Ryan's Weekly Family Update
Message from the Principal
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year. We are so excited for the school year to begin.
Below is some information to help with our schoolwide routines and procedures.
Weekly Update Every Monday
Please take time to read our weekly announcements (sent via email every Monday, it is on a Tuesday this week)) which include important news, events and information. It is our primary source of communication. In support of our Green Star School, we communicate mainly through email and the Ryan Website. Individual teachers will also send out additional updates and communication.
There is a TRANSLATE and ACCESSIBILITY feature for every newsletter communication that is sent from the main office.
Stay Connected With Ryan’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Visit the PTA Website for current information on activities, volunteer opportunities and events!
At Ryan, students may eat breakfast in the cafeteria every morning from 7:35-7:55 a.m. (8:35-8:55 a.m. on Wednesdays).
If students finish eating before the first bell rings, they will walk outside to line up with their class.
If students finish after the first bell rings, students will walk to their classroom from the cafeteria through the inside hallways.
Arriving to School
Buses arrive at 7:40 a.m. and this is when supervision begins every day.
On Wednesdays, buses arrive at 8:40 a.m. and this is when supervision begins.
Students that arrive before this time are not being supervised by Ryan Elementary Staff.
When students arrive in the morning, they line up outside of their classrooms. We do not have supervision to monitor recess in the morning. The supervision we provide monitors students in their lines outside their classroom doors.
We do not have enough staff in the morning to supervise before-school recess. We ask that students line up and wait outside their classroom door. If a parent/guardian is present with the student, this adult may supervise their child’s playtime before school.
If the student is not already in line when the first bell rings at 7:47/8:47 a.m., they should line-up. Teachers will open the classroom doors and greet students at 7:50/8:50 a.m., when the second bell rings. Morning announcements begin at 7:53/8:53 a.m. daily.
Wednesdays Late Start
Late start care is provided for students by Ryan Elementary Paraeducators beginning at 7:40 a.m. on Wednesdays. Parents are required to sign their student in each week for this childcare no later than 7:50 a.m.
Inclement Weather at School Arrival
In the event that we are unable to have students outside before the first bell rings in the morning, we will bring students inside and have them wait in different locations.
There will be a 12 foot purple flag outside in two locations (in the front by marquee and on the field area by intermediate playground). The purple flag means that students need to come straight into the building as they arrive in the morning. When possible, an email will be sent out to families notifying that we are inside in the morning by 7:30 a.m.
Arriving Late to School (Tardy Policy)
Being on time to school allows your child to begin the day relaxed and ready to learn. Please make arriving on time a priority to help your child be part of community-building activities including announcements and classroom morning meetings that occur first thing in the morning.
Outside classroom doors may be closed at 7:51/8:51 a.m. If your child arrives after this, the student must enter the school through the main office and check in there.
Students will be marked tardy beginning at 7:55 a.m. (8:55 a.m. on Wednesdays). This is right after school wide announcements end. They are usually from 7:53 to 7:55 a.m. On Wednesdays, students watch a short video for announcements.
If you know your child will be late to school, please call the office by 8:05 a.m. so they are not marked absent. Teachers are expected to complete attendance by 8:00 a.m. and after lunch/recess unless it’s a special circumstance and we extend the attendance period (i.e. inclement weather and buses are running late).
Staying After School/Alternative Plans After School
There is no supervision for students before 7:40 a.m. and after 2:50 p.m.
End of day plan changes should be limited to emergencies only and called in to the school by 2:40 p.m. We can not guarantee that we will be able to contact your child if you notify us of a change after this time.
Students are encouraged to head home directly after school as we do not have supervision after school. Please encourage your child to come to the main office if they are not sure where they should go after school or they need assistance.
Daily Attendance
Please help your child develop good attendance habits. Research shows that missing just two days per month severely impacts reading and math growth. To make expected academic and social emotional gains, students should be at school at a rate of 95% or more. Habits developed in elementary school often carry over into middle school and high school.
