Crocker Viking News
September 1, 2022
Upcoming Dates
Sept 1: NO EARLY DISMISSAL - Regular 3:20pm dismissal
Sept 2: 6th Grade Networking in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Sept 5: NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Sept 7: RISE Kick Off Coffee @ 8:45am - RSVP below
Sept 9: 7th Grade Networking in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Sept 14: HCSD Board Meeting @ 6pm
Sept 16: 8th Grade Networking in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Sept 23: 7th and 8th Grade Back-to-School Dance on Blacktop @ 6pm-8pm
Sept 28-Oct 4: Conference Week EARLY Dismissal at 2:15pm
Sept 29: HSF Giving Day - Wear Green
Sept 30: Superintendent Coffee in Crocker Library @ 8:45am
Special Request: Substitute Teachers Needed
As you know, there is a substitute shortage throughout the bay area. We are looking for dynamic, caring, and supportive parents who may have a little time in their schedule, would like to give back, and would be able to help fill vacancies at Crocker this year. If you'd like to know more, please contact Margaux Mansfield at the Hillsborough City School District Office at: mmansfield@hcsdk8.org/(650) 342-5193 or complete the online application through Edjoin.
Thank you!
Message from Crocker Principal
Dear Viking Families,
Be Here. Be You. [and] Belong.-Brené Brown. Our motto this year, captures our vision for our community and was reflected in the activities and experiences students engaged in during the first two days of school, Camp Crocker. At Camp Crocker, students were able to connect with each other, with faculty and staff, reviewed essential items found in the student handbook, and allowed for all of us to showcase our school pride through two outdoor assemblies, grade-level competitions and a blue and gold day!
As we complete our second week of school, I reflect on the excellent start to this school year! Thank you for helping our young Vikings come to school prepared and ready to engage in their learning. At Crocker, our staff understands the unique complexities and growth of this special age group and are here to support you and your student(s) in the process. As you continue to prepare your young Viking for a successful school year, you can help them by:
Spending dedicated time with them one-on-one or with the family
Developing organizational skills with the use of a planner, calendar or other system
Providing a quiet place to complete work free of distractions
Reviewing Powerschool grades weekly/regularly to support work completion
Monitoring online communications especially social media sites (use Apps if necessary)
Encouraging self-advocacy skill
Following all bike and traffic safety rules
Arriving to school on time
Identifying ways to destress, have fun and celebrate successes
Additionally, check out the Middle Years Newsletter for more tips to support your Crocker Viking.
In partnership,
Keith J. Rocha, Principal and Proud Crocker Viking
Be a Viking Volunteer! Take a look at Signup.com for the Crocker volunteer opportunities in the 2022-23 school year. Click HERE to get started. There are opportunities to help with many events/school activities, including 6th and 7th Grade Socials, Turkey Trot, Lunar New Year, Library, Hot Lunch, HTV, Staff Appreciation, 8th Grade Memory Video, and 8th Grade Events (Grad Dance, Parent Cocktail Party, Grad Rehearsal Lunch, Grad Ceremony). If you have any questions, please feel free to email Wendie Leung (wendietran@gmail.com) or Jen Keane (jenprentiss@gmail.com), Co-VP of Volunteers. Thank you for getting involved, we welcome your participation!
LunchMaster will be on pause until September 3rd. However, breakfast and lunch orders for the week of September 6th should now be available to order here.
Lunch Program Volunteers
This is a rare opportunity to peer into your child's world and see your child in action on campus! Crocker's lunch program needs dedicated parent volunteers to run smoothly, so meals can be served on time. The LunchMasters program is new, and we appreciate your help and your patience as we work to improve the process. To sign up, please email Donna Wei (ddwei16@gmail.com).
Parent volunteers on campus need to be vaccinated.
Dues are Due!!!
Pay here: http://crocker.corecommerce.com/
Welcome Back Everybody!
In addition to paying for the school yearbook, parent dues help fund grade level social events, teacher appreciation efforts and more!! CPG Committee members are already busy in the works planning for a great school year. Thanks to those families who have already paid their dues for the 2022-2023 year.
If you still need to pay, please use our commerce site below (same link as above). Note if you would like a paper directory deadline for ordering is September 13th. http://crocker.corecommerce.com/
Any questions please email Katrina at crockertreasurer@gmail.com
Ride Your Bikes to School and Bring Your Reusable Watter Bottles
Using funds from allocations, CPG purchased and installed two water bottle filling stations and some bike racks. A big thanks to Ron Russo, our amazing Grounds Supervisor, for installing them over the summer.
New water bottle filling stations are installed on the second floor and in the gym.
New bike racks run along the North side of the Crocker gym. There are a couple of more racks to be installed on the west side over the next few weeks to house the remaining overflow.
Crocker’s 6th Grade Parent and New Parent Reception
Thursday, October 6th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The Evans' Home
45 Knightwood Lane, Hillsborough
We hope you can join us to meet fellow 6th grade Crocker parents, newbies to the Hillsborough School District and to celebrate the start of a great school year!
