Healthy Eating Grade 10
Read, Click, Watch your way to Healthy Eating
By the end of this unit you will have completed:
- My Food Diary Worksheet (submit)
- My Placemat Worksheet (submit)
- Discuss different types of diets and complete the Comparing Diets Worksheet (submit)
- Watch Food Inc. discuss and complete the Reflection Questions Worksheet (submit)
- Eating Influences Worksheet (submit)
- Read Myth or Fact on Energy Drinks
- Watch Body Image and the Media and participated in follow up discussion
- What I Eat Summative (submit)
- Survey and Presentation about student healthy eating
What do you eat daily?
Why do eat what you do (hunger, activities, training, craving)?
Where do you eat (home, school, work, restaurants, on the go)?
Complete MY FOOD DIARY WORKSHEET and submit.
Use the serving size charts below to analyze your consumption.
Different Types of Diets
People make a variety of dietary choices for a variety of reasons, such as concerns for the treatment of animals, food allergies, desire to eat locally grown food, or the desire to be more energetic or to maintain a healthy body weight.
How Consistent are these diet with the recommendations in the Canada Food Guide?
Complete the COMPARING DIETS WORKSHEET and submit
• What’s easier to find where you live: fresh fruit and vegetables or fast food and chips/ soda? Why is that? Has it always been this way?
• How far from your house do you have to travel to purchase fresh food? How far do you have to travel to get to a fast food restaurant or liquor store?
• What, if any, are the biggest obstacles to getting healthy food in your community (e.g. cost, distance, time, etc.)?
• Think about the last three meals you ate. How is this food different from what your grandparents might have eaten 50 years ago?
• What are some of the most serious health problems in your community (prompt by listing a few potential examples)? Raise your hand if you have one, two, three, or more family members or close friends with diabetes (or who are very overweight, although the latter may be a bit too personal).
• Raise your hand if you’ve ever met a farmer or visited a farm? What image comes to mind when you think of a farm?
• What are some effective ways to address diet-related problems in your community?
• When people are unhealthy because of the food they eat and a lack of physical activity,
who is responsible?
What characters and issues from the film will you remember most and why?
What, if anything, in the film made you upset, angry, or confused? Are there parts of the
film that you disagreed with?
What issues in the film, if any, are ones that your community also faces?
When people are unhealthy because of the food they eat and a lack of physical activity,
who is responsible?
Complete Food Inc. Reflection Question Worksheet and submit.
Why do you eat the food you do?
Complete the My EATING INFLUENCES WORKSHEET and submit.
For even more on what influences your eating habits read the article below.
Are Energy Drinks bad for us? Check out the Myths and Facts.
Energy Drinks: ESPN E:60 "Dangerous Energy"
Survey Says?
With a partner, create a Google Form survey related to the major topics in this Healthy Eating Unit. You will need to get at least 30 students at Lorne Park to complete your survey.
Analyze the data from the survey and summarize the findings into a presentation called: STUDENT HEALTHY EATING using Google Slides.
Use the inquiry protocol: SO WHAT? Continue to ask So What? in response to your survey findings. For example: 90% of students in grade 10 report eating fast food daily. So What? Determine a specific answer. For example: Grade 10 students are not making daily healthy food choice. So What? Continue in this manner until you have a concrete and specific series of conclusions. These conclusions form the basis of your presentation slides.