Holly Ridge Middle Weekly Update
November 24th, 2024
Holly Ridge Middle School Families,
Congratulations to each of our grade-level bands on an amazing Concert Week! Each night was filled with great music and unforgettable performances.
Thanksgiving Break
Holly Ridge Middle School recognizes the importance of achieving balance and taking time to step away from the demands of school. We also understand the value of spending quality time with family and loved ones.
Students will begin their Thanksgiving Break after school on Tuesday, November 26th, and will return to school on Monday, December 2nd. At HRMS, we deeply believe in the significance of students using this time to disconnect from schoolwork. Taking a break from academic expectations provides a valuable opportunity to relax, recharge, and enjoy quality time with friends and family.
As such, no teacher at HRMS will assign any homework or projects for students over the break, nor will there be any assessments or assignments due on the first day back. Our students have earned this well-deserved break!
Our teachers and staff also deserve this time off. I have no expectations for teachers to respond to emails, grade papers, or engage in any work related to HRMS during the break. Just as with our students, it is essential for our educators to rest and rejuvenate as well.
The front office will be closed starting at 4:00 PM on Tuesday, November 26th and will reopen on Monday, December 2nd.
Lost and Found
This is the last week for students to reclaim any belongings they may have misplaced from the lost and found which is located on tables right outside of the cafeteria. We encourage everyone to check for any lost items before we leave for the Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, November 26th, after which unclaimed items will be donated to a local donation center.
Lifetouch Photos
Photos by Lifetouch are available and there's still time to view them! Simply click on the link below and follow the steps from our school's landing page.
Link to photos: https://my.photoday.com/s/LTBW/260973
If you have questions, you can contact Lifetouch at 877-791-1676 or email bwarea@lifetouch.com
PTA Updates
Spirit Wear - Special Fall Order is Happening NOW!
➤New fall items - pre-order only now through Nov. 25th
Introducing new options in BLACK for a limited time only: 1/4 zip pullover, Long sleeved Tee, Hoodie and sweatpants
➤Order through our PTA store today!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 27th - Friday, November 29th: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School for Staff or Students)
Wednesday, December 4th - Spelling Bee Finals @ 6 PM in the auditorium
Friday, December 6th - Winter Sports Picture Day
Monday, December 9th - Interim Reports for Quarter 2
Tuesday, December 10th - PTA Meeting @ 6 PM in the Media Center
Thursday, December 12th - Basketball @ Lufkin Road Middle @ 4 PM
Friday, December 13th - HRMS Club Day
Monday, December 16th - Basketball vs West Lake @ 4 PM
Wednesday, December 18th - Winter Band Concert @ 7 PM
Thursday, December 19th - Chorus Concert @ 6:30 PM in the auditorium
Monday, December 23rd - Thursday, January 2nd - Winter Holiday Break (No school for students or staff)
Friday, January 3rd - Return to school from Winter Break
Please let us know if you have any questions.
We wish each of you a wonderful, safe, and Happy Thanksgiving break!
Go Hornets!