If your child will be absent:
Please let us know online via Infinite Campus OR call Ryan’s attendance line at 720-561-7002 by 8:05 a.m. If your student is arriving late, please note that in the comments section online. Always notify the office of an absence or late arrival, not just the classroom teacher.
Attendance - Ryan Elementary School. Please include the following information in your voice message: your name, student’s name, grade & teacher, and the reason for the absence.
As a safety precaution, all primary contacts of students marked as unaccounted absences will receive notification by BVSD’s automated attendance system to verify a child’s absence. Promptly calling in absences and tardies will prevent your home or workplace from being disturbed.
If at all possible, make every attempt to schedule doctor and dentist appointments before or after the school day, as this tends to take away from a student’s learning time. If your child does have a medical appointment, providing us with documentation helps us code these absences properly.
Automated calls are made by 9:00 a.m. for students who are marked as “unexcused absence”.
Procedures and information about student absences are explain in the March 2024 Revised Board Policy, JH and Attendance & Engagement - Boulder Valley School District
Protocol for Early Pick Up
For the protection and safety of students, BVSD elementary schools have adopted a closed campus policy. This means that a student may not leave the school grounds during the day unless the parent/guardian comes to the main office to check out their child. The office will call the classroom and have the child meet the parent/guardian at the front entrance.
If your child returns before the school day is over, you will need to check your child back in.
Please let the teacher know ahead of time if your child will be leaving school early.
We are unable to release your child(ren) early with anyone other than a parent/guardian unless the parent/guardian has contacted the school first.
In this Update you will find:
- Back to School Events
- Ryan School Hours
- School Supply Donation
- Kindergarten Information
- Preschool Information
- Parent Engagement Network Invitation
- SAC Adventure Camp Information
- Message from the Health Room
- Bus Information
- BVSD Messenger Notification Details
- PTA Update
- Volunteer Opportunities & Process Details
- Attendance Information
- Ryan's LOST & FOUND
- 2024-25 Calendar Links
- If you have an immediate need, please call the main office at 720.561.7000
Back to School Events
First Day of School: The first day of school for all 1st-5th graders will be Wednesday, August 14th. There will NOT be a late start on this day.
Kindergarten Welcome Days: Wednesday, August 14th-Friday, August 16th. All kinder students will attend a half day. A separate email will be sent to kindergarten families.
- August 21: First Wednesday Late Start for all students
- August 27: BVSD Assessment Day-students attend classes
- August 28: Back to School Night 5:00-6:15 PM
- August 28: 5th Grade Outdoor Education Parent Meeting 6:20-6:50 PM
- September 11th, 12th and 13th: 5th grade students have Outdoor Education at Calwood
Fall 2024 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, October 16th
Thursday, October 17th
Tuesday, October 22nd
Spring 2025 Parent Teacher Conferences:
Wednesday, February 19th
Thursday, February 20th
Tuesday, February 25th
Ryan School Hours
2024-25 Ryan Elementary School Hours for K-5th
Beginning in August 2021, BVSD moved to a new daily schedule. All elementary schools now have a seven-hour school day four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) with the same start and end times.
On Wednesdays there will be a district-wide 1-hour late start for all schools. This will allow professional learning time for teachers. The district will provide student supervision for elementary and PK-8 schools during this time if it is needed.
Ryan Elementary School Hours:
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:50 AM-2:50 PM
Wednesday: 8:50 AM-2:50 PM
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays
The first bell rings at 7:47, second bell at 7:50.
Students that arrive after 7:50 will need to check in at the main office if their classroom door has closed.
Buses will run on the late start schedule on these days.
On Wednesdays, the first bell rings at 8:47, second bell at 8:50.
Students that arrive after 8:50 on Wednesdays will need to check in at the main office and will be considered tardy.
Teachers are in professional learning on Wednesdays during the late start and will not be available during this time.
