All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - September 29, 2022
Luke 17:5-10
The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith." The Lord replied, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.
"Who among you would say to your servant who has just come in from plowing or tending sheep in the field, 'Come here immediately and take your place at table'? Would he not rather say to him, 'Prepare something for me to eat. Put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink. You may eat and drink when I am finished'? Is he grateful to that servant because he did what was commanded? So should it be with you. When you have done all, you have been commanded, say, 'We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'"
You can watch the reflection here:
Dear Parent/Guardians,
Let us keep in our prayers the families across our country who have been stuck with the recent hurricanes and have lost property or have damaged property. It certainly is a difficult time for these people.
Family Mass:
This coming Sunday is our school family mass at 10:30am. We look forward to seeing as many of our students and their families at the Mass.
Guatemala Appeal:
Our Guatemala appeal comes to an end on Monday. This will be last weekend to get supplies to donate for the appeal. We will be shipping all the supplies to Guatemala during next week. If you would like to contribute to the shipping costs you can do so by donating here: Click here to donate. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far.
8th Grade Retreat:
On Friday our 8th graders will be attending their Confirmation Retreat. This is a great day for the students to reconnect with each other and with their God. Thanks to Miss Cadelago for organizing the retreat team to work with our students.
Annual Report:
The 2021-2022 Annual Report was released recently, and you can access it from this link. Click Here. The report gives a great overview of all the school happenings and events from the previous school year.
We will continue with our Halloween Parade at 1:15pm on Monday October 31st. We will be able to have snacks after the parade in the various classrooms. Please be advised that the School Board members have agreed that we need to cut back on the amount of food for the children. Please remember that the students have had their lunch. We are looking at prepackaged snacks and drinks. No soda or peanut type of snacks.
Homework and Math Clubs:
As a result, from the recent teacher meeting, we have decided to offer students the following clubs that they can take advantage of. Students will sign in as they arrive for the club
Beginning Next Monday, October 3rd the clubs are as follows:
- Grades 3 - 8 Morning Homework Club - Monday - Thursday from 7:15am to 8:00am Cafeteria
- Grades 3 - 4 Math Club - Thursday from 3:15pm to 4:00pm - Grade 4 room
- Grades 5 - 8 Math Club - Thursday from 3:15pm to 4:00pm - Grade 6 room
- Grades 4 - 8 Afternoon Homework Club - Tuesday 3:10pm - 4:10pm - Grade 8 room
Students are to be collected from the school yard at the respective time and if you are late then you will collect them from Extended Care.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
The annual parent/teacher conferences will be held from October 12-14. At these meetings teachers will discuss the progress of your child and you will receive a copy of the STAR test result. Your teacher will go over the GE and PR category on the reports. Other categories are not used with our diagnostics.
Staffing Up-Date
I wish to announce that we have been able to hire a music teacher, Mr. Christian Millena, an alum of 2014 class. He will start with us next Wednesday.
Archdiocesan Educator Conference:
On Friday, October 7th our teachers will be attending the Archdiocesan Educator conference with all the other teachers in the Archdiocese. The focus of the day will be centered around “Visible Learning”.
Parish Festival:
The Parish festival is just around the corner, beginning on Friday, October 7th through to Sunday, October 9th. Please ensure you have purchased the ride tickets prior to the start of the festival. Information has been given to all in previous emails. The flyer is attached to this email.
Drop-Off and Pick Up Procedures for next week.
The rides will be arriving on Tuesday afternoon after pick up. This is a day earlier than previous years.
Wednesday Morning Drop Off: There will be one lane in lower yard to drop off students. The other option is to drop your student/students on Miller Ave and Walnut St., and they can walk to the upper yard to enter the building. If the sidewalk is complete, then they could enter from Miller Ave.
Wednesday Afternoon Pick Up: [NO YARD PICK-UP – PARK ON STREETS]
1. Pick up will be staggered beginning at 2.30 pm.
2. Children from Grades k, 1 and 2 along with older siblings of these children will be picked up at 2.30pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
3. Children from Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 along with older siblings of these children will be picked up at 2.45pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
4. Children from Grades 7 and 8 will be picked up at 3.00pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
Thursday Morning Drop Off
1. There will be no parking in the school grounds.
2. You will need to drop-off children on Miller Ave between the church and the convent or on Walnut. Children can enter the building from the Back door of the school near the Kindergarten room. Children dropped off on Walnut can come into the school via the upper yard into the cafeteria.
3. The children will then move directly into the building. No children are to be in the upper yard. This procedure is the same as we use for morning drop off.
Thursday Afternoon Pick Up: [NO YARD PICK-UP – PARK ON STREETS]
1. Pick up will be staggered beginning at 2.30 pm.
2. Children from Grades k, 1 and 2 along with older siblings of these children will be picked up at 2.30pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
3. Children from Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 along with older siblings of these children will be picked up at 2.45pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
4. Children from Grades 7 and 8 will be picked up at 3.00pm. Pick up from the cafeteria
God Bless and Stay Safe,
Vincent Riener
Festival Flyer & Pre-Order Form
30 8th Grade Retreat
2 School Family Mass - 10:30am
3 Early Dismissal - 2:30pm - Faculty Meeting
4 School Assembly - 2:30pm
7 Archdiocesan Educators Conference - Student Holiday
7-9 Parish Festival
10 Indigenous People's Day - Holiday
12 School Picture Retakes (Full School Uniform)
12-14 Parent-Teacher Conferences - 12:20pm Dismissal
17 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20 Dismissal
18 School Board Meeting - 6:30pm
20 First Communion Parent Meeting - 7pm
22 Confirmation - 11:00am
24 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20 Dismissal
25 School Assembly - 2:30pm
31 Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties
Lunch Menu
Tuition Plans 2022 -2023
Cafeteria Payments
Dear All Souls Families,
You can now pay and add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account through SchoolSpeak. Your payment will be processed through PayPal with a 3% convenience fee for all transactions.
Sign-in to your SchoolSpeak account and select "Lunch Order" in the quick links menu on the left. The "Pay" tab will direct you to your payment options. You may pay the cafeteria balance through your existing PayPal account or as a guest using your credit or debit card. You may also add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account. If you wish, you may still make cash or check payments to the school office.
Please note, for the families that have a credit card on file I will no longer be charging your credit card for lunch payments. You are responsible for paying and adding credit to your cafeteria account.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ms. Escobar