The Gator Gazette
October 28 - November 1
A big THANK YOU to Fehr Orthodontics! We appreciate you!
Hello Gators!
GMS students did a great job transitioning to their new schedules for this 2nd Quarter. We are also saying goodbye to a success Fall sports season and amping up for our GMS Winter Athletics schedule with Basketball, Cheerleading, and Wrestling. If you have a student in any of these events and would like to share photos from games please email those to both khawley@emsd37.org and jroselieb@emsd37.org - We appreciate it!
GMS School Picture Re-Takes are this Wednesday, October 30. If you are wishing to have your picture re-taken please bring the photo packet that you received with you to turn back in. If you missed picture day the first go-round plan to stop in to have your picture taken as well. If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Evans at 309.755.1919 or at jevans@emsd37.org.
GMS Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner. Families will be using a new system to sign-up for conferences beginning Wednesday, October 30 - Wednesday, November 6. Please see the following section for Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-up directions. Parent/Teacher Conference dates at GMS are:
- Thursday, November 7 from 3pm - 7pm
- Friday, November 8 from 7:15am - 11am
Have a GATOR Week!
Mrs. Hawley
GMS Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner at GMS. Need to see your student's Band, Math, and Social Studies teacher you are in luck! You can see them all, if you choose and MORE.
This year GMS is trying a new system and families will have the opportunity to schedule and select individual times and individual teachers to meet with during the scheduled conference hours.
Using your Skyward Parent Portal (Directions Linked Below or Click the Picture to the Left) you will be able to log-in beginning Wednesday, October 30 - Wednesday, November 6 and select convenient conferencing times for your family. Please note: First to sign-up will get the best times and once a time is taken for an individual teacher that time is not available any longer.
Conference times are 10 minutes per session / per teacher. If you feel you would need longer or would like to meet with a Team of teachers, please reach out to them directly through email to make accommodations.
All Quarter #1 Grade reports - EL reports - Special Education reports - STAR Assessment reports - and last year's IAR report will be distributed at Conferences on November 7 and November 8. If you would like to see your GMS student's grades for Quarter 1, please log-in to OTUS to view. Your GMS student can also assist you with this if you need help.
Please click on the link below or the picture to the left for the easy to follow directions for scheduling individual conferences, If you would have any difficulty signing in to your Skyward Parent Portal or need assistance scheduling a conference, please reach out to the GMS Main Office at 309.755.1919 - We are happy to assist!
Activities and Athletics THIS WEEK...
- Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30pm - Fall Choir Concert in the GMS North Gym
- Tuesday, October 29 from 5pm-6:30pm Builder's Club Skate Party - Fundraiser $10 includes skates
- Wednesday, October 30 - GMS Picture Re-Take Day
- Saturday, November 2 - Mariachi - Dia de los Muertos Parade in Downtown Moline
ACTIVITIES and ATHLETIC PICK-UP: Families picking up athletes after practice, please be at GMS by 4pm to ensure prompt supervision and safety of your student. Thank you!
See you in the SWAMP!
Grade 8 Washington DC Trip
Are you an 8th grader interested in attending the DC trip next Summer 2025 - Check out the following link using Tour Code TTSPCS5 or contact Ms. Shimmel at eschimmel@emsd37.org, if you have any questions.
Earbuds are available in the GMS Library - 50 cents - get yours today!
Mark you Calendars
- Monday, November 4 at 4pm - Boys Basketball v RI Washington
- Theme: Pajamas
- Tuesday, November 5 - NO SCHOOL - ELECTION DAY!
- Wednesday, November 6 at 4pm - Boys Basketball v RI Edison
- Theme: Glenview Spirit
- Thursday, November 7 from 3pm-7pm - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday, November 8 from 7:15am-11am - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- SPIRIT WEEK - Monday, November 11 - Friday, November 15 - Themes ALL Week - See picture
- Monday, November 11 - Veteran's Day Assembly Grades 6 and 8
- THEME: Red-White-Blue
- Tuesday, November 12 United Way Student Voices - Grades 6-8
- Tuesday, November 12 at 4pm - Boys Basketball v Jordan
- THEME: Camo OR Army - Navy - Air Force - Marines - Coast Guard - Space Force
- Thursday, November 14 at 4pm - Boys Basketball v Seton
- Theme: Blackout
The Glenview Band - Mariachi - Choir - Gator Guild
- REMINDER: Winter Concert Date has changed... It is now Thursday, December 19.
Select this link for the updated Mariachi Calendar Glenview Mariachi 2024-25 Calendar
The Glenview Band
Select this link for the complete Bands Calendar Glenview Bands 2024-25 Calendar
The Intermediate and Advanced Mariachi students had a great time performing at the John Deere World Headquarters Fiesta.
Glenview Choir
Our combined Winter Concert with Mariachi has changed to Thursday, Dec. 19th
Glenview Gator Guild
From the Nurses Clinic
Attention 6th grade families: Physicals and Vaccinations are due by Tuesday, October 15, 2024. If they are not received by that date, your student will be excluded from school effective Wednesday, October 16, 2024. If you need assistance finding a provider, please contact the BMS Clinic at 309.755.1919 x220 or 221.
Gator Athletics and Activities
ATTENTION PARENTS - The YEARBOOK NEEDS YOU! Calling all Photographers! Please share pictures of GMS events with Mrs. Hawley - khawley@emsd37.org AND Mrs. Roselieb - jroselieb@emsd37.org - We Appreciate YOU!
Let’s cheer on our Gators and make this week unforgettable!
GMS Counselor's Corner
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213
GMS Menus
Scan the QR Code for Glenview Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Need Assistance? We can help!
GMS Main Office...
- Mrs. Hawley, GMS Principal - 309.755.1919 x207
- Mr. Ryan, Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction - 309.755.1919 x208
- Mrs. Christensen, Associate Principal - Grade 5/6 - 309.755.1919 x209
- Mr. Evans, Associate Principal Grade 7/8 - 309.755.1919 x210
- Mrs. Keim, Attendance Secretary - 309.755.1919 x201
- Mrs. Gryp, Registrar - 309.755.1919 x222
- Ms. Carson, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x220
- Mrs. Martinez, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x221
- Tracy Greer, Special Education Facilitator - 309.755.1919 x216
- Mr. Singleton, Athletic Director - 309.755.1919 x160
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213