Winter 2025 Newsletter
WHS School Counseling Department
- Students complete the Google Form found in the advisory slides
- The courses being exchanged meet in the same scheduled block as each other
- The courses being exchanged do not over-enroll a particular section
Students - make sure you are meeting with your counselors to complete these changes in a timely fashion and as a reminder we will not consider any requests to change a 5.0 credit course
Accessing Student Grades in Aspen
In addition to progress reports and report cards that are sent home throughout the year we encourage you to check your student's progress intermittently on Aspen. Instructions are available here.
Saturday Enrichment
Students voluntarily sign up, or an AP and/or teachers encourage students to attend for extra support with assignments
- All referrals must be in by 2pm the Thursday before
- The link for students to refer themselves can be found below
- Students should come prepared: fully charged Chromebook, necessary materials and understanding of work to be done based on a conversation with their teacher(s)
- Teachers can submit material ahead of time, but only the referring teacher can determine if the work completed is sufficient to make up missing class time and/or recover credit
- Content-area teachers present: Ms. Drane, Mr. Papastavrou, Ms. Flanagan, Mr. Skowronski & Chef Bird
- Students are required to complete at least one hour's worth of study time (class assignments) during the session
- Students can earn back one missed class for each hour worth fo work completed. This means, if students stay and complete 3 hours worth of work, they can earn back 3 missed classes. Students an work on multiple subjects during the time but cannot double-dip the time.
- Excessive class cuts during a term and the calendar will impact student eligibility to attend Saturday Enrichment. This will be determined by the AP, teachers and Enrichment Coordinators
Early College
Early College at WHS
What is it?
A Structured Program College Courses- FREE Credit for both High School and College
In partnership with MetroWest College Planning Collaborative (CPC), WHS has developed access to college courses offered through MassBay Community College and Framingham State University Students select college courses they would take during their school day taught by visiting Professors and supported by Waltham HIgh School teachers.
Be on the lookout for Information Session and virtual events!
Fill this form out if you are interested in learning more: Early College Interest
Upcoming Guidance Workshops
Senior Reminders
Local Scholarship Packet
Counselors will be going into English classes the week of January 21st to discuss the local scholarship booklet and how to complete it. All applications must be submitted by Friday February 14th at 7:30am. We will not accept any late submissions so we encourage you to not wait until the last minute to complete this application.
Financial Aid Resources and FAFSA Completion Information
Regardless of age or income status, community college in Massachusetts is now FREE for all students, so long as they:
Live(d) in Massachusetts for at least one year
Graduated from a Massachusetts high school
Completed the FAFSA
Are enrolled in at least six credits in community college (two classes, considered at least half-time student)
MassEducate covers the full cost of tuition and fees for all eligible students. Students may qualify for an allowance of up to $1,200 for books and supplies based on income level. Some students may also be eligible for an additional allowance (up to $1,200) to help with other costs of attending college
Additionally, free tuition and fees is available for low-income students (not including housing) at state schools, with up to half off tuition and fees for middle-income students
Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open
Used by the state and federal governments to determine eligibility for government aid
All students will be required to submit a FAFSA form, as it is required by all colleges and universities
Parent(s) will use tax information from 2023
The student and any “contributor” must apply for an FSA ID before filling out the FAFSA
The CSS Profile is now available for students to submit. Select schools (mostly private, some public universities) will require students to provide additional financial documentation to the FAFSA
Cost of the first submission is $25, with subsequent school submissions costing $16
If a student qualifies for a fee waiver, fees can be waived for CSS Profile as well
Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions regarding the CSS Profile
Free financial aid webinars are offered through the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA)
Webinars are available live and on-demand covering a host of financial aid topics, including FSA ID, Financial Aid 101, and Athletics in College Admissions
Please see the MEFA website for more information and the schedule of upcoming webinars
- FAFSA Festival
- "Do you need assistance completing the FAFSA, the form required to apply for college financial aid? Join MEFA for a virtual FAFSA Festival. You can log in anytime and you will be paired with an expert who can answer your FAFSA questions and help you complete the online application. Before you join us, we encourage you to start filling out the FAFSA at fafsa.gov"
- January 15th, 4:00-6:00pm
- February 11th, 4:00-6:00pm
The Federal Education Department offers a Federal Student Aid Estimator, which provides an estimate of how much federal student aid a student may be eligible to receive
This is simply an estimate for a student and their family to have an idea of what aid they may qualify for
College Application Requirements
All necessary documentation must be submitted 3 weeks prior to a student's first application deadline. This includes:
- Transcript Request Form
- Moving schools into "Applying" column of Scoir account
- Counselor Recommendation Form (Scoir)
- Request Teacher Recommendation(s) (Scoir)
- Add extracurricular activities to Scoir profile
Helpful Resources:
Junior Reminders
College Planning Night for Junior Families
Join members of the Counseling Department and Local College Admission Representatives for a discussion of college admissions trends and the college search process. Representatives from different schools will offer insight about the types of schools they represent (public, private) and provide tips about the application process at their institutions.
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, 06:30 PM
Waltham High School, Lexington Street, Waltham, MA, USA
- Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements regarding post-secondary planning workshops
- Junior Year Timeline
- Attached in the link above, please find a timeline for college bound students to follow throughout the course of junior year
The Federal Education Department offers a Federal Student Aid Estimator, which provides an estimate of how much federal student aid a student may be eligible to receive
This is simply an estimate for a student and their family to have an idea of what aid they may qualify for
- Course Selection will take place between March 10th-24th
- ELA MCAS (Retest) - March 6th & 7th
- Math MCAS (Retest) - March 11th & 12th
- SAT Information
- Students interested in taking the SAT's should register through collegeboard as soon as they decide on a date. We typically encourage students to take the May or June and then again the fall of their senior year (August, September, October)
Sophomore Reminders
- Course Selection will take place between March 10th-24th
- Counselors will also use this time to conduct lessons on career exploration as well as review different post-secondary options
- ELA MCAS - March 25th & 26th
Freshman Reminders
- Course Selection will take place between March 10th-24th
Upcoming Events of Interest
- Youth Connections
- Youth Connections is a dynamic program designed to empower young individuals as they navigate their future paths. Representatives from Youth Connections will be in our College & Career Center on Thursdays from 11:00 am-2:45 pm to work with students on resume building, career exploration, internship opportunities, and career skills. Scan the QR code in the flyer below for more information
- MEFA Webinars
- Massachusetts Educational Finance Authority (MEFA) provides information and clarity on the entire college financial aid application process through webinars. You'll learn about financial aid applications and types of financial aid, the factors that determine your aid eligibility, how colleges determine the amount of aid to offer, and the details of financial aid offers
- Upcoming dates:
- Tuesday January 14th, 6:30-7:30pm
- FAFSA Festival
- "Do you need assistance completing the FAFSA, the form required to apply for college financial aid? Join MEFA for a virtual FAFSA Festival. You can log in anytime and you will be paired with an expert who can answer your FAFSA questions and help you complete the online application. Before you join us, we encourage you to start filling out the FAFSA at fafsa.gov"
- January 15th, 4:00-6:00pm
- February 11th, 4:00-6:00pm
- NACAC National College Fair
- The National Association for College Admission Counseling is hosting a College Fair in Boston on March 27th (9am-12pm & 6pm-8:30pm) and March 28th (9am-12pm) at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
- See the list of participating schools here
- Register to attend the fair here
- Gap Year Fair
- Tuesday, January 14th, 6pm-8:30pm
- Ready Set Job Career Readiness Conference
- Register Here
This event offers a unique opportunity for young people to learn essential life skills, such as financial literacy, and tools to help them navigate future careers. Students gain valuable insights and skills that can help them secure internships and thrive in the professional world. Additionally, participants will create or update their resume with a Waltham professional.
Event Details:
When: Saturday, January 25, 2025 10:00-3:30 pm
Where: Brookhaven at Lexington 1010 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA
Who: All high school students in Waltham (we have 50 spots available)
Note: Students should bring their Chromebooks for the resume session.