Paperless Post to come
Cocktails and light apps will be served
Casual cocktail attire
Adults only
6th Grade Networking Meeting: What to Expect in 6th Grade
Learn from Principal Keith Rocha, Vice Principal Lisa Ayer and Counselor Bonnie Slater how to support your sixth grader transitioning to middle school.
Please join us on Friday, September 2nd at 8:45am in the library.
7th Grade Networking Meeting: Supporting Our Students
Principal Keith Rocha, Vice Principal Lisa Ayer and Counselor Bonnie Slater will present valuable information on seventh grade positive behavior supports for social emotional learning and to promote academic achievement.
Please join us on Friday, September 9th at 8:45am in the library.
8th Grade Networking Meeting: Public and Private High School Application/Registration Process
Crocker Counselor, Bonnie Slater will present information on the Public and Private High School Application/Registration Process.
Please join us on Friday, September 16th at 8:45am in the library
- Private High School Application
- How to request transcripts, letters of recommendation
- Important Crocker dates and deadlines
- Standardized Testing (ISEE, SSAT, etc.)
- 504/IEP transitions to private schools
- Public High School Registration
- Student assessment and programming
- Special education and 504s
- Important registration, shadow, and transfer dates
- Spring programming at Crocker
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On behalf of the 2022-2023 APG Board, welcome to the new school year! We hope it has been off to a great start!
The Associated Parents' Group (APG) is the representative parent board of all four HCSD schools. We work with our Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees to support our schools, educators, students and parent community. Our goal is to facilitate communication and collaboration across all four school sites.
We encourage you to stay informed by subscribing to your school's Instagram or Facebook page, and by attending Parent Group Meetings and Superintendent Coffees at your school site.
Here's to a fantastic school year! Go Vikings, Stars, Tigers and Wildcats!
Mary Ann Hasenstab
APG BOARD 2022-2023
President: Mary Ann Hasenstab
Secretary: Jamie Harris
Treasurer: Rosemary Chiang
Communications: Esha Sinha
Crocker President: Shelby Van Doren
North Co-Presidents: Bonnie Feldman & Emily Ou
South President: Nidhi Dash
West Co-Presidents: Annie Tan & Julia Kuo
RISE President: Grace Leung
HSF President: Amy Jasmer
Past APG President: Courtney Bocci
The Associated Parents Group is pleased to announce Don Geddis as their 2022 Citizen of the Year and Tony Giacomazzi as their 2022 Community Cares recipients. APG orchestrated a surprise reveal in June and look forward to celebrating these two amazing individuals this Fall.
Don Geddis has served as a Trustee on the Hillsborough School Board for the past nine years, serving as Board President four times — including three straight years leading the district through the Covid pandemic, and driving the return to full-time in-person education. To read more about Trustee Geddis please click here.
Mr. Giacomazzi has been Director of Hillsborough Recreation for over the last 12 years. Prior to taking on the role of Director, Mr. Giacomazzi taught third and fourth grade at West School. Through his leadership Hillsborough Recreation has a thriving Sports program at Crocker Middle School. Mr. Giacomazzi has established numerous partnerships with local youth sports organizations and implemented Unified Sports. His most recent endeavor is the creation of the successful HIVE program. To read more about Mr. Giacomazzi please click here.
The RISE Steering Committee thanks all 4 HCSD schools and Parent Groups for including us at your Welcome Back Coffees, and we look forward to meeting new parents at your New Parent Receptions! Save the date for our annual "Sharing the Journey" RISE Kickoff Coffee on Sept 7, 8:45-10:30am (click here for location and to RSVP), where we will discuss goals for the year and continue building strong collaborations within our staff and parent community. Don't forget to join the RISE Online Parent Directory if you haven't already, or update your entry from last year, so we can share knowledge and resources. Welcome back!
RISE supports students of all abilities to achieve excellence on their individual journeys; promotes a school community where students of all abilities and their families can thrive and have a fulfilling school experience; and strives to increase awareness and decrease stigma about learning and ability differences.
Come visit the IDEA booth at Neighborfest
Please join the IDEA Committee for connection, crafts, and read-alouds at the 4th annual Neighborfest. The Hillsborough Neighborhood Network brings our town, police and fire departments together at this fun and free event to keep our community safe and prepared for emergencies. All community members are welcome.
Sept. 10th * 9-12pm * North School (See the Community Section at the bottom of this newsletter for more information).
What is HSF?
HSF is a non-profit foundation founded in 1980 by parents to bridge the gap between public funding and what our school district, HCSD, spends to provide a rich education for our children.
State funding and property taxes don’t cover the costs to provide our students with exceptional teachers and staff, small class sizes, STEM programs, reading specialists, dedicated counselors, music, 1:1 devices, and more.
Watch this video to learn how Hillsborough Schools Foundation directly supports our student’s education and HCSD's funding.
HSF relies on the generosity of every HCSD family. This year we need to raise $3.4 million dollars to bridge the gap. Your child, and all of our children, benefit from the generous and consistent donations from District families and our community every year. Funds are used during this school year.
When? HSF Giving Day is 9/29.
Please make your contribution on 9/29 or donate today to raise the funds we need to continue our legacy of Empowering Excellence.
Follow us to stay in the know:
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331