Father Daniel Zanon
Newsletter - October 2024
Father Daniel Zanon C.E.S
Let His Light Shine
Principal - N. Podobnik
Head Secretary - S. Santos
Council Co-Chair - P. Magnone
Council Co-Chair - P. Checchia
Superintendent - D. Belchior
Trustee - B. Iannicca
Email: fatherdanielzanoninfo@dpcdsb.org
Website: www.dpcdsb.org/ZANON/
Location: 450 Hillcrest Ave, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-279-3722
Prayer for Thanksgiving
Blessed are you, loving Father, for all of your gifts to us.
Blessed are you for giving us the gift of family and friends.
We pause and give you thanks, Lord, for all these gifts:
For the rains that give life,
For the harvest.
As we rejoice in your kindness,
We pray for those who are in need.
Open our hearts to them and teach us to be generous to others as you are to us.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks …..
For a wonderful September, being back in our school and welcoming new and returning staff and students. To friendships new and old, to new challenges, new learning and much success. To our students and our Father Daniel Zanon families for your commitment to participating in the learning journey.
To Father Gabriel and the pastoral team at St. Catherine of Siena for their continued ministry and support of our continued journey in Faith.
To our parents and guardians for our amazing partnership. As always, we will continue to encourage a cooperative partnership between home, school and parish, and will continue to work collaboratively in the best interest of the students entrusted to our care.
To the students of Father Daniel Zanon and our community for supporting our Terry Fox Marathon of Hope and Orange Shirt Day.
To our Trustee, B. Iannicca and Superintendent D. Belchior for their commitment to our community and Catholic Education.
On behalf of the entire school staff, we would like to wish our school community a beautiful Thanksgiving. We hope you will have the opportunity to feast together as family and give thanks for the many blessings we have been bestowed. As we celebrate our blessings, let us always remember those in need and those who are suffering during these times.
Food Drive Continues until Friday Oct 9
Oct 2 International Walk to School Day
Oct 2 Indigenous Mapping Activity - Gr 4 - 8
Oct 2-3 Hearing and Vision Clinic
Oct 2 Eco Battery Blitz begins
Oct. 5 World Teachers Day!
Oct 7 Empowering Women Day
Oct 8 Parish Visit for Gr 1-3
Oct. 9 Dairy Farmers Visit for Gr 4-8
Oct 10 Opening/Thanksgiving Mass @ 9:30
Oct 11 PA Day - no school for students
Oct 14 Happy Thanksgiving (No school for students and staff)
Oct 16-25 Zanon Hosting Korean Teachers
Oct 17 CCCSC Chairs Meeting
Oct. 18 Family Cross Country Meet
Oct 22 Virtue Assembly
Oct 22 Board Cross Country Meet
Oct. 24-31 Halloween Spirit Week!
Oct 31 Halloween
Nov. 1 All Saints Day
Nov 2 All Souls Day
Nov 5 Parish Visit for Gr 1 - 3
Nov 6 Grade 4 Trip to Silvercreek
Nov 7 CSC Meeting
Nov 8 Picture Retake Day
Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Liturgy
Nov. 12 Progress Reports go home
Nov 13 - Father Michael Goetz Open House 6:00 -8:00
Nov 14 Interview Evening for Progress Reports
Nov 18 Immunization Grade 7/8
Nov 18 Earth Rangers
Nov 22 PA Day
Nov 27 Virtue Assembly
Nov 29 Santa Photos
FDK: D. Kocet/ S. Costa
FDK: J. Fenn/ C. Cross
Grade 1/2: M. Fernandez
Grade 1/2: J. Mansour
Grade 2/3: D. Terminesi/R. Bordignon
Grade 2/3: T. Policelli
Grade 4: B. Majda
Grade 5: I. Kazakevic
Grade 5/6: B. Shanahan
Grade 7/8: M. Figliola
Grade 7/8: T. Mallia-Bomben
SERC/SERT/ESL: R. Istaifan-Borello
FSL/Planning Time: G. Chiola-Nakai
Planning Time: J. Rosinski
ESL/SERT: S. MacDonald/K. Labuda
Library/SERT: C. Borges
ESL: R. Bordignon
ERW: E. Piper
ERW: L. Castillo
ERW: M. DeSousa
CYW: A. Passarelli
Social Worker: K. Chandler
SLP: C. Ancimer
PSYCH: L. Tirovolas
PRINCIPAL: N. Podobnik
CUSTODIAN: A. Hernandez
CUSTODIAN: M. Khakhula
CUSTODIAN: M. Gonzales
During the month of October, we will be focusing on empathy. We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concern. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God.
