Teacher Business Boot Camp 2025
Sandusky County - 2025
About this experience...
This summer, teachers, career coaches and school counselors from all districts in Sandusky County will have the opportunity to participate in the SIXTH ANNUAL “Teacher Business Boot Camp” being organized by Sandusky County’s Business Advisory Council, North Point Educational Service Center, and the Sandusky County Economic Development Corporation.
This program will show teachers what really goes on behind the scenes in the following in-demand industry sectors: manufacturing, healthcare, finance, construction and agriculture. Participants will gain first-hand experience about the rewarding careers available in many of these sectors of Sandusky County and the skills students need to obtain and retain these positions.
The schedule for the five-day Boot Camp experience includes:
Day 1 (June 6, 2025) – Orientation: 8:30 AM – Noon
Day 2 (June 9, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different Sandusky
County companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 3 (June 10, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different Sandusky
County companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 4 (June 11, 2025) – Interactive tours of two different Sandusky
County companies and a conversational lunch with industry leaders: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Day 5 (June 16, 2025) – Wrap Up/Presentations: 8:30AM – 12:30 PM
Educators who are selected for participation in the Boot Camp will receive the following benefits:
· Three graduate level credits from Ashland University. (This is a $540 savings being funded through a generous workforce development grant by the State of Ohio)
· Materials to use in the classroom based upon information learned throughout the week. All educators will be required to create a project/unit to use with students during the 2024-25 school year.
· Instruction and guidance from top-level professionals at participating businesses, North Point Educational Service Center, and Sandusky County Economic Development Corporation.
The cost for each participant is only $50 for this dynamic five day experience.
The deadline to apply is April 11, 2025. Notification of acceptance into the program will occur by mid April.
What did participating teachers and counselors from previous years have to say about the Boot Camp Experience?
“The Teacher Boot Camp gave me valuable insight into local manufacturing. Manufacturing is filled with high pay, high tech careers that teachers and students need to know exist. I learned what local companies have to offer and about future positions available for our students. I have a better understanding of the skills our students need to be well prepared for future employment. I am looking forward to sharing this information with my students in the upcoming school year. This class is a great opportunity for educators at any grade level!” - Amy Kilgore, Bellevue City Schools
“This was a great opportunity to see local facilities, understand what they do, and to hear from them about the employment opportunities that exist here in Sandusky County. Whether a student has aspirations to be an engineer or to just "get a job," there are great positions available in clean, well lit facilities. I think this is an opportunity every teacher, counselor, and administrator should take advantage of, if given the chance, so they are able to pass this wealth of information on to students.” - Steve Anway, Fremont City Schools
“The Sandusky County Manufacturing Boot Camp was both enlightening and informative. As a high school teacher in Sandusky County, the boot camp opened my eyes to the manufacturing pride of the county through which I will be able to enhance and encourage in my students and potential Sandusky County manufacturing employees of the future.” - Deborah Dean, Gibsonburg Exempted Village
“The Manufacturing Bootcamp opened my eyes to a world that I had no previous knowledge about. I have grown up going to school and teaching school and have had no reason to go inside a manufacturing facility. I am grateful to learn about the opportunities for my future students and to see the success of my former students.” - Jeanette Greenslade, Clyde-Green Springs Exempted Village
“This was such a great experience for me! I had very little knowledge of the manufacturing world prior to these tours. Learning about the different skills, trades, communication, and careers needed at each of these places was eye opening. I really had no idea all of the planning and work that goes behind simple items such as a plastic bottle. Sharing first hand experiences regarding the many avenues of manufacturing will be extremely beneficial to my students. If any teacher is able to take this, please strongly consider it. By far, it was the best professional development I've been through!” - Lisa Henry, Lakota Local Schools
North Point Educational Service Center
Email: csanchez@npesc.org
Website: www.npesc.org
Location: 4918 Milan Road, Sandusky, OH, USA
Phone: 419-627-3900
Twitter: @NorthPointESC