Nurse News
Nurse Kimberly Kemner, BSN, RN
Welcome Back
Welcome to a new school year at Harvest Elementary! I am a Registered Nurse and will be available during regular school hours. If your child has a medical condition such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, or other concerns, please contact me. You can reach me at or call 256-851-4590 during school hours. I look forward to partnering with you to keep our students healthy.
Medication at School
Parents must sign in any medication, along with the required forms, with the school nurse. It is not permissible for students to have any medication in their possession (exception: certain emergency medications with physician order and proper paperwork on file with the school nurse). Medication forms are available from the school nurse, your child's doctor, and on the MCSS website. All prescription medications require a current prescription label, this includes inhalers. The complete medication policy can be found in the MCSS Parent and Student Handbook (pages 66-71) found on the MCSS webpage:
It is recommended that you meet with the school nurse BEFORE school starts to sign in medication. I will be available on July 25, July 29 (afternoon only), July 30, and July 31. Please email me at for an appointment. I will also be at back to school orientation events.
Illness and When To Stay Home
Children are to stay home from school if they have a fever of 100 or higher, diarrhea, or vomiting. Students must be free of fever for a full 24 hours, without taking fever controlling medication, before returning to school. Students should be free of diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school.
School Nurse Supply Wish List
latex free bandages, all sizes
sandwich and gallon sized Ziploc bags
paper towels
Clorox or Lysol wipes
clear, scent free hand soap
fragrance free baby wipes
disposable 2 or 3 oz cups
MCSS Parent & Student Handbook (Health Services page 66-71):
You may access the Health Services information and forms on the MCSS website at select Health Services under the Departments and Information tab.
Harvest Elementary School 8845 Wall Triana Blvd. Harvest, AL 35749