An empathetic person:
- Listens attentively
- Watches people’s body language
- Notices and responds when someone is upset
- Can name her/his feelings
- Can see a situation from another person’s point of view
- Knows that different people may feel differently about the same thing.
Papal Prayer Intention for October
We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.
Catholic Education: Distinctly Different
Ontario’s Catholic education system is not a duplicate of other school systems. While it adheres to Ministry of Education requirements, it does so from a Catholic perspective. The curriculum is enhanced by Gospel values. Teachers are professionally trained and committed to serving in Catholic schools. At the heart of Catholic education is the person of Jesus. Faith development is integral to every part of Catholic education, as students are called to respect the dignity of all human persons in a caring community. In the Catholic education system, home, school and parish form a vital partnership. Through participation in the community and involvement with the parish, students are guided by the Gospel values, principles and standards that reach into every facet of school life.
St Catherine of Siena Parish
St Catherine of Siena Parish—2340 Hurontario St. Mississauga, Ontario L5B 1N1
Phone: 905-272-1454
Email: office@stcatherine.ca
Parish Team: Fr. Jose Gabriel Forero Martinez (Pastor), Fr. Tiziano Paolazzi (Associate Pastor), Fr. Santo Cigolini (In Residence), Deacon Roy Emmanuel
Weekday Masses: Mon—Fri 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday Masses
Saturday 6:00 p.m. English
Sunday 8:30 a.m. English 2:30 p.m. Tagalog (3rd Sun of month only)
10:00 a.m. Italian 4:00 p.m. English
11:30 a.m. English 6:00 p.m. Misa en espanol
1:00 p.m. English
Please contact the parish for information regarding sacraments.
Catholic Education Week
The theme chosen for the upcoming 2025 Catholic Education Week is: Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope L’éducation catholique: Pèlerins de l’espérance.
“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us.” (Letter on the Jubilee Year of Hope, February 11, 2022)
The five sub themes for Catholic Education week explore ways to live out Pope Francis’ call for each one of us to be Pilgrims of Hope…
- by honouring human dignity / honorent la dignité humaine (Monday)
- by caring for creation / prennent soin de la création (Tuesday)
- by responding to the poverties in our world / luttent contre les pauvretés (Wednesday)
- by serving in solidarity / servent en solidarité (Thursday)
- by living as peacemakers / vivent en artisans de paix (Friday)
Catholic Education Week Prayer
Hope is our calling, O Lord,
and the destination of our pilgrim journeys.
As we mark this Jubilee Year of hope,
keep our eyes focused on Jesus,
and on the hope he reveals to us.
All our hope is in you, O God, in the name of Jesus
our Lord and companion.
Virtue Assembly/Opening School Mass
Please join us for our Opening/Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday October 10th at 9:30 in our school gym. We thank Father Gabriel and the parish team for providing us with this faith filled opportunity and for Ms. Mallia-Bomben and the students for organizing.
Thanksgiving Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul
We will be collecting non-perishable food times, including canned and dried goods until October 9th in support of St. Vincent de Paul. In this time of thanksgiving, we are given the opportunity to reflect on our many blessings and share with our brothers and sisters in Christ who may be in need. Items required include: canned fish, canned meat, canned vegetables, soups, cereals, pasta, snack items, peanut butter, and kraft dinner. Families are also able to donate grocery store gift cards (FreshCo, Food Basics, Costco, Loblaws Superstore).
