Comet Connection
March 11-15
Good evening CIS Families!
I hope you have all had a wonderful and restful weekend!
Please see the updates below for information about upcoming events this week and month!
HUGE Shoutout to our PTSO for working and hosting the Scholastic Book Fair this week! I know that our students and our families enjoyed being able to come in and shop. Additional THANK YOU for donating books to our teachers! This was a special treat on Friday! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Pizza Fridays-
To streamline our pizza day process and ensure your child receives their favorite slices hassle-free (cheese pizza only), we are offering you the opportunity to pre-pay for the remaining pizza days this school year. There are 8 pizza days left: March 15, March 22, April 12, April 19, May 3, May 10, May 17, and May 24.
Here are the options available for pre-payment:
1. One slice per week for $16.50 total.
2. Two slices per week for $33.00 total.
3. Three slices per week for $49.50 total.
Please click on the link provided to select your preferred option. This will help us serve your child promptly on Fridays without the need for weekly payments. Thank you for your cooperation in making our pizza days smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Deadline to sign up is 12:00pm Wednesday March 13th.
ACT Testing March 12th- Please be reminded that 11th graders will be in the building taking their ACTs on this day. All other high school students will be home. Please help us by maintaining quiet throughout the building on Tuesday. Plan to eat in your classrooms on Tuesday and hold recess away from the building (not in the courtyard). Thank you in advance for your help with this!
AIG Screening: March 13th and 14th we will be administering Universal Screeners for AIG for grades 3 and 6.
24/25 Uniform Changes:
*Necessary accommodation and modifications to the dress code for students with unique needs will be addressed on a case by case basis. If you have further questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out to administration for guidance.
Please see the updated uniform guidelines for next year below:
School Uniform Policy
Every student must be in full uniform whether he or she is in school, on campus, or under the school’s jurisdiction, including all school- sponsored activities, whether on- or off-campus, such as field experiences, academic competitions, and school-sponsored social and recreational events. The wearing of a uniform will not prohibit students from wearing particular attire that is part of their religious practice. Visit our website to order uniforms. See the MATRIX below for uniform details:
Tops K-5
· Short and Long-sleeve polos in light blue tucked in
· Non-CIS logos are not permitted.
· Crewneck sweatshirts in light blue or white
· Crewneck pullover sweaters in light blue or white
Tops 6-8
· Short and Long-sleeve polos in navy tucked in
· Non-CIS logos are permitted as long as they do not exceed 3 inches
· Crewneck sweatshirts in navy or white
· Crewneck pullover sweaters in navy or white
Tops 9-12
· Short and Long-sleeve polos in black or royal blue tucked in
· Non-CIS logos are permitted as long as they do not exceed 3 inches
· Crewneck sweatshirts in royal blue, black, or white
· Crewneck pullover sweaters in royal blue, black, or white
· Khaki uniform pants, skirts, or shorts with a black or brown belt (3rd-12th grades)
· No cargo pants
· Joggers are allowed as long as they are twill (khaki/Docker style material)
· Shorts must meet the fingertips when hands are held straight down by sides
· Skirts must be knee-length
· Tennis shoes or sneakers
Never Acceptable at any time (not even on dress down Fridays)
· Crocs
· Slides
· Any shoe besides a sneaker or tennis shoe
· Spandex, hoop earrings, spiked or sharp, chains, chain wallets, bandannas, sunglasses
· Leggings, overalls, pajamas
· Mesh or see-through clothing, camouflage, tactical jackets or vests
· Clothing advertising alcohol, tobacco, or weapons
· Any clothing that becomes a distraction to the school environment
· Crop tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, or racerback tops
· Hoodies, hats, or earbuds
· Clothing with holes, stains, or frays
Alternate Uniform for all K-12
· White polo with CIS badge/logo through approved vendor
· CIS Gold PE Uniform
NHS and NJHS: NHS will be recruiting new members until 3/6. If you have a rising Junior or Senior, with a GPA of 3.2 or higher, no major referrals, a leader amongst your peers, and want to serve your community and school see Mr. Grant for an application. If selected our inductions will be held 3/8/2024 at 6pm in the atrium.
Daily Announcements
If you have not already taken a moment to check out Mr. Grant's youtube page supporting our school and school activities, please take a moment to do so. Morning announcements are available for teachers to share with students on this site as well as special events.
Family Movie Night
CIS is sponsoring a K-2 Movie Night on Thursday, March 21, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 in the gym. Admission is $8.00 and includes popcorn, fruit snacks, and a beverage. No cash will be accepted, and admission must be paid in advance (no later than 3/14) using the QR code listed on the attached flyer. Please share the flyer in your weekly newsletter. We will need 3-4 volunteers to help chaperone.
