Parent Connection
Wednesday, November 6th
Buffalo Bills Dress Down- 11/8
Friday, November 8th will be a Buffalo Bills Dress Down Day! Students may dress down in their Bills gear or regular uniform. Go Bills! Go Knights!
**If your child has Gym, please make sure they wear sneakers.**
Veterans Day
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th in observation of Veterans Day.
We are excited to bring Lockport Blue back to DeSales! This year we are officially adding our fire fighter friends and calling it, Lockport Blue & Red! This is a day for us to get to know our local law enforcement and fire fighters while thanking them for all that they do for our community!
Parents - if you or a family member are a member of local police/law enforcement or a fire fighter, please join us or help us spread the word about these events.
Parent Teacher Conference Day- Early Dismissal
Friday, November 15th is an early dismissal day for students. K-8 will be dismissed at 10:50am, Preschool programs will be dismissed at 11:30am.
Please see the details below on how to arrange a time to meet with your teacher(s).
Middle School Students (Grades 6, 7 & 8)
Middle school parents will be asked to sign up for a time to meet with teachers. A separate email will be sent out with that sign up link by Friday.
PreK - Grade 5 Students
Your child's homeroom teacher will be contacting parents on how to set up conference times. If you have questions about your child's class, please contact your student's teacher directly.
1st Quarter Report Cards Issued 11/15
Report cards will be sent home on Friday, November 15th. You can also find your students report card on E-School.
Janet Federspiel DeSales Swim Team Scholarship
We are honored to offer the The Janet Federspiel DeSales Swim Team Scholarship to a deserving 2024-2025 DeSales Swim Team member. This scholarship was established by the family of Janet M. Federspiel who passed away in July 2021. Two of Janet’s grandchildren attended DeSales Catholic School. During her grandchildren’s time at DeSales, Janet was a pivotal volunteer for the DeSales Swim Team as a coach, official, assistant coordinator and mentor. The application and guidelines for the scholarship can be found here.
DeSales HSA Cash Raffle
Buy your lucky ticket by 11/7 to be entered into Buffalo Bills Inflatable Bonus!
Buffalo Bills Fans this BONUS is for you! Our HSA has added another fun bonus drawing! Buy your LUCKY Cash Raffle tickets by Thursday, November 7th and this Buffalo Bills Fan Super Inflatable could be yours!! Winner of the bonus will be chosen on Friday, 11/8.
The DeSales HSA Cash Raffle 2024 is underway! Buy your ticket now for a chance to win $5,000!
Win a Pizza Party - The class that sells the most tickets will win a pizza party! If you are a friend or relative buying, just add the student's name to the order form and they will earn credit.
All proceeds from the Cash Raffle benefit the DeSales HSA! Thank you in advance!
DeSales Election Day Results
On Monday, students had the chance to vote on a special dress day – "Comfy Clothes or Dress like your Teacher/Students!" After our 3rd-grade poll workers tallied the votes, we are proud to announce the winner is "Comfy Clothes" with 182 votes! Students may dress down in "Comfy Clothes" on Friday, November 22nd. Comfy clothes must adhere to the dress code policy (sweatpants, sweatshirts, pajamas, tshirts are okay).
DeSales 2nd Annual Turkey Trot
Get ready for DeSales Turkey Trot! On Monday, November 25th, students K-8 will participate in a "fun run" during the school day in the surrounding neighborhood.
Please complete this permission slip and return it to the Main Office by Monday, November 18th along with a non-perishable food donation for St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry to help feed families in need during the holiday season.
If you are interested in volunteering in this event please follow the link to sign up.
In the case of inclement weather, the trot will be held on Tuesday the 26th. If you have any questions please email Connie Hornquist at hornquistc@desalescatolicschool.org.
HSA News
Join us for our November HSA Meeting!
Tuesday, November 12th
DeSales Cafeteria
Just for attending this meeting your student will earn a dress down day (date announced at meeting).
All attendees will also be entered into a raffle to win a prize. Earn an extra entry by bringing a donation for the Spring HSA Auction.
HSA Minted Discount & Donation Code
If you are shopping Minted this Christmas season, use the code FUNDRAISEDESALESHSA to save 20% on your order! Minted will then donate 15% of your order total back to the HSA.
RaiseRight - You Shop, DeSales Earns!
RaiseRight- A Fun & Easy way to help earn $ for our school!
Want to help our school by shopping your favorite brands and services? RaiseRight.com makes it easy!
Go to raiseright.com/Enroll, fill out the short form and enter our enrollment code, XS9F2LDHT3SV. Once you make your account you can shop eGift cards, have physical gift cards mailed to your home, or shop online and the HSA will earn cash back. A flyer with step by step instructions on how to set up an account will be sent home with your student.
Feel free to share this easy fundraiser with family and friends!
Cub Scouts Coats 4 Kids
Please join us in supporting Cub Scouts Pack 3004 who are collecting items to benefit Coats 4 Kids. Donations can be dropped off by the DeSales Main Office starting on November 2nd and will be collected until November 16th.
Lost & Found
If you child is missing any items, please be sure to check out the growing collection of lost & found outside of the Main Office.
Thanksgiving Recess
There is no school Wednesday, November 27th- Friday, November 29th in observance of Thanksgiving. School will resume on Monday, December 2nd.
Community News
DeSales Catholic School
Email: Knuutilak@desalescatholicschool.org
Website: http://www.desalescatholicschool.org/
Location: 6914 Chestnut Ridge Road, Lockport, NY, USA
Phone: (716)433-6422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeSalesCatholicSchool