The Parent Rebel Review
Week of February 23-March 1

Principal's Message
I am energized and excited as we embark on the journey towards our first STAAR test in just 46 days. And although this may seem like a short amount of time, I am confident to say that we have enough time to make a real impact.
Let's keep our eyes firmly fixed on our goal, utilize our time efficiently, and most importantly, uplift and support one another every step of the way. Because when we stand united, there is always enough time to accomplish greatness.I have no doubt that together, we will make an academic impact in our school community.
Key Items in this Week's Newsletter
Congratulations to all our track winners at this year's Parkland Track Invitational
Congratulations to all our Rebel Swimmers who swam their hearts out
Congratulations to all Rebel Dancers who gave a great performance at the Ysleta High School Competition
Congratulations to 7th Grade for being TOP in attendance this week
Congratulations to all our Rebel Staff who ran at this weekend's El Paso Marathon
Mrs. Bustillos, Mrs. Reza, Mrs. Ritch, Ms. Moralez, Mrs. Pat Ortega, and Mr. Medina
Principal's Message
Kindness Week Dress Up Schedule
🚨GR6-8 TELPAS Testing Schedule
Dance Tickets go on Sale during Lunch Shifts
YISD Honor Guitar Concert
📝 Tutoring Schedules
UIL Choir Competition at 2:30 PM
Department Chair Meeting at 4:15 PM (Virtual)
Math STAAR Intervention Planning Day
🏊🏽♂️Swimming- District Meet @ Eastside Natatorium Thursday February 27th 4:30 PM
Tovias and Coaches will be off campus for RTI training in PM
Rebel Academic Center at 4:15-5:15 PM in the Library
❌ End of the 3rd 9 Weeks on 2/28
Parade of Champions on 2/28 during 2nd period 8:40 AM (Assembly Bell Schedule)
Dance on 2/28 at 2:30 PM (Assembly Bell Schedule)
📝 Friday Night School at 4:15 PM
👟Boys & Girls Track-District 2 Conference Meet Saturday March 1st 9:00 AM @ Riverside HS
🏀 6th Grade Basketball Intramurals- Saturday March 1st @ Hanks HS & Hanks MS
Congratulations to Allison Cuellar! Sweepstakes winner at Regional Science Fair.
Kudos Corner
It's impossible to see all the good deeds our staff does daily here at RMS. Because of that, we would for like you to nominate an amazing staff member for a KUDOS Recognition at any time of day.
If you see something, say something! Give a KUDOS to a deserving employee by simply clicking on the link below, so we can celebrate them.
Kudos to Mr. Bustos
Mr. Bustos ran a great round of Interim II testing and make ups. Way to go!!
Kudos to Ms. Mena
To Ms. Mena: Thank you for helping me grow. May you continue to have many blessings in your life. <3
Mrs. Mena worked hard to complete new Advisory changes and our Spring Intersession schedule. She consistently works hard and is #FORTHEVALLEY
Kudos to Mr. Luna & Custodial Staff
Thank you for assisting with Spring Parent Night set up and prep. The school looked beautiful! You are all AMAZING!!
Kudos to Mr. Ramirez and Mrs. Davalos
I want to thank you for your constant dedication. You guys make me want to be better. I see how hard you work, and the great ideas you guys apply. The beauty of it all is that you do it for kids. Your heart and mind are in the right place. Go 6th grade!!
Kudos to Mrs. Diaz and Ms. Martinez
Ms. Diaz and Ms. Martinez have been creating all of their lessons from scratch. They are so innovative, and imbed constant EB supports all year long. I love watching you ladies grow. You make me so proud. Go 8th grade science!!
Kudos to Mrs. Ritch
Mrs. Ritch has been as usual, amazing. You care about your kids and your team. I love how passionate you are about teaching. You are always looking to better yourself. You are not a complacent teacher. I'm glad you chose to stay with us. You are deeply appreciated! <3
Kudos to Mrs. Bustillos
Mrs. Bustillos is the mama bear of our math department. She loves her team and is always willing to share ideas and material. You are irreplaceable! I love how humble you are although you're fire! I am so blessed to be able to work with you. I like watching how your students love and respect you although you are tough on them. You teach with heart!! You just want your students to be their best selves. Thank you, for everything!!!
