Parent Update- December 2024
2024-25 #3

As we approach Winter Break, we want to remind you that on Monday, January 6, 2025, our certified staff will return for a day of professional learning to prepare for the second half of the school year. This day will focus on effective instructional strategies, addressing learning gaps, best practices in technology, and content-specific development.
Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We hope you and your family have a restful and enjoyable holiday season, and we look forward to welcoming students back in the new year!
Mark Your Calendars! DVUSD Events Coming Up!
DVUSD Budget Committee Survey Coming This Week!
The 2025-26 (Fiscal Year 2026) Budget Committee will begin their work in the month of December, which will continue through February 2025. This committee will develop the list of budget priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. Their work will be even more important this year as we will need to develop a balanced budget without the continuation of the M&O Override and Bond initiatives that did not pass in November. Please be on the lookout next week for the first of two surveys asking for your input on these budget priorities. Your participation in these surveys is encouraged!
DVUSD Bands Win Two State ABODA Titles!
Two of four division state champions from the Arizona Band and Orchestra Directors Association (ABODA) competition belong to Deer Valley schools! Congratulations to the Mountain Ridge High School Pride of the West Marching Band on their State Championship finish in the state ABODA Division I marching band competition!
Barry Goldwater High School's Pride Regiment Marching Band claimed the Division III ABODA state championship during the competition. And congratulations to Sandra Day O'Connor High School on their 4th place finish, Boulder Creek High School on their 5th place, and Deer Valley High School on placing 7th in the competition in Division III.
DVHS Thespians Win State!
Deer Valley High School's Drama and Stage Production students competed in the State Thespian Festival over the Thanksgiving Recess at the Phoenix Convention Center. The Skyhawks out performed all 53 teams representing 99 schools in attendance from around the state- bringing home a state championship and a series of other accolades from the competition!
Team DWEX, a team of all senior students representing Deer Valley High School, won:
- 1st Place in Prop Change Over (Objective: In this challenge, participants will shift an onstage table setting from one set up to another.) Camden Richards and Alyssa Herrera
- 1st place in Platform Building (Objective: In this challenge, participants must attach and remove legs from a platform using bolts, nuts, and wrenches, leaving it ready for the next team.) Camden Richards and Alyssa Herrera
- 3rd Place in Light Hang (Objective: In this challenge, Participant hangs, Focuses, aims, and Cuts an Ellipsoidal Source 4 lighting instrument in the appropriate order) Camden Richards
- 1st place Overall Camden Richards, Alyssa Herrera, Nealah Haderly, and Connor Fredricksen
Deer Valley High Student Earns Flight School Scholarship
Reese Thompson, one of the Cadets in Deer Valley High School’s Air Force JRTOC, was selected for the Air Force Flight Academy. This summer, he will attend a Private Pilot school at a selected university for 8 weeks and become completely certified as an FAA Private Pilot. The scholarship is worth $25,000 and sets him up for a better shot at his USAF Academy slot next year.
Kindergarten Registration Now Open!
Calling the class of 2038! Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2025-26! Students need to be 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
If your child will be 5 years old between September 1 to December 31, 2025, you can have your child tested for early entry. Early Entry Testing will take place during the summer of 2025. You can sign up for Early Entry Testing beginning in February.
DVUSD Kindergarten Program Highlights
Free Full-Day Program for those 5 years of age by August 31, 2025
Special Classes offered every day including: Art, Physical Education and Music
Before and After School care programs
Last year, over 94.6% of our senior graduates earned more than $74 million dollars in scholarships
35 of DVUSD Schools are A or B Rated Schools
DVUSD is one of the top districts in Arizona with the highest number of dollars invested back into students’ education
Variety of Specialized programs including: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Academy of Arts, Gifted Program Models, and Language Immersion Programs (Spanish and Mandarin)
Every teacher in DVUSD is a certified and highly-qualified
DVUSD Open Enrollment is Open for 2025-26!
Any family living in Arizona who would like to attend a school that is outside their home school boundaries may apply for Open Enrollment into a DVUSD school. Please view the School Boundary Maps to determine if the school you are applying for is not currently your home school.
Applications will be reviewed starting in January and approved if the school has availability.
Families will be notified by email if the completed application has been approved, denied, or placed on a wait list. Upon an approved email notification, you must register online to the approved school no later than 10 days after the notification of the approval, or the student forfeits the approved Open Enrollment and will need to reapply.
Hour of Code at DVUSD!
DVUSD will celebrate Computer Science Education Week during the week of December 9th with students participating in Hour of Code!
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun activities for learners of all skill levels to show how anyone can code. This year, we want students to see what they are capable of through the power of computer science, making the invisible visible.
Many DVUSD campuses are welcoming technology professionals to share their journey working in tech and leading students in the Hour of Code. Additional campuses are hosting their own special events to celebrate the Hour of Code.
Deer Valley joins millions of students around the world by participating annually in the Hour of Code, with the goal of inspiring students to get excited about learning new ways to use computers in their lives now and in the future. Learning computer science helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity.
The celebration of Computer Science Education Week can continue at home with your own Hour of Code! Visit: hourofcode.com/us/learn
DVUSD Schools Earn a Spot on Top 100 List!
DVUSD once again received high marks in the annual U.S. News and World Report rankings for public schools. The district has 13 K-6, K-8, or middle schools ranked in the top 100 for the state, and three high schools also in the top 100! See the report at DVUSD.org/usnews.
DVUSD Students Shop with A Cop for the Holidays!
The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association Charities (PLEA Charities) hosted their 14th Annual Shop with a Cop event last week. PLEA Charities, in partnership with the Phoenix Police Officers and Arizona Probation Officers Association, hosted 250 students, including students from Village Meadows Elementary School and Paseo Hills School for a fun-filled day of activities and shopping while building and fostering positive relationships with law enforcement. This is the largest Shop with Cop event in the state!
Children ages 7-12 were selected to participate in the program by School Resource Officers, school administrators, counselors, and teachers.
Each child was partnered with a uniformed officer for the event where they enjoyed breakfast together, got a visit from a Blue Santa (who arrived in style by police helicopter!), and then went on a shopping spree in Kohl's together with a $175 gift card to spend. After completing their shopping, children work with the officer to wrap the presents, and complete arts and crafts for a day full of holiday magic!
Check out Arizona's Family's live coverage from the event below featuring a few DVUSD students and staff members!
Arizona's Family Live Coverage of Shop with a Cop!
Sierra Verde STEAM Academy Students Win Fall State Vocabulary Bowl!
Fifth grade students in Mrs. Orr's classes at Sierra Verde STEAM Academy were crowned the Arizona State Champion for the Fall 2024 Vocabulary Bowl!
These fifth graders hit it out of the park on their word learning for the Bowl. Sierra Verde STEAM Academy mastered 11,261 words including 9,321 earned by the 5th grade students to come in first place in the state and 15th place in the nation!
West-MEC Open House!
AZ Republic Names DVUSD Basketball Programs Top 10 in Arizona!
The Arizona Republic recently named three of DVUSD’s five high school basketball programs as a top 10 program in Arizona. Sandra Day O'Connor claimed a number three spot in 6A, Boulder Creek ranked number seven in 6A, and Deer Valley High School came in ranked number three in 4A boys basketball teams as preseason picks. Check when these teams and other DVUSD schools and winter sports are playing at DVUSD.org/athletics.
DVUSD Big Kid Book Club
If your child is between the ages of 3-5 and not yet enrolled in Kindergarten, sign them up for DVUSD’s Big Kid Book Club! We will periodically send your child a free book in the mail along with activities and helpful advice for parents and guardians that will help them prepare to be a student at DVUSD!