Swanson Weekly Update
February 7, 2025
NO SCHOOL -- Friday, February 14 --Teacher Work Day
NO SCHOOL -- Monday, February 17, 2025 -- Presidents Day/Staff Inservice
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Valentine's Day is Thursday, February 13th!
Swanson Valentine's Celebrations will be on Thursday, February 13th. To make sure we have enough room for the fun activities planned in classrooms we ask that families only join the classroom parties if they are the one who signed up to be a Classroom Volunteer through the Swanson Community Club.
Students are welcome to bring a Valentines box or bag to collect their Valentines. Students who choose to bring Valentines to pass out are asked to bring one for every student in the class. Please use the the District's Healthy Treat and Snack List LINK when selecting edible Valentine's treats. Valentine cards and treats will not be opened in class, but sent home for parents to determine an appropriate time for opening. Each classroom teacher will send out reminders and directions for Valentines in the days to come.
Need Help with Valentines:
Having your child make Valentine's cards or notes is a fun and meaningful way to show kindness to their classmates. If you bring a treat with or as the Valentine, they must be store bought. If your child would not be able to bring Valentines but would like to participate please contact Mrs. Denton, our School Psychologist or Mikaela Cooper, our Counselor and we are happy to help make sure all children can take part.
Variety Show February 28th
Swanson's 2025 Variety show is scheduled for Friday, February 28 at 7 p.m. at the Westside Middle School auditorium.
Staff Appreciation Week: March 10-14
Hey Swanson Families! It is almost time to shower our wonderful Swanson staff with love and gratitude for Staff Appreciation Week which is March 10-14! We are looking for donations to make this week extra special.
We are looking for gift card donations to shower each staff member. Please consider purchasing a $15 gift card (or 2 or 3!) for our gift card shower. Think coffee shops, restaurants, local Westside businesses, etc. These can be dropped off at school or given to Amanda Blumkin. You can also Venmo a monetary donation to @Amanda-Blumkin via Venmo. The deadline for all donations are March 7th, thank you!! Please use this link to donate gift cards, drinks & snacks for the week! Please email me with any questions- amandablumkin@gmail.com- thank you for your support!
Please click here for the sign-up genius!
SmartGen Society Community Forum
Attention parents! We are so excited to be partnering with Omaha-based nonprofit Smart Gen Society to provide you with a FREE workshop about how to keep your child safe online.
This engaging workshop will teach you how to keep your students smart, safe, and private in today’s 24/7 digital world. They will be going over the following topics:
- Digital Branding: How to build a positive digital brand to protect reputation and future opportunities.
- Communication: How to create open lines of communication with your kids about online safety.
- Safety: How to protect your family's privacy, safety, and mental health.
Be sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. at Westside High School in Room 220. Please use the main entrance and go into the main lecture hall.
2025 - 2026 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten enrollment for District residents for the 2025-2026 school year begins approximately late
February 2025. Please check our website at westside66.org to start your enrollment online.
Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2025. Parents may wait to enroll their child(ren) in kindergarten for an additional year. However, Nebraska law requires that child(ren) who reach the age of six prior to Jan 1st of the then current school year must be enrolled in school. For questions about enrollment, please contact the Westside Welcome Center at 402-390-2100 or enrollment@westside66.net
If you live outside of the Westside district and have a child eligible for kindergarten in 2025-2026 who
has a sibling attending our schools through the Option Enrollment program, you must submit an option
application for your kindergartener. The deadline to apply for Option Enrollment is 4:00 pm on
March 15th. In addition to kindergarten, you can apply for any other grade level by the same deadline, 4:00 pm on March 15th. Option Enrollment forms can be completed using this link:
Questions about Option Enrollment, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Are you a District resident and would like your K-6 grade child(ren) to attend an elementary school in
Westside other than the area where you live? The deadline to submit an In-District Transfer request for
the upcoming school year is 4:00 pm on March 15th.
An In-District Transfer request form must also be completed for any child starting kindergarten next
year who has a sibling attending an elementary school outside of their home attendance area.. The
deadline to submit this request is also 4:00 pm on March 15th.
In district transfer forms can be completed using this link: https://forms.gle/yZw6581gWrtRBhgB9
Questions about In-District Transfers, please contact Student Services at 402-390-2107.
Early Admission for Kindergarten
Children of District residents who wish to be tested for early entrance to kindergarten must turn 5 years
old between August 1 and October 15, 2025. For further information regarding early entrance testing, please contact Early Admissions at 402-390-2142.
Youth Football Camp
Westside Football will be hosting their Youth Football Camp in the spring this year. The camp will be at the Omaha Sports Complex on Saturday, April 13th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. The purpose of this camp is to introduce the techniques, fundamentals, and skills needed to play football for Westside High School. All current 3rd-7th graders are invited to Sign Up Here.
Movie Night
You're Invited!
Westside Community Schools, WE-SIDE, and Film Streams invite you to join in celebrating Black History Month with a special free screening of the movie Hidden Figures!
Date: February 24, 2025
Location: Film Streams Ruth Sokolof Theater
Doors open: 5:30 PM
Movie starts: 6:00 PM
This powerful film tells the inspiring story of a group of pioneering African-American women who made groundbreaking contributions to aeronautics, astronautics, and played a crucial role in America's victory over the Soviet Union in the Space Race. These women overcame adversity to showcase their brilliance and help shape history. As Margot Lee Shetterly, author of the book Hidden Figures, said "Their goal wasn't to stand out because of their differences; it was to fit in because of their talents."
For more information and to RSVP, see the flyer attached. We look forward to celebrating this important chapter of history with you!
WE-SIDE Multicultural Fair
We’re thrilled to announce the return of the WE-SIDE Multicultural Fair, happening Saturday, March 29, from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Westside High School. Mark your calendar—this year, we’re hosting the event in March, a change from previous years! We’d love for you to be part of this exciting event. This vibrant celebration showcases the rich diversity of Westside and the Omaha community through food, activities, performances, and fun.
First Friday Spirit Day!
Each first Friday of the month is Swanson Spirit Day. On this day we all wear our Swanson logo wear or school colors, blue and white, to show our spirit. We begin our day by saying the Swanson Pledge together. It’s a fun day filled with terrific Swanson spirit! Our next First Friday Spirit Day is Friday, March 14th
January's Swanson Spirit Day winner was Mrs. Herold's 2nd grade class! Congratulations Superstars!
24/25 Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Email is a great way to communicate with your child’s teacher. The Westside format is as follows:
Sample: harr.jennifer@westside66.net
Swanson Web Page
Calendar Reminders
February 6 Swanson Variety Show Tryouts in Swanson Gym, 3:30-6:30pm
February 13 Valentine's Day Parties, 2:15-2:45pm
February 14-17 NO SCHOOL for Students/Presidents' Day/Teacher Inservice
February 20- Skate Party
February 25- Community Club Mtg., 6:30pm
February 26 Swanson Variety Show Rehearsal @WMS, 4:30-7:00pm
February 28 Swanson Variety Show @ WMS, 7-9pm
March 5-6 Scholastic Book Fair
March 5 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4pm-8pm
March 6 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 8am-4pm
March 6-7 NO SCHOOL for Students
March 13 Godfather's Slice of Pie Night, 4-8p
March 10-14 Teacher Appreciation Week
March 17-21 NO SCHOOL-Spring Break
March 25 Community Club Mtg., 6:30pm
March 28 Spring Picture Day
Welcome to Swanson! Home of the Superstars!
The Mission of Swanson School, as a dynamic community alliance and model of innovative education, is to support and empower all learners to achieve academic excellence.
School Improvement
Swanson's school improvement goal is all students will increase reading comprehension.
Swanson's Expectations
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
Email: harr.jennifer@westside66.net
Website: swanson.westside66.org
Location: 410 South 86th Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-390-6485
Facebook: facebook.com/SwansonElementary
Twitter: @swansonstars66