Cascade Middle School
School News! 2/2/25
Upcoming Events
January 29 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting (CHS PAC - High School Scheduling)
February 7 - Valentine's Dance (6-8 pm Semi-Formal)
February 7-18 - CMS Book Fair
February 17 - President's Day (No School)
February 28 - 8th Grade Vision Screenings
March 19 - Secrets on the Shelf
March 24-April 4 - Spring Break
April 15 - ILEARN Practice Test
April 17 - 8th Grade Area 31 Field Experience
April 18 - MCCSC Staff PD Day (No School)
April 22 - ILEARN Testing Begins
May 8 - Spring Band Concert (CHS PAC 7-8pm)
May 21 - 8th Grade Awards Night (CHS PAC)
May 22 - Spring Choir Concert (CHS PAC 7-8:15pm)
May 26 - Memorial Day (No School)
May 28 - Last Day of School
PTO News
For general questions for the PTO or for information on how you can help make our school an even better place for kids, send an email to cascademspto@gmail.com
Updates from the Cafeteria
To deposit money into your child's lunch account electronically visit myschoolbucks.com to create an online account. You can also download the mobile app. Students can bring in cash to lunch, but sometimes that money gets stuck in pockets instead of deposited with the cafeteria staff. Students may bring a lunch from home on any day they choose.
Click the boxes Below to submit a brag!
Is there a teacher at CMS who went above and beyond recently? Use the Teacher Brag box to let us know what special thing that teacher did for your student, so that we can celebrate and recognize them!
Be the "I" in KIND
These students were caught doing something KIND for others this week! LJ brought in canvases from home and donated them to her Art classroom. LJ helped out his teacher by vacuuming the classroom when others left a mess. Axton, Eli, and Ethan volunteered to empty out the trash cans in the 6th grade hallway when they got full. It's small acts like these that make our school a great place!
Positive Office Referrals
Upcoming Community Events
IN and National Recognition as a School to Watch
Purdue Extension - Hendricks County
Purdue Extension-Hendricks County would like to show our support to the teachers and support staff throughout Hendricks County. We have partnered with each school corporation to bring you their wish list for their classroom or school. If you would like to donate to MILL CREEK schools, you may do by clicking HERE!
CMS Student Handbook
Important Links For Parents
Cascade Middle School
Email: kblickenstaff@mccsc.k12.in.us
Website: http://cms.mccsc.k12.in.us/
Location: 6423 South County Road 200 West, Clayton, IN, USA
Phone: 3175399285
Facebook: facebook.com/cascademiddleschoolMCCSC
X: @MiddleCascade