Families are welcome to provide their St Catherine of Siena Church envelope # or their full address with postal code and SVDP can also mail them out a tax receipt in early 2024. A copy of the activation slip is required in order to validate the gift card and issue the tax receipt.
We thank you for your kindness and support.
Picture Retake Day
World Teacher Day
October 5th, is United Nations World Teachers’ Day and we would like to take the opportunity today, to recognize and celebrate our teachers for their commitment and dedication to Catholic Education here at Father Daniel Zanon
To our outstanding team of teachers, we would like to thank them for the work they do on a daily basis. They are the reason we have such an exciting, vibrant school and the dedication and effort they put forth help our students to excel.
Early Childhood Education Appreciation Day
October 24 is Child Care Worker and Designated Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. We would also like to thank these educators for all of their hard work and care in supporting our students. Their dedication and efforts are truly appreciated.
Indigenous Mapping
Members of our Indigenous Education team will visit on October 2nd to do presentations with our grade 4 - 8 classes with a Giant Map that is focused on Indigenous language, traditional territory, treaties, communities and much more. We look forward to this learning opportunity
Dairy Farmers Visit
Dairy Farmers will be visiting our junior and intermediate classes on October 9th. Grades 4 - 6 will learn about Dairy Farming and Energy Conservation. Grade 7 and 8 students will learn about Preserving Biodiversity through Sustainable Farming. We look forward to this learning opportunity.
Students and Families who identify as First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is providing an opportunity for students to self-identify their First Nation, Métis and/or Inuit ancestry in a voluntary and confidential manner. This program will allow the Board to provide expanded supports, events and opportunities to First Nation, Inuit and Métis students. Indigenous students and families will have access to culture and language programs, funding opportunities through potential scholarships and bursaries, and monthly programming for students and families. Relevant information will be sent directly to students and families about upcoming cultural events and opportunities which help to build community and a sense of Indigenous pride in DPCDSB.
Watch what Indigenous students and family members have to say about their experience:
For more information and how to self-identify please visit: https://www3.dpcdsb.org/students/indigenous-self-identification
Student Insurance Options
Here at Father Daniel Zanon School, we take every precaution to provide a safe learning environment for students, but accidents can and do happen. Some families have private accident insurance which is able to respond to costs arising from injuries. However, many families do not. As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via your child. Although enrollment is voluntary, the board strongly encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/ children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Parents alone have the right to insure their children. You may consider purchasing coverage for your child at www.insuremykids.com or by calling toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Information about Student Accident Insurance will be available to parents/guardians on the Board’s Internet Main Page under the header “Parents.”
It is a requirement for the participation in excursions and/ or extra-curricular activities.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has implemented a new student absence reporting system that will make it easier for you to report your child’s absence from school. This new system is called SafeArrival.
With SafeArrival, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using any of the following three convenient options:
1. Using your mobile device, download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at https://go.schoolmessenger.ca/#/home )
- The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account.
- Select Attendance then Report an Absence
- The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account.
- Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
3. Call the toll-free number 1.844.435.3440 to report an absence using the automated phone system. For Student Being Late to School or Early Departure from School.
- The automated message will prompt you to enter ABSENCE for student, and will ask if the student be ABSENT today, tomorrow etc.
- To this question, please say ‘yes’ to absent as the next question will be to enter the type of absence and will give you options of full day, late, early departure leave and return.
- The above 3 options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week.
- Future absences can be reported at any time.
Remember to: Please report absences in advance using SafeArrival instead of sending notes or calling/emailing the school.
Parents are welcome to drop off their child(ren)'s lunch to our lunch table. Please be sure it is labelled with their name and teacher. If children will be going home for lunch each day, it is our expectation that your child will go directly to their own home and then return to school. A written note signed by a parent/guardian will be required for any students who normally stay for lunch to go out for lunch. Students are encouraged to arrive at school with a full, reusable water bottle along with snacks and lunch each day.