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Trip to Japan
Mr. Grant is going to Japan in Spring of 2025, and you’re invited!
He is leading an educational tour for students from our community. We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner.
Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity: https://bit.ly/3RRbQO9
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
- How this opportunity will benefit your student
- What we’ll see and do on our trip
- Everything that’s included in this experience
- How your child can earn academic credit
- How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
- How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Mr. Grant
Environmental/International Update!
🌍🌱 Update from our International & Environmental Coordinator🌱🌍
I am thrilled to share some exciting updates with you all as we embark on new adventures in sustainability and international collaboration.
School Pollinator Garden: Thanks to the generous support of the Lotto Seeds grant, we have successfully ordered a variety of plants to create a vibrant pollinator garden right here at our school. But wait, there's more! We're planning a beautification day where our entire community can get involved in the planting process. Stay tuned for more details on how you can join us in making our environment more pollinator-friendly.
Greenhouse Initiative: Get ready to witness some serious green-thumb action! Our school community has been hard at work, gathering materials to build our very own greenhouse. This dream is becoming a reality thanks to the incredible fundraising efforts of our community members. If you're keen to lend a hand, we're still in need of soil, mulch, seeds, plants, and of course, willing volunteers! Reach out to me at hannahsteel@ciscomets.com to find out how you can contribute.
Sister School Partnership in Ghana: Drum roll, please! We're thrilled to announce our new partnership with a sister school in Ghana. Our first virtual meeting with them is just around the corner, marking the beginning of what promises to be a meaningful and lasting relationship. We're eager to explore opportunities for shared class projects, online exchanges, and even the possibility of future trips. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey of cultural exchange and collaboration!
Have a great week!
Hannah Steel
International & Environmental Coordinator
Due date for eclipse glasses is March 15th!
Counselor's Corner
Self-love is the “fuel” that allows us to reach our full potential. Self-love is learning to extend kindness to ourselves, and forgiveness to us when we make mistakes. Self-love means prioritizing ourselves and giving ourselves permission to find and believe in our gifts and strengths.
Daily self-love practice sets up pathways in the brain for self-love to become automatic reaction in daily life. Scientists have learned that activated neurons connect to other firing neurons in the brain to transmit information. These neurons wire together and create new actions-actions of self-love.
Self-love is not perfection. It is not always being happy. It is not based on our achievements, or external measurements of success. True self-love comes from within.
Prioritizing and practicing self-love is imperative to finding peace, having meaningful relationships and connections, and reaching our fullest potential.
Let’s find that love that we need!
Bus Update!
If you have specific bus or transportation concerns, please reach out to Dr. Bryant or Ms. Rahilly directly. Thank you!
Dear Families, Time is running out to purchase the 2024 yearbook. The yearbook staff is working hard to finish the book and If you are interested in one, please purchase at http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A01102705. A payment plan is available at checkout. We cannot guarantee a yearbook unless you preorder before 2/26/24. If you are unsure if you ordered, please check here https://www.jostens.com/customer-service/yearbook-order-tracking
Excused Absences and Tardies
Here at CIS every day counts and attendance matters. Our Attendance Team will be closely monitoring and tracking attendance. All NC approved absences must reported and documents uploaded through this system.
Please direct parents to use this form to enter in excuses for absences.
If students come to your classroom with a tardy note, they have already been marked tardy. If they come to you tardy without a tardy note, you will either have to change their attendance record to reflect the tardy or send them back down to the front desk to be marked tardy and get a tardy note.
Thank you!
Before and After Care Information
Please scan the QR code to sign up for before and after care!
Month at a Glance
March 12: ACT Testing- Only 11th grade students should report to school. 9th, 10th, and 12th graders should stay home.
March 15: International Day to Combat Islamophobia
March 19: NC Check-ins for English 2, Math 1, and Math 3 - All other high school students should plan stay home on this day! Biology will test on another day this week and will be a regular school day for all high school students.
March 18: Global Recycling Day
March 20: End of 3rd Quarter
March 20: French Language Day
March 21: International Day of Forests
March 21: Family Movie Night @ 5:30 (details in flyer above)
March 21: World Poetry Day
March 22: World Water Day
March 26: Middle School Skate Night @ 6:30 @ Fryes
March 28th: 3rd Quarter Rewards for Middle School
March 28th @10:00 am: The Three Little Pigs production
March 29th-April 7th: Spring Break