The Dragon Details
February 28, 2025
March is Here!
After a week of freezing cold, we have been able to joy the weather this past week. I believe they call this Fool's Spring. It sure seems nice, but don't get used to it.
It has been an exciting week for our winter sports. On Tuesday, the Lady Dragons had a big win against Southwest Christian. They move on to Marshall on Friday night for the South Section Championship! Game time is 8:00pm. Hope to see you there! Thursday, our boys basketball team.... Five individuals from our wrestling team earned the honor of wrestling in the state tournament. They will be wrestling Friday and Saturday at the Excel Center in St. Paul. Good Luck to all our student athletes.
On Friday, March 7th, we have an early release. This marks the end of the second trimester in our elementary building. Just two weeks later, March 21st, is the end of Quarter 3 in the Middle/High School. Both buildings will host conferences on Tuesday, March 25th. The Middle/High school will be open house from 5:00-6:30. The elementary is by invitation only. After conferences, we hope you can join us at the annual March Madness student council fundraiser in the high school gym.
Humanity Launch Videos
Gregg and Kim from Humanity Launch shared the dance videos and a great compilation of pictures of the day from our "You Matter" retreat earlier this month. The day had so many positive messages for students about how they don't have to face this world alone, and they are so important to so many people. We are taking some of those messages to our elementary in March with a mini retreat. We hope you enjoy the videos.
John Baylor Visits
PSEO Information Available on Our Website
The new Post Secondary Education Options (PSEO) forms for the 25-26 school year have been posted on our school's website at isd511.net. Eligible students can earn college credits during high school either through our concurrent enrollment classes (college classes offered in our building) or through Minnesota colleges. There will be an informational meeting for parents during our spring conferences on March 25th. Watch for more information.
Study Tables
We want to remind students and families about our study tables. Students can get homework/organizational help from a teacher almost any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday for the remainder of the school year. Study tables is not held if it is the last day of the week.
If you notice your student falling behind or struggling, please encourage them to attend. If they can't stay the entire hour, we can make arrangements for that. This is a great opportunity for students to ask questions and get help. Teachers can check for missing work and help organize a plan to get back on track.
Flexible/E-Learning Days
With the onset of winter, we wanted to remind you of the process for Flexible/E-Learning days at the middle/high school. In the case of winter weather concerns or warnings, the school may choose to close the building, but hold a Flexible Learning Day instead. In these cases, students would be expected to log in sometime after 10:00 am to complete the assignments that are posted in Google Classroom for each class they would have that day. Attendance is determined by if a student logs on and completes the work. Students have a few days to make up assignments, but the preference would be for them to complete the activities as soon as possible so they can continue on with class.
We realized that there may be instances where a student does not have the devices available to them to complete this task. If that is the case, please feel free to call the office and leave a message, they are checked throughout the day. When we can forecast bad weather, we can make arrangements to send home Chromebooks with students who need them. Please contact the office, if you would like to make sure your child can check out a Chromebook.
Below you will see a link to our Flexible Learning Plan that is posted on the school webpage.
Community Education
Driver's Education information
Dear Parents;
Driver's Education will be offered to students who turn 15 by January 1, 2025 and older this summer. Students who are planning on obtaining a farmers permit must turn 14 by January 1, 2025. At the present time we will be offering one session of classroom instruction.
Classroom Instruction dates: June 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, from 8:30 - 11:30 AM
The classroom instruction will consist of ten 3-hour sessions at the high school. Please check your calendar carefully before signing up, because you MUST attend all classes. ANY MISSED CLASS HAS TO BE MADE UP AT YOUR EXPENSE.
Fee: $365 which includes classroom instruction and also behind the wheel instruction. Payment must accompany your registration. Students are not registered until payment is received. All district accounts including past due food service accounts have to be paid in full before being registered for Driver's Ed.
Please fill out the registration form below and return it by April 14th, with your payment to:
Kristie Johanson, Driver’s Ed Instructor, Adrian High School or mail it to:
Adrian Community Education, PO Box 40, Adrian, MN 56110 Checks made payable to Adrian Community Ed.
Please keep in mind that your child has to be 15 when they take the state written permit test.
Classes are filled on a first come basis. Class is full at 30 students! Please click the link below for a sign up sheet.
Important Dates
March 7 - Early Release
March 17 - Spring Band/Choir Concert
March 21 - End of Quarter 3
March 25 - Conferences and MARCH MADNESS
April 9 - Academic Day - ACT (11th) Reading MCA (10th) Game of Life (9th)
April 18/21 - Easter Break
April 26 - PROM
May 13 - MS Awards Program
May 14 - HS Awards Program
May 16 - Spring Show/Concert
May 23 - Graduation
Adrian Middle/High School
Website: isd511.net
Location: 415 Kentucky Avenue, Adrian, MN, USA
Phone: (507)483-2232
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSDragons511
Twitter: @AHSDragons511
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adriandragons/