Cougar Connection
August 16, 2024
Message from the Principal
LKMS Families,
We had a wonderful start to the school year! The first week brought lots of energy, excitement, and fun. It has been a blast watching the kids make new friends, get to know new teachers, and already start learning new things. It was also great to welcome the parents to LKMS last night for our Back to School Night. Thank you for trusting us with your awesome kids. We can't wait to see all the things that this year brings!
Dr. Lisa Stolper
LKMS FAQ's 24-25
Please find answers to some of your LKMS Frequently Asked Questions for the 2024-25 school year HERE.
Register and Pay Fees for the 24-25 School Year
***Please note that if you are not registered or have not paid fees by Cougar Connection on August 6, your child will not be able to get their assigned locker until these steps are completed***
Middle school registration for the 2024-25 school year is open and online now for current students and families. Registration is required annually and is the time to update your child’s information (phone, email, emergency contacts, health information, etc.) and pay fees. At this time, you have access to pay all required fees with the exception of course fees. Course fees will be assigned in August when schedules are completed.
Completing registration now confirms that your child will attend school in August and helps the district determine staffing/hiring needs in a timely manner. Thank you for providing important information and parent permissions as part of the registration process. For more information about registration, visit
Annual Assessment Notice
Now that the school year is off and running, you can find a little more information around district and state assessments in 2024-25. Please click here to view the district assessment webpage, which contains a link to the 2024-25 Annual Assessment Notice.
LKMS Spirit Wear
Order your 24-25 LKMS Spirit Wear. Here is a link to the Lakewood Middle Spirit Wear Store. The store is open through August 25th.
Interested in a carpool?
If you are interested in finding a carpool for the 24-25 school year, please visit the link below. You can add your information and get in touch with interested families who live in your neighborhood or nearby. Please note that this will be not managed by the school. However, we are happy to help connect you through this master list!
School Supply Lists
To view the school supply lists for the 24-25 school year, please visit the Lakewood Middle School website at this link.
Cell Phone/Wireless Headphone Policy 24-25
The school day is an important academic, social and emotional learning environment. Cell phones and air pods create an interference in the school environment – yet we see the number of students with electronics at school continue to increase.
- This school year we will clearly communicate to students that cell phones are to be out of sight and turned off/silenced from 7:51am – 3:00pm.
- Air Pods and wireless headphones will not be permitted during school hours this year. Students can use wired headphones with their Chromebooks to complete class assignments and work.
- If a student has their phone or air pods out - or is using their phone or air pods without explicit permission from a teacher – the phone will be taken from the student and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
- Repeated issues will likely bring additional disciplinary action.
- If you have a critical or urgent message for your student, please call 913-239-5800 and our office staff will deliver the message.
- Any text messages received by your student during the school day can be read at 3:00 PM.
- Ultimately, we want our kids to be focused on the academic, social, and emotional learning we work hard to provide and limit the distractions that cell phones bring.
Late Arrivals Policy
It is essential that students arrive on time to school so they can be present for all instruction. The following policy will be implemented for students who arrive tardy to 1st hour:
- Teachers begin their classes at 7:51 and every late arrival creates an interruption that takes away from the learning environment - and students often miss key instructional elements when they arrive late.
- We will closely track tardies (beginning the week of August 19). When a student reaches their 4th late arrival to school a notification email will be sent to parents. On the 5th late arrival (and subsequent late arrivals) the student will be assigned a morning or afternoon detention to be served within the same week.
- The tally for tardies will reset each quarter.
Arrival and Dismissal
Please note the attached map which details the front circle drive car line process. There are two car lines that you can utilize for drop off and pick-up.
Students should NOT be dropped off or picked up in the south parking lot – this area is for busses and staff parking only.
Arrival details:
- Pull forward as far as you can along the curb before dropping off your student – if everyone stops at the front door to let out your student, morning carline will take hours!
- The building will be open for students beginning at 7:20 am but there will not be adult supervision until 7:30 am.
- Prior to 7:45, 6th graders will wait in the commons and 7th and 8th graders wait in the gym. Breakfast is available for all students in the cafeteria before school as well.
- Students will be released to the pods at 7:45 am.
Dismissal details:
We do our best to keep the car line moving. Please be patient with your fellow drivers – our kids are watching! Please pull all the way forward (fill in the gaps along the curb) before your student gets in the vehicle.
- Students should ONLY enter vehicles that are along the yellow curb next to our sidewalk.