School Supplies Donation
School Supplies
The school supplies for K-5 include the following for the 2024-25 School Year:
Full Sized Backpack
Water Bottle with name on it
$45 Donation You can donate by clicking here or with cash or check written to Ryan Elementary
If you are in need of support with school supplies, please reach out to our community liaisons, Miriam Wright miriam.wright@bvsd.org, Lili Luces liliana.luces@bvsd.org or call the front office.
2024-25 Kindergarten Information
AM Kindergarten Welcome Days Group
If your child is in the AM group, they will attend school from 7:50-10:45 on August 14th, 15th, and 16th. Please drop-off and pick-up your child in person on the half-days, unless you have notified us otherwise. We will meet outside of the kindergarten classrooms to the left of the main doors and in front of the preschool playground. Students will be given a nametag and a color group for the day. When the bell rings at 7:50, we will read a poem and wave goodbye to families before heading inside for a morning of kindergarten fun. Please send a water bottle and a snack with your child. Sack lunches will be provided to the families who requested them as we dismiss students out of the same doors at 10:45.
PM Kindergarten Welcome Days Group
If your child is in the PM group, they will attend school from 11:50-2:45 on August 14th, 15th, and 16th. Please drop-off and pick-up your child in person on the half-days, unless you have notified us otherwise. We will meet outside of the kindergarten classrooms to the left of the main doors and in front of the preschool playground. Students will be given a nametag and a color group for the day. At 11:50, we will read a poem and wave goodbye to families before heading inside for an afternoon of kindergarten fun. Please send a water bottle and a snack with your child. Sack lunches will be provided to the students who requested them when they arrive. Students will be dismissed out of the same doors at 2:45.
Our first three days of school will be filled with engaging activities and connection opportunities that will allow our teaching team to get to know students and for students to get to know each other while becoming comfortable in their new school environment. Official class placements and teacher assignments will be available in Infinite Campus by 4pm on Friday, August 16th, and students will begin full days with their classroom teacher on Monday, August 19th. Our Incoming Kindergarten Website is full of great information! Please make sure to also read through our digital Welcome Packet and fill out our Ryan Kindergarten Family Survey.
Ryan Welcome Days for Preschool Fall 2024
Ryan Welcome Days For Preschool Fall 2024
August 15th:
Morning cohort open house 8:00-8:45 or 9:00-9:45
Afternoon cohort open house 1:00-1:45 or 2:00-2:45
Our preschool teacher will contact families with a sign-up sheet to determine which session students and families will attend.
August 16th - Ryan preschool playground playdate 8:00-8:45 am for morning and afternoon classes.
Auguest 27th - NO SCHOOL for Preschool. This is a professional development day for Preschool Teachers.
If you are needing information for Universal Preschool click here.
Parent Engagement Network BVSD Representatives Invite you to . . .
New to the Ryan Elementary community? Have your kids been attending Ryan for years but looking to connect with other parents? The Parent Coffee Connection and Welcome Group plans to meet monthly this year. The first meeting is September 11th at 9 am at Otis Coffee, 400 W South Boulder Rd #1100 Lafayette (inside The District). Questions? Contact Stephanie Krucher at skrucher@outlook.com
School After Care Program
The following is information for non-student contact day for families needing it. We call these, Adventure Camp Days:
24-25 Adventure Camp Dates (website here; registration opens on the first day of school)
September 30th, October 14th, November 25th - 26th, January 2nd - 6th, February 18th, March 24th - March 28th, April 18th and April 21st
Hours 7:30am - 4:30pm
News From the Health Room
If your child needs medication at school, Our healthroom para, Chrystal Terhune will be available to check in the medications with you. You will need Doctor's orders and the Medication Authorization form as well.
Forms must be updated each school-year and accompany the medication in the original packing and not expired.