Book Fair - Thank You
A big thank you to our incredible students, parents/guardians, teachers, and volunteers! Your support and involvement made our Scholastic Book Fair a great success. We’re excited to announce that we achieved a total sales of $3,513.00, which has earned us $955.00 in book fair dollars to enrich our library. Your generosity has made a significant impact, and we’re truly grateful. Thank you for helping to inspire a love of reading and learning in our school community!
On Friday September 27th., Fr. Daniel Zanon participated in the annual Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. Congratulations to our students and staff for their generous donation to cancer research. It was a beautiful morning with a lot of excitement and reflection. Thank you very much to Mme. Chiola Nakai, Ms. Istaifan and Mr. Shanahan for for organizing this wonderful event! We are thrilled to share that together, the Zanon School Community raised $1755.00 thus far.
Orange Shirt Day
Mental Health Champions
Our Mental Health Champions shared our focus on Self Care. Each student was given a lightbulb to share how they are special as we all have gifts to share. Together, we shine brighter!
PA Day
The school is closed to students on Friday October 11th, 2024. Instruction will resume on Monday September 7th.
Bus Driver Appreciation
Bus Driver Appreciation Day is celebrated this month on Thursday October 23rd. We appreciate all of our bus drivers and we thank them for their hard work and commitment to student safety. If you see a bus driver, be sure to say thank you.
We are so pleased to see so many students and families walking to school! We encourage all students and people in our community to walk to school. This promotes an increase in daily physical activity, improved safety, and enhanced environment, a developed sense of community cohesion, social interaction and reduced traffic congestion, pollution and speed near schools.
COEIEI Overseas Elementary Teachers Program
From October 16 to October 25, we welcome 4 certified teachers from South Korea who are
participating in the Fall COEIEI Overseas Elementary Teachers Program. The program aims to
provide insights into the Canadian educational system and pedagogy that best supports
students’ success. They will be observing and assisting students in various classrooms as well as
team teaching with mentor teachers in our school. They will deliver Korean cultural lessons
during the placement. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community and we are
excited to have them in our school.
CCAT Testing
We will be having our annual CCAT Testing for all grade 4 students this month. CCAT is a test that measures:
· Critical thinking
· Problem solving skills
· Learning ability
· Ability to digest and apply new information
Grade 4 students will be receiving an email with more information. A consent form will be sent home in the coming days.
We will be having our first Spirit Week for this School Year! Everyone is invited, as they are able, to participate in our Spirit week and in celebrating Halloween from October 24- October 31. More information to come. Students will also have the opportunity to enjoy a Halloween Dance on October 31st. All students are invited to wear or bring their costumes to school on October 31 or wear black and orange. Just a reminder that all costumes must be safe and appropriate. Please remember that guns, swords or weapons of any kind are not permitted at school on this day. Also, due to safety reasons, students are not allowed to wear full masks to school.
Father Daniel Zanon is an allergen aware school. We have a number of students in our school who have severe allergic life threatening reactions to peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oils, any peanut/nut by-products and dairy products, as well as other food items. As in the past, we are asking you to not put any child at risk, therefore, are requesting that PEANUTS, PEANUT BUTTER, PEANUT OILS, ANY PEANUT/NUT BY-PRODUCTS NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE SCHOOL. WE ASK THAT YOU READ THE LABELS OF ALL FOOD ITEMS SENT TO SCHOOL. A class specific letter was sent home indicated allergies in the classroom. We are asking parents not to send food items to school when celebrating your child’s birthday since there are many alternatives such as pencils, stickers, etc. We thank you for your continued understanding.
Storage/Administration of Medication
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually. If your child requires medication please have all pertinent forms completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep any medication in their desk, backpack or classroom (with the exception of an epi-pen if allergies are severe and puffers/inhalers). All dispensing of medication requires medical permission and must be stored in the office. As well, should your child receive a concussion, either at/away from school, please inform us. Physician authorization to return to school is now required. Required Physician forms are in the School Office. Please contact Ms. Santos if you have any questions.
