmK1pa7A
Let's equip our children with the skills they need to thrive academically, mentally, and emotionally. Together, we can shape a brighter future! Please contact Lisa Guadalupe at lgcmanewnan@gmail.com for more information.
School Nutrition
Medication Drop Off
If your child has any medications that need to be administered at school, please contact Nurse Ashley (ashley.washington@cowetaschools.net) You can fill out the paperwork and drop off medications with her.
Connect to Northside
Ways to Get Information About What's Happening at School
Your child's teacher is your best source for what's happening in your child's classroom. Teachers use email, Class Dojo, Remind Texts, newsletters, agendas, and phone calls as ways to communicate with families.
You can also find school-wide information in the following ways:
- school website - nes.cowetaschools.net
- SCHOOL REMIND TEXT -Text @ @b37e7kb to 81010 to join the school's text service to receive all school information correspondence including, severe weather, school closing, and school emergency updates.
- Northside's Facebook- Northside Elementary-Coweta County
- Northside's Instagram-nes_cougars
- Northside's PTO Facebook Page - Northside Elementary PTO - @NESNewnan
Keeping Our Students Safe at School is Our Top Priority
Northside has strong safety protocols in place, and our staff and students will practice these protocols throughout the year. It is important to remember that safety is a shared responsibility. We ask that all of our families and visitors adhere to our strict guidelines for safety when they visit our school to volunteer, attend conferences, or eat lunch. The only door that will be unlocked at the school is the front door going into the office. Once you enter the building, you will be asked to sign in using your ID. You will receive a Visitor's Badge, and someone will walk you to your volunteer area. When you are in the building, we ask that you stay in your volunteer area, meeting room, or in the lunchroom. The only visitors who should go to a classroom are those who are scheduled to volunteer on that day. Finally, no visitors will be allowed to use our students' bathrooms. We have adult bathrooms for all staff and visitors.
We hope you understand the reasons for our safety protocol and will help us by adhering to them throughout the year. There is nothing more important to all of us than the safety of our students.
Fall Gifted Referral Period- August 5th-30th
Referral Period for testing into the Gifted (REACH) Program is according to the schedule below:
Gifted Referral Period
Referral Period for testing into the Gifted (REACH) Program is according to the schedule below:
Elementary 1st – 5th Grade
August 5th- 30th, 2024
Paperwork should be requested from and returned to the local school.
Please contact the REACH teacher, Laura Crymes (laura.crymes@cowetaschools.net) for additional information.