Kudos to Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Brown helped set up Hospitality for testing and dinner for Parent Night! She is super organized and her attention to detail is amazing! THANK YOU
The 3 Musketeers - Flor Ramirez, Michelle Diaz, and Rose Ornelas
For helping me and keeping me company in the cold when I got locked out of my car <3
Bustos' Jean Jacket Dad Joke Corner
Bustos' Dad joke of the week:
I was carrying a nine-foot book the other day and a friend asked me, “What’s that about?” I said, “Oh, it’s a long story.”
A Week At A Glance
Monday, February 24, 2025
🚨GR6 TELPAS Listening and Speaking
Dance Tickets go on Sale during Lunch Shifts
YISD Honor Guitar Concert
- 📝 Tutoring day for Social Studies
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
- 🚨GR6 TELPAS Reading and Writing
- MOY meeting for Mr. Medina (1-3 PM)
- UIL Choir Competition at 2:30 PM
- Palafox out for the Day
- 📝 Tutoring for Science
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
- 🚨GR7 TELPAS Listening and Speaking
- Department Chair Meeting at 4:15 PM (Virtual)
📝 Tutoring day for RLA
- College Day: Wear any College/University or any Military or Armed Forces shirt with Jeans
Thursday,February 27, 2025
- 🚨GR7 TELPAS Reading and Writing
- Math STAAR Intervention Planning Day
🏊🏽♂️Swimming- District Meet @ Eastside Natatorium Thursday February 27th 4:30 PM
Tovias and Coaches will be off campus for RTI training in PM
- 📝 Tutoring day for Math
- Rebel Academic Center at 4:15-5:15 PM in the Library
Friday, February 28, 2025
- ❌ End of the 3rd 9 Weeks!
- 🚨GR6-8 Make Up TELPAS
Parade of Champions during 2nd period 8:40 AM (Assembly Bell Schedule)
Dance at 2:30 PM (Assembly Bell Schedule)
- 📝 Friday Night School at 4:15 PM
- Students: Free Dress for Perfect Attendance from Monday-Thursday
- Riverside Spirit Day: Jeans with Riverside Shirt
Saturday, March 1, 2025
- 👟Boys & Girls Track-District 2 Conference Meet Saturday March 1st 9:00 AM @ Riverside HS
🏀 6th Grade Basketball Intramurals- Saturday March 1st @ Hanks HS & Hanks MS
🤖 Robotics STATE at Eastwood HS 8-2 PM
Riverside representing at TecH2O! Super excited for our Rebels! 🧡💙
Mr. Villanueva’s Tech Center Corner
Teachers with testing fast approaching please help ensure student devices are up to date. A new update was sent out and Chromebooks need to be restarted for this update. If you can have all your advisory students actually select the restart option by clicking on the time in the lower right corner, select power, then select restart. Some devices might take up to half an hour to update.
Teacher(s) Spotlight: Mrs. Ritch
Hands on Learning
Puzzles + Math + A little competition = a super exciting day! Loved the strong use of vocabulary and support for each other!! They showed they know Quadratics!
What a performance by our YISD District Honor Band!
Spring Parent Conferences were a success!
What are our Rebels Learning in RLA this 9-Weeks?
6th- Unit 4: Personal Best- Focus Genre- Argumentative
Students will begin review of argumentative characteristics and analysis of the text.
Reviewing key elements of argumentative texts.
Applying process and comprehension skills for the genre, such as; predictions, asking questions, making connections, creating mental images, inferencing, evaluate key ideas, synthesize and summarizing.
Identifying the intended audience or reader.
Analyze characteristics and structural elements of argumentative text such as claim types of evidence, text features such as introductions, forward, preface, references, or acknowledgements and organizational patterns such as definition, classification, advantage and disadvantage.
Students will analyze author’s purpose and craft in the texts read.
