NWMS Weekly Parent Update
August 26-30
It's a Great Day to be a Viking!
Reminders and Updates
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! Each week, I will email the parents/community a Weekly Update that includes Information and Dates for the upcoming week. You can update your email/contact information with our Data Manager, Lalitha Ramana, throughout the year.
As you visit our campus take note of the new front entrance mats and the new flags added to several poles near the front entrance of our school. These items were added by our amazing PTO! The PTO has a new website - please visit ptsonwgms.ptboard.com for updated information from our PTO and to join the PTO.
You can also find updated information on our NWMS Website.
A few reminders for Arrival and Dismissal:
- Students can only be dropped off in our official Car Rider Line. This line will begin unloading at 8:00 am. Please do not drop your student off anywhere other than this line and do not drop off prior to 8:00 am. Bus riders will automatically be brought/dropped off at the correct location. Please be patient these first few days of the school year. Traffic will be backed up on NW School Road. As more students get assigned to buses and as students begin using the bus service we will have fewer car riders and the traffic will improve.
- All students must enter through our Front Doors each morning. We will have staff outside to assist any student that needs help. Once they come through the front doors they will travel through our Metal Detectors. Please make sure your student does not have any metal-type objects or supplies in their book bag. Please do not bring/use book bags with wheels as these will cause the scanners to go off. In addition, we do not allow wheel-type book bags because of the damage they cause to our floors and the numerous stairs that are located within our school. Other items that we ask students not to bring include umbrellas (use a raincoat instead) and binders with metal rings. If your child has an eyeglass case it will often cause the scanner to go off and they should be prepared to place their eyeglass case on the pass-around table at the Scan Station.
- Please bring your Hard Copy Schedule with you to school tomorrow. You will need it for Room Numbers and information throughout your 1st day.
- If your student will be a car rider in the afternoon please be in the line no later than 3:40. Please note that the line will be longer than normal the first few weeks of the year. Please be patient with us. Students will be dismissed by their car tag # as it shows up in TEAMS in their last class of the day. It is important that each car rider know their Car Tag # and that they pay attention in the afternoon to the Dismissal Information as it is projected by their teacher. Parents picking their student up in the afternoon must enter our Car Rider Line for your Car Tag# to be entered into the TEAMS Dismissal Channel. If you park anywhere around campus or in our parking lot your student will not be released because their number will not have been entered into our Dismissal Channel. Please make sure your Car Tag number is hanging from your rearview mirror and that it is visible to the staff members who will be entering numbers. If you do not have a Car Tag # please write in large print your child's first and last name and hold it up for the staff members to see when you enter the Car Rider Line.
- Please review the section on walking to/from school in our Family Handbook. See the most up-to-date copy of this handbook below.
- Students can enter the front doors of the school at 8:00 am. The Tardy Bell rings at 8:30. Students are dismissed at 3:30 each day. The Office is open from 7:30-4:15 and the front office number is 336-605-3333.
Let's make it a great week,
Mrs. Francisco
Breakfast/Lunch/Cafeteria Information
- Our Cafeteria is prepared to serve Breakfast and Lunch to students. To submit an application for Free/Reduced Meals please visit the GCS School Nutrition Website. You can also request a hard copy of the application from our main office (336-605-3333) and we will make sure one goes home with your student. To add payment/money to your child's lunch account go to K12 Payment Center.
- Students may bring their own lunch or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. Please do not bring glass bottles or containers. Students may not receive lunches at school using any delivery system or service. We do not have microwaves in our Cafeteria for student use so please do not send food items that need to be heated.
- Costs: Breakfast $1.00 and Lunch $2:85.
Sports Tryouts Information
- Sports/Tryout Paperwork must be turned in tomorrow morning to Ms. Thomas. Students should tell their Homeroom Teacher that they need to turn in paperwork to Ms. Thomas during Homeroom and that teacher will allow them to take the paperwork to the gym. In order to try out for a sport all paperwork must be turned in. For information about any sport please visit our NWMS Website and go to the Athletic Tab at the top. Tryouts begin tomorrow after school.
Transportation Information
- We realize that many students are still waiting on Bus Routes. Bus Routes are now visible in Power School so please check to verify that your child has an assigned way to and from school. I am hopeful that the Here Comes the Bus App is now working (after it was down all last week).
- To assist with any questions you may have, the Transportation Department will have representatives on-site at NWMS tomorrow from around 11:00-1:00. We will make an announcement and any student who has a question about their route will be allowed to come to the tables in Front Commons to get clarification. Parents are invited to attend and ask the Transportation Department questions during this time as well. We will be handing out new Bus Passes to all students tomorrow morning during Homeroom.
Donated School Supplies
If your student needs school supplies please ask them to see Counselors, Mrs. Thompson and/or Mrs. Crockett. The Summit Church made a School Supply Donation and our counselors have access to these supplies to give to students as needed.
Updated Family Handbook
PE Days and A Day/B Day Schedule
The first day of school will be an A Day. If you have PE on A Day please make sure you wear tennis-type shoes and clothing that is suitable for PE Class. Below is the A Day B Day Schedule for the entire school year. If you use a Planner you can go ahead and mark the days for the whole year!
Core Curriculum Information:
ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies
Please visit this site for more information about 6-8 ELA.
Please visit this site for more information about 6-8 Math.
Please visit this site for more information about 6-8 Science.
Please visit this site for more information about 6-8 Social Studies.
Weekly Information
Monday, 8/26
- Sports Tryouts Begin - all paperwork due to Ms. Thomas before Tryouts
Wednesday, 8/28
- Student Council Meeting after school for select students
- Sept. 2 - Holiday - School Closed
- Sept. 4 & 5 - Club Fair during lunch periods
- Sept. 5 - Boy's Soccer & Girl's Volleyball Game at Home vs. Kernodle
- Sept. 9 - Before/After School Clubs begin meeting
- Sept. 9 - Student Council Meeting after school
- Sept. 9 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Southwest
- Sept. 11 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Eastern
- Sept. 16 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Jamestown
- Sept. 17 - Fall/Yearbook Picture Day
- Sept. 18 - Football @ Home vs. Kernodle
- Sept. 19 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Southeast
- Sept. 23 - Student Council Meeting after school
- Sept. 24 - School-Based Leadership Team Meeting 4:00 in Media Center
- Sept. 25 - Football @ Southwest
- Sept. 26 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Northern
- Sept. 30 - Boys Soccer/Girls Volleyball @ Home vs. Kiser
- Sept. 30 - PTO General Meeting 6:00 pm