Knights EXCEL
Week of January 9th-Leading up to MLK holiday January 16th
"The time is always right to do what is right."
We want you to be an active member of our SGMS community! How can you get involved?
- stay connected with Connect Ed voice messages, newsletters by teams and school, checking agenda daily for assignments, signing agenda weekly, checking Parent portal for consistent follow up on student grades; conference with teams if your student is failing
- volunteer to be a positive voice and interact with students at arrival, dismissal and/or lunch
- volunteer to help at our Jamboree #2 -team building activities and celebrations (February 24th)
- volunteer to share about your job at Career day (March 10th)
- volunteer to share about your family culture at Multi-cultural day (May 5th)
- volunteer for behind the scenes jobs such as drawing things, cutting out things, calling people for events, donating tokens of appreciation for staff and students
- serve on our School Leadership team
- volunteer to assist with clubs
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"We must walk on
in the days ahead
With an
audacious faith
In the future."
Find more MLK quotes here.
Calendar Connections
2nd semester encore classes are being balanced with the transitions that have occurred from enrollments and withdrawals so your childs 2nd semester encore only schedule may be different that what they remembered in August. We will use their registration rankings to modify if a change is necessary. There will be no encore schedule changes for preference as priority rankings from registration is being used. 2nd semester classes will begin on 1/30.
10th : Leadership meets afterschool; athletic pictures 4 pm in Gym
11th: Student Council meets afterschool
12th: Science Interim #2; BBall vs Jamestown @ SGMS (Boys play first; Concessions available); Chess club
13th: Math 1 Interim #2; Opening of HS options application
16th: MLK Holiday
19th: BBall @ Ferndale; Chess club
23rd: BBall vs AJ Prep @ SGMS
25th: Student Council
26th: Math 6 & 8 Math Interim #2; End of Quarter 2; Bball @ Penn Griffin; Chess club
27th: Teacher Workday
30th: Students begin new semester encore classes; Students will receive their new schedule in Homeroom that morning; No schedule changes will be allowed; Bball @ Welborn
31st: MAP testing ELA-modified schedule to come
- DOJO points will be cashed in at the end of the quarter/semester please encourage your child to collect points these last 13 school days of the semester. Points are earned for showcasing EXCEL values
February 1st: GCS Choice Showcase at Greensboro Coliseum 5:30-7:30 pm
February 20th: GCS HS Options application closes
Southern Guilford Middle School
Location: 5747 Drake Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Phone: (336)574-4266
Twitter: @SGKnights_EXCEL