Back to School Reminders
East & West Elementary
Mark the Calendar!📆
- August 13th - In-person registration at the High School Cafeteria (8am-6pm)
- August 13th - Community Swim sponsored by PSST (7-9pm)
- August 16th - Registration Due
- August 21st - Meet the Teacher (4-6PM)
- August 23rd - First Day of School
- August 29th - School Pictures
- August 30th - 1 Hour Early Out
- September 2nd - No School (Labor Day)
Your New Teacher!🍎
Watch your email for a Seesaw invitation to your new teacher's classroom! Families of returning students should have received an email on Monday the 12th with the invitation. New families who are registered will receive an email once your student is assigned a school email. Be patient as this may take a day or two!
Creating a Powerschool Account 👈
We also want to make sure you have access to the Powerschool Parent Portal. There is an app for this or you can also log in using a computer.
The Parent Portal will allow you access to:
- schedule fall and spring conferences
- check grades (West Elementary excluded)
- access any outstanding fees
- change and/or update your contacts
- change and/or add personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, & emails
- check student attendance
Families will receive an access password & ID at Meet the Teacher which will allow you to add your student if you already have the Powerschool Parent Portal for other students OR if you're creating a new one altogether for your first student at East or West Elementary!
We will have a Help Desk available at Meet the Teacher as well to assist in this process, but if you have any questions, you can always call or email.
Directions are posted on our West & East Elementary Parent Resource Pages:
Treats, Lunch, & Allergy Awareness 🥜
We encourage families and students to have nutritious snacks & treats whenever possible. Students are able to bring treats to school to share with other students. However, we ask families to bring store-bought and/or pre-packaged items and refrain from homemade items. This allows us to be aware of ingredients and consumption safety.
Allergy Awareness at West Elementary is essential, and we are once again enlisting the support of families and classmates to help make the classroom safer for all. We ask your help by avoiding peanuts, tree nuts, & pine nuts (this also includes peanut flour or oil). Please reach out to the classroom teacher if you have questions or would like suggestions on what to provide for treats/snacks.
The full letter, which will also be provided by your classroom teacher, can be found at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nOajWlq0OIrUQvgjb7KxWzkhi7unEd_1/view?usp=sharing
Thank you for your support!
Every Day Matters 🎓
School hours are as followed and students should be present for the entirety of the day.
- West Elementary (8:20-3:15) *staggered dismissals*
- East Elementary (8:15-3:10)
If your student will be absent, please call or email the office by 8:30am. For safety purposes, you will receive a phone call from the office if we are unaware of your student's whereabouts.
- West Elementary Secretary, Lori Jacobs (ljacobs@allamakee.k12.ia.us)
- East Elementary Secretary, Kari Burke (kaburke@allamakee.k12.ia.us)
- School Number: 563-568-3409
Student Transportation 🚌
School Supplies 📝
If you need help getting any items on your list, please reach out to your building secretary. Thanks to some very generous donations from community members, the District can provide supplies for those that need it.
Access your back to school supply list here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x2vN-NYaHx3Aw6AwIeb5gUPSTrDIIu3z/view
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures 🚗
West Elementary
Find the full Infographic at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q7526WRUCXoJYewNT5Qjv3sDA7TfAOwT/view
East Elementary
Find the full infographic at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xvdpm1qY8GH3n6dH3LxAdQoWBdVvPeIB/view