- If you choose to park in order to avoid the car line, you will need to get out of your car and come get your student. We cannot allow students to walk through the parking lot without an adult.
- The first week is the busiest – once athletics and after-school events begin, things tend to settle into a nice flow – your patience with the process (and other drivers) is appreciated.
- If you want to wait less, consider picking up your student around 3:15 – by then the line is mostly gone.
- Rainy days and Fridays are the slowest for the carline.
Info for Bus Riders
PTO News
Would you like to know how to support the LKMS Community? Please consider making a donation to the LKMS PTO Support Fund. The donations that are collected are used to support the majority of events that are held at LKMS. These events include teacher and staff appreciation events, teacher grants, scholarships, and various other student activities that are held throughout the year. The recommended donation amount per family is $80, but any amount you can donate is appreciated. When you donate to the LKMS PTO Support Fund, you automatically become a member of the PTO and will have access to the online student directory. You can donate either in ParentVue under fees or on the PTO Membership Toolkit website at
Please note that your donation is tax deductible and you will receive an emailed receipt from the PTO. Please reach out to the PTO if you have any questions at Thank you so much for your consideration.
Homework Help
Homework help will be available starting on Monday, August 26 on Mondays and Wednesdays in the library from 3:05 PM-4:00 PM. This is time dedicated for students to get help from an adult and work on homework. Students must stay the entire time. Spanish help is available on Thursday. Please see the flier below for more details.
Athletic Participation Packets 24-25
Registration for Activities and Athletics is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Use this LINK for directions and helpful information. Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2024. Anyone who is planning to participate in a fall sport must complete the required paperwork prior to attending the first practice. Practices for fall sports begin on Monday, August 19. Students must have all paperwork completed and uploaded to R School prior to Monday in order to participate in the first day of practice,
Reach out to Dylan Owings ( if you have any questions.
Cross Country Information
Cougar Cross Country wants YOU!!
Any 7th and 8th grader is eligible to run!
We will meet in the library immediately after school and then head out to the track on Monday, August 19th. We will go over the guidelines, answer questions and run a mile, so make sure you bring your gear. At 4 pm we will have an optional parent meeting in the library to discuss expectations, guidelines and procedures. This meeting should only last about 10-15 minutes.
Lunch Accounts
Ready to setup your lunch account for the 24-25 school year? Please visit the BV food services website for instructions on how to setup an account and add lunch money for your student. You may also send your student with a check or cash on the first day of school.
District News
Share priorities as Blue Valley refreshes its strategic plan
The 2024-25 school year is an exciting time in Blue Valley Schools as we have the opportunity to look to the future while refreshing our strategic plan.
Your input is invaluable as we prioritize the goals and initiatives that will guide us through 2030. This survey is your chance to voice what you believe should be our top priorities, ensuring that our plan reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.
💻 2025-30 Strategic Plan Survey (3-5 minute survey)
The survey will remain open through Aug. 21. For more information about the strategic planning process, visit
Jaguar Youth Development Basketball Program
This program is open to 4th-8th Grade Boys attending BVW feeder schools.
Registration is open now through Tuesday September 3.
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 19
- Cheer practice 7:00-7:45 AM (Alderman's room)
- Fastbridge testing for 6th and 7th grade (in ELA classes)
- Play auditions
- Volleyball practice begins
- Football practice begins
- Cross country practice begins
Tuesday, August 20
- Cheer practice 7:00-7:45 AM (Alderman's room)
- Fastbridge testing for 8th grade (in ELA classes)
- iReady testing in math (6th grade)
- Play auditions
- Volleyball practice
- Football practice
- Cross country practice
- AI Club 3:10-4:00 PM (Room 161)
- Band Parent Info Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM (Room 133)
Wednesday, August 21
- iReady testing in math (6th, 7th, 8th grades)
- Volleyball practice
- Football practice
- Cross country practice (6:30-7:10 AM)
- Garden Club 3:15-4:00 PM (Room 106)
Thursday, August 22
- iReady testing in math (6th, 7th, 8th grades)
- Volleyball practice
- Football practice
- Cross country practice
Friday, August 23
- Cheer practice 7:00-7:45 AM
- iReady testing in math (6th, 7th, 8th grades)
- Volleyball practice
- Football practice
- Cross country practice (6:30-7:10 AM)
Helpful Documents
These messages are sent from an unmonitored account. If you have specific questions, please email Lisa Stolper ( or Dylan Owings (