
November 15, 2024 - Issue 6
Panther Pride Student of the Quarter Celebration
Congrats to all student recipients!!
Anthony Musical
Hello Students & Families!
The Musical Team here at Anthony is so excited to announce this year's musical: High School Musical Jr!
Students of any grade 6 - 8 are welcome to audition for the show or to join our Tech Crew or Murals/Set Design afterschool class!
In order to audition for the cast or join Tech Crew, students need to:
Pick up the Actor's Packet or Tech Packet in front of the Main Office. (Also linked here if your student needs a new copy)
Read the information provided about joining the musical.
Fill out the registration form.
Registration forms are due by MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TH. Students turn their form into Ms. Ringold in Room 211.
If you have any questions regarding the musical that are not addressed in the Actor/Tech packet, you can contact the director, Ms. Ringold, via email: emily.ringold@mpls.k12.mn.us
We cannot wait!
The Anthony Musical Team
What is IB and Why Does it Matter?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Organization provides a set of standards and practices that Anthony Middle School follows in order to provide a rigorous and transferable education to all of our students. It is a framework that aims to develop “...inquiring, knowledgeable, confident, and caring young people” (International Baccalaureate) who are lifelong learners. IB programs “empower school-aged students to take ownership in their own learning and help them develop future-ready skills to make a difference and thrive in a world that changes fast” (International Baccalaureate). An IB education puts students and their needs at the center of everything we do.
The foundational principles of an IB education are:
Conceptual learning
International - mindedness
Broad, balanced, and connected curriculum
There are 8 core subjects in the Middle Years Program (MYP) of IB that all students take:
The Arts (visual and performing)
Language Acquisition (At Anthony: Japanese, Spanish, French)
Language & Literature (ELA)
Individuals & Societies (Social Studies)
Design (At Anthony: Robotics, Cooking, Creative Writing)
Physical & Health Education
Minneapolis Public Schools is currently in the process of making almost all of our middle schools IB Middle Years Program (MYP) schools. This is to ensure that every Minneapolis Public School student has access to a balanced education that will help them thrive in our 21st century communities. IB is important because it opens doors for our students! Having strong IB programs in our schools teaches incredibly valuable life skills such as critical, conceptual, and creative thinking, problem solving, and social-emotional skills that will help our students be successful in any of their future endeavors.
Specifically for our 8th graders, participating in IB programming prepares them for future IB programs they could participate in in high school, such as the IB Diploma Program and the IB Career Program. Higher education institutions highly regard IB programs because of the academic and life skills these programs teach students.
To learn more about IB, check out the official IB website!
Your Anthony IB Coordinators would love to address any questions you may have about IB at Anthony! If you have questions regarding IB, please fill out this Google Form and the IB Coordinators will address your questions in future Anthony IB Newsletters!
Emily Ringold - emily.ringold@mpls.k12.mn.us
Joy Misselt - joy.misselt@mpls.k12.mn.us
International Baccalaureate. (n.d.). About the IB. International Baccalaureate. https://www.ibo.org/about-the-ib/
High School / College Spirit Day
Native American Heritage Month
Japanese at Anthony
6th Grade Science
What’s happening in 6th Grade Science?
Recently, students have been actively learning about the metric system, including:
Converting between metric units
Using tools such as:
Graduated cylinders
We are starting a unit on how Volcanologists and Seismologists measure Earth phenomena.
It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm! Encourage your student to share their discoveries at home!
Breakthrough Minneapolis - 6th Grade and 7th Grade Summer Opportunity
Breakthrough Minneapolis is a public-private partnership between the Blake School and Minneapolis Public Schools. Formerly known as Learning Works it is a summer program with ongoing school year follow-ups for TWO years and it is 100% free. What is Breakthrough? It's like summer school but way more fun and engaging. When you join Breakthrough, they stick with you through middle school and even continue to support through high school on the way to college. If this FREE program sounds good to you/your child, follow the QR code in the poster below to find out more. This program is primarily focused on current 6th graders but they do take some current 7th graders as well.
If you have questions, please reach out directly to Breakthrough's student services director, Quashingm Smith-Pugh at qsmithpugh@blakeschool.org or 952-988-3755.
Mr. Olson and Ms. Ricks have been working as liaisons with Breakthrough for many, many years and can also be a resource.
Q Smith-Pugh will be visiting Anthony on two occasions in the coming weeks to give kids a chance to touch base with him and learn more about the program. He'll be at Anthony during lunch on Thursday, November 21st and he'll be at school during advisory on Friday, December 6th.
Thank you!
Mr. Olson and Ms. Ricks
Attendance Procedures
Thank You for using Door 1 (Main Entrance) for drop-offs and pick-ups during the school day.
You do not need to accompany your student into the building if the office has been made aware of the necessary absence.
Please continue to: A) send your student in with a note from you or the doctor or B) call our phone line or C) fill out the google form to report the details of each absence.
Attendance phone line 612-668-3271
Google form Anthony Attendance Form
Both options are located on the website Contact - Anthony Middle School
Make sure your student comes to the office to get a GREEN leave-early pass if they are being picked up during the school day.
Lawful excuses include: sickness, doctor’s visit (must have verification from clinic), religious holidays, funerals, and extreme family emergencies.
Examples of non-excused absences: missing the bus, oversleeping, or attending non-MPS sponsored activities.
For NEW & PROSPECTIVE Students & Families for the 2025-2026 school year
December 6 Movie Night
Southwest Music at Orchestra Hall
We are thrilled to present the talent of Southwest High School's Orchestra, Guitar & Choir at the magnificent Orchestra Hall. Our students and teachers come together to share a program that celebrates the magic of music, bringing together voices and instruments to create something truly special. In this remarkable setting, we'll hear a range of music, from powerful choral arrangements to lively band pieces, that showcase the incredible versatility and unity of these young musicians. A wonderful event for the whole family to enjoy together!
Tuesday December 10, 2024 7pm Tickets are live now link below.
Health Office Updates
The health office would like to request donations of pants. We could use leggings and sweatpants in size Med/Large/XL (we already have a lot of smalls).
Also, if your student calls/texts you directly that they are sick and need to go home, please tell them to let their teacher know and then go to the health office. We will assess them and then reach out to you if needed.
Finally, you can order free covid tests at covidtests.gov to be prepared; 'tis the season of symptoms!
Southwest Cross Country
The Minneapolis Southwest High School girls cross country team finished 4th in the Minnesota State High School Tournament, and two of their best runners are Panther 8th graders -- Keira Bell and Nora Prekker. Other Panther 8th graders Winnie Sexton and Nora Deisz also ran some great varsity races this year. Panthers Annika Stirling-Palm (8th), Mira Reddy (7th), and Clara Grace (8th) are also part of the team.
Cadel Grham (Panther 8th grader) and Nick Schendel (Panther 7th grader) ran races for the varsity boys cross country team this year and did great! Devin Highly (Panther 8th grader) is also part of the boys team.
If Anthony students are interested in cross country (captains practice in August, season in the fall) or running on the Southwest track team (season in the spring), they should get in touch with any of these Panthers that are on the team or contact the coach Aaron Gerhardt aaron.gerhardt@mpls.k12.mn.us.
Southwest Wrestling
Volunteer Corner
What’s going on?
Help out in the lunchroom for a sneak peek into student life: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B49A8A62CA0F49-51708087-lunchroom
Featured volunteer roles:
As we make our way into 2nd quarter, there are PTA roles that we would love to fill. By shadowing us and learning the ropes now, it makes next year go smoothly. Consider if this could be a way you contribute to our great Anthony community as a co-president or co-treasurer.
Plan ahead - get these dates on your calendar!
Many volunteers will be needed for these two longstanding events and they are a great way to see your student’s classmates work or to scope out what next year has in store for them.
7th Grade History Day - February 13th
8th Grade Model UN - March 21st
Check here for other available opportunities: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B49A8A62CA0F49-50803392-anthony
Any questions about volunteering can be directed to Kelsey Tritabaugh at ktritabaugh@gmail.com
Give to the Max Day - November 21, 2024
Since 2018 Anthony has participated in Give to the Max Day. Although we met our pledge drive goal, if anyone is interested in topping up the pledge, here is the link.
Thanks for your continued support!
Camp YMCA Opportunities
Upcoming Events
- 21 - Native American Heritage Celebration 5-6:30pm
- 27-29 Holiday Break - No School
- 3 - Open House for NEW & Prospective Families for School Year 2025-2026
- 5 - Band Concert 6:00pm
- 6 - Movie Night at Anthony 6:00pm (for elementary schools)
- 11 - PTA Meeting 5:30pm room 102
- 12 - Choir Concert 6:00pm
Click to view full calendar of events
Note: This is not a complete list of events at Anthony. Subject to change.
Please make sure the following forms are filled out and turned into the main office. Forms can be downloaded or picked up in the main office.
Emergency Contact Form -- (required)
Media Release Form -- (required)
Student Behavior Acknowledgement Form -- (required)
Technology/Bus/Cell Phone Form -- (required)
Technology Use Pledge -- (required)
Health Form -- (required)
Medication Authorization Form -- (only applicable if student takes medication at school)
Family Activity Form -- (only if student will be absent more than 3 days in a row during school year)
🍎 Nutrition Section
Contact Info
Attendance Line: (612) 668-3271
District Transportation: (612) 668-2300
Secretary: Annie Smith
Office Assistant: Julie RobertsonPrincipal: Mai Chang Vue
Associate Principal/Athletic Director: Dempsey Miller
Website: anthony.mpschools.org/
Address: 5757 Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Phone: (612) 668-3240
Facebook: facebook.com/AnthonyMiddleSchool/
Instagram: @mps.anthonymiddle