BSMS News from the Nest
February 2025
Principal's Message
Happy Wednesday,
Well this winter has been interesting to say the least. The weather is definitely keeping us on our toes. We appreciate your understanding when we have changes to the schedule that impact you. As you know, the safety of all our students and staff are primary and decisions are made keeping that principle at the forefront. Provided that school resumes tomorrow, it will be a Day 5.
Our remote learning days will occur on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th. An email was sent on Monday afternoon reviewing the expectation for students on those days. All work will be posted to each grade levels homework page, and teachers will be available by email on those days with any questions.
We are excited to announce that on April 3rd, parent/teacher conference night, the middle school will be hosting an Open House for all families. We welcome students to bring their families that evening to wander throughout the building. Students are welcome to show off the spaces they visit on a daily basis and give families a look into their daily routine here at BSMS. Student work will be displayed in the hallways and in the Common Areas. More information regarding that evening will follow, but we wanted to you to note this date on your schedule.
Feedback from our parent survey last year showed that families wanted more information on the systems that are used here at the building in order to support their students. As of today, we have provided a 5th grade Zoom session on what to expect in the middle school, a refresher video for 6/7/8th graders and their families, and an overview of the Sapphire Information System that is used as our primary means of communication and progress reporting. We have also provided tech support at our Back to School Night and Fall Conference Night to any family in need. If there is another feature, or system that you would like help in understanding or working through, please reach out to me so I can work to support this need.
Thank you again for your continued patience as Mother Nature works to make a regular routine challenging these past couple of weeks. Your work at home to ensure that your student is prepared to learn daily is very much appreciated.
Mrs. Shelley
Grade Level Updates
Linked below are the updates from all grade levels, including their Creative Arts Classes.
High School Scheduling Information
8th Grade Scheduling Night will take place on February 20, 2025 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. In the event of inclement weather, the snow make-up date will be February 25, 2025 at the same time and location. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn about the scheduling process as your student transitions to high school.
During the event, you will have the chance to meet with high school faculty and staff to discuss the course options available for your student's freshman year. We will provide information about the various academic and elective courses, as well as extracurricular activities, to help you and your student make informed decisions about their high school education. Additionally, there will be a presentation on the overall high school experience and an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the scheduling process or high school in general.
Parking will be available outside the cafeteria. When you arrive, please turn left and drive past the Administration Office to access the designated parking area.
We encourage all 8th grade parents/guardians to attend this important event to support your student in planning for their high school journey. We look forward to seeing you on February 20th.
9th and 10th School Counselor
Remote Instructional Days- 2/14 and 2/17
Friday, February 14, and Monday, February 17 will be a remote asynchronous learning days for all students. Students will not report to the middle school on these days. Please see the information below that outlines the expectations for our remote learning day for the 2024-2025 school year.
Remote Asynchronous Learning Day-Bermudian Springs Middle School
Friday, February 14: Cycle Day 6
Monday, February 17: Cycle Day 1
- There will be no live instruction on either day, students will not report to school.
- Students must complete assigned activities. Assignments will either be sent home with students, or posted on their Canvas accounts.
- Assignments for all core content areas (ELA, Math & Social Sciences) and the student’s special for the cycle day will be given.
- Assignments will align with current classroom instruction.
- Teachers will be available to answer questions via email during the hours of 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and 1:00 PM-3:00 PM on both days
- Attendance: Students must complete and return assignments. Regular attendance guidelines will be followed.
- Grading: Assignments will be graded aligned to individual teacher practices for grading in-class work. Teachers will communicate due dates, clear instructions, expectations, point values, and rubrics (when appropriate).
- Pacing: Students will have February 14-17th to complete assignments. Assignments should be submitted to the teacher by Tuesday, February 18th.
Assignments will be posted on each grade's homework page for students to reference if needed.
Please reach out to your student's teacher, or the main office with any questions regarding the expectations for these upcoming remote instruction days.
PBIS Corner
For the year, we have already amassed over 8,500 positive behaviors which surpasses our total from last year by far. Students in January were treated to grade level rewards if they earned a scan and did not have multiple office infractions. Those rewards included extra time in the gym, ping pong, art projects, board games, and more. Our PBIS team is working on a building-wide assembly for February where students will have the opportunity to play a real-life version of Hungry, Hungry Hippos as well as a chance to "pie a teacher" for our top RISE earners.
We have had our share of discipline challenges in the past month as well. The third marking period often brings an uptick in behaviors. We have had 81 office incidents and referrals in the last month. Many of these behaviors continue to occur during unstructured time such as in the bathroom, bus, and hallways. We ask that you continue to remind your student that they should be treating our school, staff, and other students with respect on a daily basis from the moment they get on the bus in the morning until they get home in the afternoon. As a building, we want all students to feel safe and valued here. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself or Mrs. Shelley. Stay tuned for more opportunities for parents to come in and volunteer for PBIS rewards!
Eagle Up!
Assistant Principal
Students of the Month - January 2025
5th Grade: Paisley Lerew, Jaxon Price, Jacob Skinner, Mia Storm
6th Grade: Allison Pritt, Georgia Smith, Grayson Wolf, Delanya Gebhart (Not Pictured)
7th Grade: Piper Seitler, Taylor Mitchell, Hannah Thompson, Braelynn Small
8th Grade: Arisbel Vizcaino Lucario, Leah Barton, Mia Marchi, Ethan Robinson
Mark Your Calendar
2/14 - Remote Asynchronous Learning Day - Snow Make Up Day
2/17 - Remote Asynchronous Learning Day - Snow Make Up Day
2/20 - 6:30-8:30PM - 8th Grade Scheduling Night HS Cafeteria
2/26 - 6:30PMSpring Parent /Coach Night HS Auditorium
3/1 - 1st Day of Spring Practices
3/5 - Spring Picture Day
3/28 - Half Day Early Dismissal (11:10am)- Teacher Professional Development
4/3 - 2hr Early Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences
4/4 - No School - Teacher Professional Development/ Parent Teacher Conferences
4/15 - Mobile Dentist
Battle of the Classes
Heart & Sole -5th- 8th Grade
Registration starts Wednesday, January 22 for girls interested in Heart & Sole (the middle school version of Girls on the Run). This program focuses on social-emotional learning as well as physical fitness. Practices will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 4:30 pm starting on February 25. The final event is a 5K run at York College on April 27th. Please see the informational flyer below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Greenawalt at kgreenawalt@bermudian.org.
Nurse Notes
Dates to Remember:
💗 Vision screenings have been completed. If your student has a failed vision screening, look for a referral in the mail; this form needs completed by their eye doctor and returned to school. Poor vision is a main cause for headaches and can also affect academics. Please reach out to the school nurse if you need financial assistance with getting an exam by an eye doctor and/or eyeglasses.
💗 Scoliosis screenings for all 7th graders begin in March. Any parent objecting to the screening must provide a signed/written request to the nurse before March 3, 2025.
💗Children should have temperatures less than 100.5F without the use of Tylenol/acetaminophen or Advil/ibuprofen for 24 hours and be free from vomiting and/or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
💗If your child has a cough and is having a hard time breathing or controlling their cough, it is recommended they remain home to rest until this is under control.
💗Cough drops may only be brought to school with a note to the nurse signed by a parent or guardian.
💗 If your child requires medication for use at school, a parent-signed physician’s order is required. Please schedule a time with the School Nurse to deliver medications and refills.
💗The state of Pennsylvania requires 6 th Grade Physicals/Immunizations (Tdap and meningitis) and are due before the end of the school year, so your child does not face a possible exclusion from beginning their 7th grade year.
💗 The state of Pennsylvania requires 7th Grade Dental Exams. Please return these forms promptly. https://www.bermudian.org/services/health-services/health-forms
Dates to Remember:
- 6th grade physicals and immunizations are due before end of school year.
- 7th-grade dental forms are due before end of school year.
- Scoliosis exams will be given by the School Nurse for 7th graders beginning in March.
- District physician is coming on April 3rd for 6th grade physicals with prior parent permission
- Mobile dentist is coming April 15 for those with approved applications
- District dentist is coming on May 2nd for 7th grade dental exams with prior parent permission
Take Care,
Julie Nelson, RN, BSN, CEN, CSN, M. Ed.
Middle School Nurse
Phone: 717-528-4113 x3740
Fax: 717-528-0034
Athletic Events
3/3- 1st Day of Spring Practices
BSMS Parent Resources
We have created a Parent Resource Page that is a one stop shop for all our documents and useful information. It includes the student handbook, attendance excuses, family trip forms, physical forms, health forms and other useful information, along with explanations to support families. We encourage you to bookmark for future reference!
Sapphire Community Portal Account
Parent Tutorials
Click this LINK to our webpage that is filled with a variety of videos that cover a wide range of topics, from how to setup a Sapphire account to check grades to how to help your child with homework.
McKinney Vento Homeless Information
Cafeteria Reminders
Bermudian Springs Food Service Department will be using the SchoolCafe software for online payments. Parents/Guardians will be able to add money to students accounts for a fee of $2.25 as well as track their students purchases www.schoolcafe.com
Please contact Judy Sterling at jsterling@bermudian.org, or 717-528-4113 ext. 2780.
Judy Sterling
Director of Food Service
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast - Free
Lunch - Free
Deposit Forms - Used to add money to a student's account for Ala carte items.
Attendance and Family Trip Procedures
Regular attendance at school is essential to maintain a good academic standing. Excused absences include: illness, family emergencies, prearranged doctor and dental appointments, and pre approved trips and school activities. Other absences are unexcused unless prior approval is given through the main office. Prior approval should be requested by the parent or guardian in writing prior to the day of absence. After three unexcused absences, a notice of Illegal Absences will be issued. After a 1st Notice of Illegal Absences has been issued, a parent meeting will be scheduled in a attempt to support the family and student with attendance. Future illegal absences may result in the school presenting the attendance issue before the local magistrate. This can be monitored in your Sapphire Parent Portal.
This year we will again closely monitoring student tardiness. For each accumulation of 65 unexcused minutes, the student will receive what will equal to a 1/2 day unexcused absence.
Please provide the school with written documentation for all tardies and absences. Absences will be marked as unexcused until an excuse is provided. Upon returning to school after an absence, students must report to the office with written documentation signed by their parent/guardian. All written excuses must be provided with five school days of the absence.
There are numerous options for providing an excuse/note for your students' absence(s). Any of the following are acceptable methods to submit this documentation. As always, if possible please provide medical documentation.
Complete the electronic form at this link English or Spanish
Email a note/excuse to Mrs. Clouser at kclouser@bermudian.org at the middle school.
Send in a written note/excuse directly to the office with the student.
Excused Family Trips
A total accumulation of 10 excused family trip days for the school year is the limit allowed per student. Any additional days will not be approved. Please provide a weeks notice prior to the trip.
This form is available to request permission for your child's absence from school to participate in an educational trip. All trips must have prior approval. Please fill this form out and submit to your child's building secretary/principal for approval.
Educational Trip-Parent Request Form 2024-2025
The PTO is planning a few fun celebrations this month for our staff! If you would like to bake Cookies for a cookie walk, provide small items for game prizes, or donate snacks, click here https://www.timetosignup.com/bermudianmspto/
Daily Schedule
7:25am Students enter the Building
7:40am Tardy Bell
7:40-8:00am Homeroom
8:00-2:40pm Instructional Periods
Lunch Periods
- 5th 10:50-11:20
- 6th 11:22-11:52
- 8th 12:00-12:30
- 7th 12:32-1:02
Please remember if you have any address or bus stop changes, this information needs to be submitted to the building office of the school your child attends. Any changes submitted may take up to 48 hours to be implemented.
Parent Pick Up/ Drop Off Procedures
Dismissal Expectations
Parent Drop Off
Parents should use the 2nd loop that circles the parking lot when dropping off students. Please pull all the way up to the end of the walkway to provide enough room for all cars dropping off. The school doors open at 7:25am for student entry. Students are expected to be in their homerooms by 7:40 each day. When exciting the parking lot in the morning, a reminder that all traffic must turn right at the top of the middle school drive in order to maintain traffic flow during high school arrival.
Parent Pick Up
Parents that wish to pick up their students should park along the parent pick up loop, with the first car pulling forward to the end of the walkway. In addition, please do not block the entrance to the bus loop so that busses can pull forward into the loop. Students being picked up will be dismissed at 2:38pm daily.
A reminder that all students are expected to leave the building by the 2:45pm dismissal. The only exception to this is for students who are under the direct supervision of district staff, such as coaches and tutors. Students are not permitted to stay on campus after dismissal without the permission of an administrator. Students that wish to attend after school events are expected leave campus at dismissal and then return at the start of the event.
Adult Education Classes
Social Media
BSMS Live Stream News each morning starting at 7:40AM
Helpful Contacts
Mrs. Jennifer Shelley- Principal
Mr. Matt Jenkins- Assistant Principal
Ms. Sherri Umbaugh- School Counselor
Mrs. Green- Building Secretary
Mrs. Clouser- Attendance Secretary