January News
2024-2025 School Year
Principal News
Please take the time to review all the information for the January Midterm Week below. Classes are not in session that week. Students only come to school when they have an exam. Information about bussing, food service and exam expectations for that week are all described below.
Looking forward to seeing our students continue to grow and achieve great things the rest of the school year!
Dr. Whipple & Ms. Greibus
Midterm Schedule - 2025
Gananda PROUD
Check out the many things our students have done this past month that make us Gananda PROUD!
December PROUD Panther Students of the Month!
Great job to Jackson, Brady, Emanuel and Aaron for earning the December Student of Month award! They have done a great job exhibiting our PROUD behaviors!
The 9th grade team has selected Jackson Higgins. He is a very respectful student, characterized by his ability to be driven in all his subjects. Additionally, he demonstrates remarkable human qualities.
10th grade team has selected Brady Wadsworth as our student of the month. Brady is an incredibly driven student who is always conscientious of his peers and teachers. He has been on fire in December and the team is very proud of his hard work and dedication!
Team 11 has unanimously voted Manny Barney as our December Student of the Month. Manny has displayed an outstanding effort and attitude in his various classrooms, which is directly linked to the many successes he's been experiencing. He is driven to have a great year and he is certainly on pace to do just that.
Aaron is an outstanding student who is always driven. He is consistently an example of what a great student should be. He is always prepared and works hard. Aaron continually puts in a high level of effort and can make adjustments in his learning to become successful.
Senior Ice Skating December Event
Making Ornaments in Chemistry
Mrs. Courtney's Chemistry classes applied principles learned in Chemistry to make their own holiday ornaments. Science in action!
Counseling Office Update
In the Counseling Department, we are actively supporting our seniors as they complete final tasks to prepare for graduation and their post-graduation plans. We are also wrapping up our Sophomore 1:1 meetings, where we discuss graduation requirements, explore career interests, and learn about the clubs, activities, sports, and employment opportunities students are involved in. Additionally, we are visiting 10th-grade classrooms to prepare students for the upcoming field trip to Wayne Technical Career Center. Next, we’ll transition to working one-on-one with our Freshman class.
Work-Based Learning News
Join Us at MASH Camp
The registration QR code will provide additional information on the program but use the following link to register:
Mrs. Marang's Email Link
Reporting Absences
Absences need to be reported to the school health office by the parent/guardian of the student. This may be done so online by completing this form.
Tardy to School Policy
Please continue to remind your child/children that they need to be in class by 7:30am. As we progress further into the school year, and now with the winter weather, we often see an increase in tardies to school. If your child is making a stop to Dunkin' or Starbucks on their way in to school, please remind them to build in enough time to make those stops so they are not late to school. We appreciate your support in helping to reinforce the importance of punctuality!
Please note that after 4 unexcused tardies in a marking period, contact home will be made, and students will be assigned consequences starting with lunch detention and/or after school detention.
District & Building Calendars
You can also click on the buttons below that will take you directly to the Instructional Calendar and Daily Schedules.
If you have not received an invitation to join ParentSquare, please contact the HS main office.
Did you know you can adjust your settings for ParentSquare?
In the app, if you click the three bars on the left, you will see an icon for your account.
There, you can adjust your preferences to make sure you receive notifications when you desire.
Dr. Christopher J. Whipple, Principal
Ms. Mairi Greibus, Assistant Principal
(315) 986-3521, 8, 3154