7th -Unit 4: Chasing the Impossible -Focus Genre- Argumentative
Students will begin review of argumentative characteristics and analysis of the text.
Use context such as definition, analogy, and examples to clarify the meaning of words.
Applying process and comprehension skills for the genre, such as; predictions, asking questions, making connections, creating mental images, inferencing, evaluate key ideas, synthesize and summarizing.
Identifying the intended audience or reader.
Analyze characteristics and structural elements of argumentative text such as claim, types of evidence, text features such as references, or acknowledgements and organizational patterns that support multiple topics, categories, and subcategories.
Students will analyze author’s purpose and craft in the texts read.
8th- Unit 4: Hear Me Out -Focus Genre- Argumentative
Students will begin review of argumentative characteristics and analysis of the text.
Use context within or beyond a paragraph to clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words;
applying process and comprehension skills for the genre, such as; predictions, asking questions, making connections, creating mental images, inferencing, evaluate key ideas, synthesize and summarizing.
Identifying the intended audience or reader.
Analyze characteristics and structural elements of argumentative text such as claim, counter-argument, types of evidence, text features such as footnotes, endnotes, or citations and organizational patterns within a text to develop the thesis.
Students will analyze author’s purpose and craft in the texts read.
🔽🚨 Rebel Academic Center 🔽🚨
What our Rebels are Learning in Math this 9-Weeks?
6th- Unit 7: Proportional Reasoning with Ratios and Rates
Proportionality with Ratios and Rates: Solve real-world problems involving ratios, rates, and percents using qualitative and quantitative reasoning, models, and representations like tables, graphs, and proportions.
Use proportions to convert units within a measurement system. Use unit rates to convert units within a measurement system.
7th-Unit 5: Angle Relationships(ends January 15th) *Prisms Available
Write equations using geometry concepts.
Solve equations using geometry concepts.
Determine Probability: Represent sample spaces and simulate simple and compound events using lists, tree diagrams, and technology; calculate experimental and theoretical probabilities, including complements.
Predictions with Probability: Predict and solve problems using experimental and theoretical probabilities for simple and compound events.
8th-Unit 7: Statistics with Bivariate Data
Bivariate Data- Construct scatter plots, contrast linear and nonlinear data, and use trend lines for predictions.
Mean Absolute Deviation and Random Samples-Determine and use mean absolute deviation to measure data variability, and simulate random samples from a known population.
What our Rebels are Learning in Science these 9-Weeks?
Spheres and Layers of Earth
Rock Cycle and Classification
Describe the evidence that supports that Earth has changed over time, including fossil evidence, plate tectonics, and superposition. Describe how plate tectonics causes ocean basin formation, earthquakes, mountain building, and volcanic eruptions, including super volcanoes and hot spots.
Unit: 8 Human Impact on Hydrosphere
Analyze the beneficial and harmful influences of human activity on groundwater and surface water in a watershed.Describe human dependence and influence on ocean systems and explain how human activities impact these systems.
Explain how disruptions such as population changes, natural disasters, and human intervention impact the transfer of energy in food webs in ecosystems.Describe how primary and secondary ecological succession affect populations and species diversity after ecosystems are disrupted by natural events or human activity.Describe how biodiversity contributes to the stability and sustainability of an ecosystem and the health of the organisms within the ecosystem.
NJHS: Our next meeting will be February 20th at 4:15 in the cafeteria. Our officers' meeting will be February 18th 4:15pm.
Bluebonnet Club- Our awesome 6th Grade Rebels are taking on the challenge of the Battle of the Bluebonnet in competing with other schools. We are preparing and working together to read and learn from the 20 books selected from a TX committee. We will meet on 2/19 after school.
Book of the Week
For the month of February, the library has created a little twist on the book activities called: Rate your date! Santiago C. chose a book from a pile on the table and used the checklist to rate if the book is a good read. This helps readers to not only participate on a holiday activity but also to give some books a chance beyond the cover. Check out his rating below! Great job Santiago!
What our Rebels are Learning in Social Studies this 9-Weeks?
The collapse of the Soviet Union brought political, economic, and geographic changes to Russia, Eastern Europe and the Eurasian Republics. The vast region of Russia and the Eurasian Republics is characterized by a variety of landforms, including mountains, forests, and plains.
Reasons for Texas secession and the experiences of Texans during the US Civil War.Civil War the political, economic, and social institutions of Texas were reconstructed with oversight from the U.S. government.Concept of federalism and other principles of the U.S. Constitution and how these principles are reflected in the Texas Constitution.
The election of Andrew Jackson led to an expansion of democracy.Pressure from American settlers led to the removal and resettlement of the Cherokee Indians.President Andrew Jackson used the power of the presidency to dissolve the National Bank and to respond to the Nullification Crisis.
Era 6: Westward Expansion – From Sea to Shining Sea 1780s-1850s, (starts January 17th)
As the idea of Manifest Destiny spread it became necessary for the United States to establish procedures for the admission of new states. Settlers migrated west for a variety of reasons resulting in changing population patterns in the American West.Effects of Westward expansion on Native Americans.
PBIS Corner
Rebels Earn Positive Referrals
PBIS Store
Below is a comparison between referrals as of 2/20/25 and at last year at this time.
2/22/24 – 272 Referrals
2/20/25 – 251 Referrals
Attendance Challenge
Riverside MS showed improvment from previous week
Attendance for the Week
🏆Attendance Champions:
6th- 93.66 %
7th- 93.66 %
8th- 95.3 % 🏆
Fine Arts Rebel Champions
7th Graders win this Week's ATTENDANCE Challenge!
CIS Coordinator Corner
Hi Rebel family!
If you have any extra clothing that can be used as uniforms, please feel free to drop them off with me!
If you have any donations for the Rebel Shop, please feel free to drop them off with me!
CHAMPS will be held Tuesday February 25, 2025 during 3rd and 4th period.
On February 26 we will be hosting our next family engagement night- Brush up on Taxes!
We are having our Anti-Vaping poster contest that ends on February 28! I encourage all students to participate! For any questions come see me in #117.
Thank you! ❤️"
Nurse Sunshine's Corner
YISD Comprehensive Health Clinic
Riverside MS Athletics
📣 Cheerleading- Cheer Practice will be Monday's, Tuesday's and Friday's 4:00-6:30 Small Gym
S.O.A.R Competition Saturday March 15th @ Chapin HS
👟Boys & Girls Track-District 2 Conference Meet Saturday March 1st 9:00 AM @ Riverside HS
🏊🏽♂️Swimming- District Meet @ Eastside Natatorium Thursday February 27th 4:30 PM
🏀 6th Grade Basketball Intramurals- Saturday March 1st @ Hanks HS & Hanks MS
Runnin' Rebels start their season at our Parkland Invitational Track Meet
Huge shout out to our future Rangers. 8th grade
@RiversideMS1971 Rebels @phsmats Invitational. We competed & showed plenty of PRIDE!
🥇 8th grade boys 4x100 & 4x400
🥇100, 200, & 400m dash E. Guarado
🥇2400 m girls A.Escalante
We had a few kiddos win their heats as well.
Rebels Swimming
Allison Cuellar Wins Sweepstakes at the Science Fair
Back 2 Back District Champions
8th Grade Boys Soccer District Champions
7th Grade Boys, 7th Grade girls and 8th Grade Boys are District Champions
YISD 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Speak Up for Safety
Students, your safety and well-being are our #1 priority! We have a new way for you to report concerns about bullying, cyberbullying, threats of violence or other safety-related issues. It's called Speak Up for Safety ... and all you have to do is call or text any time of day or night to make a report. Help keep all of us all safe by calling or texting your concerns to 915-237-9013, or by emailing speakup@yisd.net. Thank you."
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Patricia Ortega
Champion of the Month for January, Coach Q
Follow us on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram
Website: https://www.yisd.net/riversidemiddle
Location: 7615 Mimosa Avenue, El Paso, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 434-7300
Twitter: @RiversideMS1971