Goliad Update
Teacher Appreciation Week
If you want to give a shout out to your teacher scan the qr code using your students account and post a short video.
or click the link below - you will need to use your students account
The video is public once posted so if you don't want other families to see please don't post.
Weekly Update Information
- School Pictures - we are hoping to have the photos in time for our end of year distribution of supplies. Details to come soon
- We are working on details for a drive through Kinder and 5th-grade celebration. We will relay the information soon.
- Chocolate sales prizes - we are planning on having the prizes for the end of year distribution of supplies.
- Currently working with the yearbook company to see how/what is the best way to set up an online store.----info to come soon
- See below for Kinder registration further information will come out later for all other grades
Kona Ice
Kona Will be parked at Goliad if anyone wants to buy a snowcone on Monday May 4 from 1-3.
Weekly Overview
Take a look at all this learning happening!
General Information
- SAISD wifi hotspot locations - https://www.saisd.org/5056
- Devices that need to be swapped out are by appointment - contact teacher and they will set up the appointment
News from the Counselor
- If your student needs to speak to a nurse or school counselor please complete this form and a virtual meeting will be scheduled. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-QeJJu08QjVF7hskrsFfsJ0YVYjFMn7V197TzLJBAx_9Gmw/viewform
- Click below for a list of available food pantries in our area. Share with families in need!
Happy birthday to our Lead Custodian!
We love you Cassandra! you are the heart of Goliad!
How to contact the School
- Call the school at 659-3660 - listen to prompt and leave a message
- Emergency--- a phone number is given at the end of the prompt to call
- Email - zachary.ramirez@saisd.org ; judy.knight@saisd.org
- Home access link - https://www.saisd.org/Families/HomeAccessCenter.asp