Senior Tea Party
Tentative April 29
Senior Tea Party
Tuesday, Apr 29, 2025, 11:00 AM
UPDATED Information
This information is what we did last year. I haven't spoken to Mrs. Asya about having it at her place again this year. Since Joelie was in the class lassy year she did not charge us to use their venue. We can always ask, but I am pretty sure there would be a rental fee. This is a link to the some pictures from last year's party. I am open to ideas for locations, but it would need to be somewhere with facilities to heat the food and easily set up.
Yesterday I met with Mrs. Asya to discuss our tea party plans. We will have 5 decorated tables each seating 8 students. The tables will be set up the day before, but the decorating will need to be done the morning of the event. So far we have 3 tables that I have parents who have volunteered to decorate. (Lora & Ginger, Randy & Ranya, and Asya) If you are willing to get with another parent and decorate a table, please let me know ASAP. We decided that we would use the plates, glassware, etc at the table as DECOR only. We will purchase some clear plastic plates, eating utensils and cups for student use. This way we don't risk having someone's nice china plates or glassware broken.
Students will ride a bus to and from the event as we have gotten permission for this as a "field trip." This way students can help clean up and everyone arrives and leaves at the same time. We will leave school around 11:00, and be back to around 2:00. All of the food should be brought to the school the morning of the event, unless you plan to help decorate. Mrs. Holston has volunteered to take all of the food to the event location for us. However, students will be responsible for taking any leftovers or dishes back home with them.
Every year for the past eleven years I have had a British Tea Party culminating our year's study of British Literature. It's always been a fun event and a way that we can celebrate your senior. Everyone either brings a dish or pays a few dollars. I've tried to make it as "fancy" as we can when we've held it either outside in the picnic area or in the Auditorium, but budget and time constraints limit what we can do. This year after having a great deal of help from you for our February Valentine's party, we've been thinking of doing something a little different. If we can get it approved, we are going to take our Tea Party on location to Plant Hills Farms. Mrs. Asya Plant has graciously offered to host our tea party and provide the tables chairs and table cloths. As I have done in the past, we will have a sign up sheet for the food items, and will collect a small amount from those who aren't bringing something.
I have always decorated and provided flowers for the tables, but every year it seems like there's more to do, less time, and very few students who stick around for the clean-up. If our plan gets approved, we will take a bus of the students to the location so that we all get there at the same time and everyone stays until we get cleaned up. We'll then all ride back to school and be back by 3:00 This way, everyone can attend and everyone is responsible for helping with clean-up.
I am asking for your help. According to Mrs. Plant, the round tables she will provide will seat 8; so for 40 students and a few teachers we will need 6. Rather than Mrs. Plant take on all of the decorating, if we have two parents per table we can make each table special. By decorating, I am referring to a flower arrangement in the center and using tea sets, napkins, etc.You can see from a few of the pictures from the past years outside is much more fun, but the weather doesn't always cooperate. If you are interested in helping to decorate tables or in any other assistance we may need, please fill out the form below. For planning purposes, we may need to meet in person at least once before the event just to put our heads together and divide the duties.
Food Sign -up Link is Below
Dress Code for Students
Church Clothes
Girls: Dress or dress pants and nice top.Guys: Shirt with a collar dress pants or khakis.
Join th eSenior Parent Remind to stay on top of all of the Senior information!
Mrs. Ashley Becton
Millry High School
Email: ashley.becton@iwashco.com
Location: Millry, AL, USA