Please read the following information from BVSD Health Services:
BVSD students may receive medications at school according to the following protocols:
- Medications (over-the-counter OR prescription) may not be in the personal possession of students except for those with written authorization from a health care provider and the School Nurse
- A completed Medication Administration Authorization form must be submitted for each prescription or over-the-counter medication that will be administered at school. This form is available from your school’s Health Room and on the BVSD website: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1564117558/bvsdorg/yntwuiyeformgsqqfe49/MedicationAuthorizat ionForm72019.pdf
- A new authorization form must be completed each year for each medication.
- Medications must be delivered to the health room or office staff by an adult.
- Prescription medications supplied by the student’s parent/guardian must be in the pharmacy supplied container and clearly labeled for the student.
- Non-prescription, “over-the-counter” medications must be in the original container and clearly labeled for the student.
- It is the responsibility of the parent to obtain all unused medication from the school, at the end of the school year all unclaimed medications will be disposed of.
Parents may always come to school and administer medication to their child.
Feel free to reach out to Miss Chrystal, our Health Room Aide, with any questions or concerns at chrystal.terhune@bvsd.org OR 720.561.7009.
School Bus Information
You will need to register if you'd like your child to take the bus for the 2024-25 School year.
For assistance with transportation inquiries please contact transportation@bvsd.org or 720-561-5120.
BVSD's School Messenger support and notifications
Boulder Valley School District recently tested their emergency alert system.
The test alert included a phone call, text message and email to those opted in to receive BVSD Communications.
Users can adjust their communication preferences as desired via these instructions.
If you did not receive a text message, and would like to opt-in to receive text messages from the district and schools through SchoolMessenger, opting-in is a two-step process:
- The person's cell phone number must be in a cell phone field in Infinite Campus (students/parents) or Infor/Lawson (employees).
- They then send a text message from their cell phone to “67587” with the word “yes” in the message. They may opt-out at any time by texting “STOP” to 67587.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is a fun, simple way to get involved within the Ryan community. We have all sorts of opportunities to get involved. Whether you volunteer regularly in your teacher’s classroom or bring treats and coffee to teachers for late start or volunteer for the upcoming book fair, the impact can be huge. Not only does it benefit the school but it benefits your kids and families in our community as well!
Please take a moment to explore this link: https://www.bvsd.org/parents-students/get-involved/volunteers you may need the Raptor check or CBI Background fingerprint check. These are both good for 12 months.
Volunteers and field trip chaperones should be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times. Line-of-sight can be through a transparent wall or door. For volunteers, partners, or field trip chaperones who will not be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times – CBI fingerprint check required through a third party vendor, paid by the volunteer/partner/school AND volunteer must sign a BVSD volunteer agreement (Spanish).
Please see the Volunteer/Visitor FAQ and the Volunteers/Visitors Flowchart for additional details.
Click here to see what opportunities we have available Help at School
We appreciate your help! Thanks!
Attendance Announcement
If your child has an appointment during school hours, please ask the medical office for a school excuse note and bring it to the Ryan office.
To report your child's absences, please enter it through your Parent Portal or call the Attendance Line 720.561.7002 and remember to include the REASON FOR THE ABSENCE!
We understand sometimes our students need to be out for an extended period of time. We ask, if you know your child will be out for more than 3 days, to please fill out this form in addition to reporting the absence through the portal or attendance line.
Good habits start early! Research shows regular attendance at school has a DRAMATIC impact on student progress. Please see the How Sick Is To Sick policies and PLEASE read this helpful document explaining some new attendance policies from BVSD this school year.
Our Lost and Found bin is clean and beautiful but will soon be overflowing!
PLEASE remember to label your child's items, it helps us to get the items back to the owner and limits the large amount of items in our lost and found bin that does get donated several times a school year.
Please come and check Lost & Found, located in the vestibule outside of the office, often once school begins!
If you have any questions please be sure to reach out!
Ryan Elementary STEAM School
Website: https://rye.bvsd.org/
Location: 1405 Centaur Village Drive, Lafayette, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanElemSTEAM