The Mountain Family WAG
Dec. 16-20, 2024
Megan's Message
This past week was so much fun watching our K-2 concert and our orchestra, band and choir students. It is nice to see students excited and demonstrate all that they have learned. This week will be busy getting ready for the end of the semester. We hope your child has had a great semester & that 2025 will be even better. We also hope you have a lovely holiday start to 2025!
Thank you Christopher Rutherford & Family
Award Winning Posole Chef and 6th grader, Christopher Rutherford, cooked posole, made cookies and got salad & other desserts donated for our staff party. It was so delicious. We are grateful for his talent and generosity!
Week Ahead Dec. 16-20
Monday 16. NO GAME CLUB IN THE AM Hannukah colors, Blue and white See's Lollipop Sale after school, 4 for $5. each $1.25
Tuesday 17. Kwanzaa colors, black, yellow green and red. See's Lollipop Sale after school
Wednesday 18.
- 8:45-11:45 a.m. 2nd grade Ice Skating Field Trip Holiday Sweater, show off sparkles, grinchness or humor.
- Fire Drill 12:45 p.m.
- PTA Meeting (No Grant Requests) 5:00 pm -
Thursday 19 Holiday Hat and Sock Day, DARE graduation 5th grade 12:00 p.m.
Friday 20 Holiday Pajama Day
- End of Semester- Report cards sent via email
- Fifth Grade Market Day
- 8:30 am - 9:45 am @Fifth Grade Classrooms
- Last day of School until January 7, 2025
Pre Arranged Absences
If you plan on being absent for longer than three days please use this form for approval. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mfWHY6zzzgtdzG7DEE-SLFOGPa07qGQRCDdJfXTch5E/edit?usp=sharing
EA Positions Available
Mountain Families, We have a position for a PREK 3Y special education position and half time special ed position. If you are interested in any of these positions, let me know via email or phone. m.lee@laschools.net Thank you!
Mountain in the News
We were commended at the Ad min meeting for being number one elementary school in NM as ranked by US News and World Report. Thank you for your partnership every day for the success of your children. We will celebrate soon!
Here are our results from NMPED. More information to come later. This information helps our school reflect on our progress and shape our instructional planning and goal setting.
Upcoming Dates-
Monday 6 Teacher Planning (No School for Students)
Tuesday 7 First Day Back for Students
MLK Day (No School)