New Horizon Christian School
May 13th-May 19th
Theme for the 2023-2024
The Good News:
Jesus Came
He Died
He Arose
He Ascended
He's Coming Back
We will be celebrating people's testimonies and how they came to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
“The news you need, not the fluff.”
We are getting to the end of the school year. Please continue to read the newsletter so you can stay connected and be in the know of all the things going on at NHCS.
If you'd like to reach me, you can email me at gmalekovic@nhcscrusaders.org or 618-533-6910.
Blessings and have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Malekovic
Mrs. Westman's end of the year countdown.
8 more days
Please turn in ALL uniforms to the office.
Honors Chapel
Thursday, May 23rd will be honors chapel. It will start at 8:30 and last until it's over. Students are free to leave after chapel and/ or school is dismissed at 12. There will NOT be SACC that day!
Chapel Schedule: May
May 17th- K-2 and 5th grade is Leading Worship
We would love to have you join us for chapel.
The final Breakfast and Devotions for 5th-8th Graders
If you are interested in helping serve or preparing breakfast for the students, please contact me.
News from Ms. Alex in the Office
Please reenroll your student for the 24/25 school year. This helps with ordering books and preparing for the next school year. Please email Ms. Alex if you have any questions. alex@nhcscrusaders.org.
Pickle Ball Championships
Tyler from Oil Belt Christian Service Camp
Guitar Chapel
SACC Fee Change
If students are late to be picked up from SACC, the first time there will be a $10 late fee charged, the 2nd time there will be a $20 late fee charged, and the third time there will be a $30 late fee charged. After the third time, the student will not be allowed to use SACC for the rest of that quarter. The fee schedule will restart at the beginning of every quarter.
*Fees must be paid before you can return to SACC.
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Just a reminder that SACC ends at 5:00 pm.
8th Grade Spotlight-Ogden
Ogden is the son of Derek and Rebecca. He has participated in scholar bowl and track while at NHCS. He will miss PE at NCHS. His favorite memory while at NHCS was the 7th grade field trip to The Edge. He is looking forward to different classes and longer lunches. His advice to the younger students is not to stress about switching classes. His favorite verse is 1 Timothy 4:12.
8th Grade Spotlight-Ashtyn
Ashtyn is the daughter of Crea and Cody. A fun memory from NHCS is when the volleyball team won regionals. She will miss her friends at NHCS. She has participated in volleyball and guitar while at NHCS. She is looking forward to new experiences and new friends. Her advice to the younger kids is to be yourself and don't compare yourself to others. Her favorite bible verse is Joshua 1:9.
8th Grade Spotlight-Wade
Wade is the son of Robert and Laura. He has participated in basketball and track while at NHCS. He will miss his teachers at NHCS. His favorite memory while at NHCS was when the power went out. He is looking forward to making new friends. His advice to the younger students is to try hard. His favorite verse is Philippians 4:4.
8th Grade Spotlight-Cole
Cole is the son of Jason and Heather. He has participated in basketball, scholar bowl, guitar, and track while at NHCS. He will miss his class all being together. His favorite memory while at NHCS was when his class played laser tag. He is looking forward to being independent. His advice to the younger students is to try to better yourself from every mistake. His favorite verse is Philippians 4:13.
8th Grade Spotlight-McKaylee
McKaylee is the daughter of Renee. She has participated in volleyball, cheer, choir, and track while at NHCS. She will miss the new things at NHCS. Her favorite memory while at NHCS was when the power went out. She is looking forward to meeting new people. Her advice to the younger students is to always have faith in Jesus. Her favorite verse is John 1:1-13
8th Grade Spotlight-Annalyn
Annalyn is the daughter of Greg and Trish. She has participated in volleyball, basketball, and track while at NHCS. She will miss her friends NHCS. Her favorite memory while at NHCS was the 8th grade dance. She is looking forward to new adventures and opportunities. Her advice to the younger students is just have fun and live life. Her favorite verse is Philippians 4:13.
8th place in the 200
6th place in the high jump
4th place in the discus and 7th place in shot put
Continue to pray for Ledger and his family
Praise REPORT- Ledger received his new heart over the weekend. Continue to pray for the family as they enter a new phase in their journey. Many of the students are starting to connect the dots on where the heart came from. This may be the perfect time to have a conversation with your child about organ donation and how that process works and what a beautiful gift it is.
His mom and dad got to listen to his new heart.
If you want to follow along with their journey here is a link to their Facebook page:
Pre-School Graduation
Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30
8th Grade Graduation
8th grade graduation will be Thursday, May 16th at 6 pm
Save the Date-- The Annual NHCS Cardinals Game
The date is Tuesday, August 6th @ 6:45. We are singing the National Anthem. More details to come....