Asthma Awareness
Father Daniel Zanon Catholic Elementary School continues to participate in ‘We Share the Air’, a Scent Sensitivity Awareness Campaign. There are students in attendance who suffer from life-threatening asthmatic conditions to air pollutants. Exposure even to minimal odours may cause potential life-threatening reactions. Very common severe chemical triggers are: perfume, cologne, scented products and personal care products (such as hairspray). These products may cause severe reactions for students. The safety and well-being of all of our students is a priority. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we request that our school community refrain from wearing scented personal products complying with our Scent Free Zone Campaign at school and all school events.
- 1.0 kilometer Kindergarten and Grade 1
- 1.6 kilometers for Grades 2 – 4
- 2.0 kilometers for Grades 5 – 8
- 3.8 kilometers for Grades 9 – 1
If your child is moving to grade 2, grade 5, or grade 9 in the 2024-2025 school year, their eligibility status for transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be accessed at the website noted below. All transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are required to be met by a parent/ caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school.
The STOPR website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked question. Please consider registering for notice of alerts regarding issues such as buses running behind schedule. The STOPR website also allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation.
Telephone: STOPR: Phone: 905 890-6000 Toll free: 1-800 668-1140
Safety First
The safety of all children is a primary concern. As you are aware, we do have a buzzer entry system. We are asking all visitors, including parents to come to the office through the front door, ring the buzzer and await a response. In doing so, we will be able to welcome you, ask you to sign in and wear a visitor tag while in the building. Not only with this process help to keep our students safe, it will allow our staff to get to know parents more quickly. We thank you for your cooperation in this very important protocol. In instances where your child is picked up early from school, we will verify that the person picking up the child is an authorized person for pick up. If the person is not recognizable, it may be necessary to request to see photo identification.
PLASP Before & After School Programs
PLASP’s before and after school programs for kindergarten and school aged children are located in the school so your pickups and drop-offs are all in one place!
PLASP programs are a safe place for your child to connect, play, and get some energy out!
Our programs:
• Meet the high standards set out by the Ministry of Education
• Adhere to strict COVID-19 safety protocols
• Our staff members are warm, nurturing and caring people who connect well with children, families and the community.
• Are staffed by Registered Early Childhood Educators, as well as members of the Ontario College of Teachers, Child and Youth Workers (CYW) & Child and Youth Practitioners (CYC)
• Accept fee subsidies from the Region of Peel and City of Toronto
Before School programs operate from 7:30 a.m. until school starts and include breakfast daily. After School programs begin at school dismissal, include a substantial daily snack, and run until 6:00 p.m.
PLASP Child Care Services is a charitable organization, operating on a not-for-profit basis, providing award winning programs for children, for more than 40 years.
Register at https://www.plasp.com/ or call 647-484-4372 for more information
For safety and efficiency reasons, we would like to reduce the amount of cash & cheques coming into our school. Please join the thousands of parents who have already registered and are enjoying the convenience of paying ONLINE! It takes less than 5 minutes to register.
Our goal is to reach 100% of our families using School Cash Online. We have found that SchoolCashOnline dramatically increased the efficiency and security of money coming into the school, reducing much of the time required when dealing with money.
If you need help with registering, please call our office and we would be happy to help you.
We thank you for supporting schoolcashonline.
We are excited to introduce this year’s 2024-2025 Catholic School Council.
Co Chair: Patricia Magnone
Co-Chair: Patricia Checchia
Treasurer: Cherylyn Stina
Secretary: Sonia Da Costa Hernandez
Parish Rep: Unfilled
OAPCE Rep: Unfilled
Parent Member: Ashley Esperanza
Parent Member: Deborah Siva
Parent Member: Daniella Kennedy
Teacher Rep: Mrs. Mallia-Bomben
The next Catholic School council meeting will take place on Thursday November 7th at 6:00 in our school library. As always, all parents are welcomed to attend this open meeting.
All Catholic School Advisory Council Meetings will take place in our school library beginning at 6:00 p.m. A link will also be shared to join virutally
This year’s meetings will take place on the following dates:
Thursday November 7, 2024
Thursday January 16, 2025
Thursday April 3, 2025
Thursday May 29, 2025