SGPHS Monthly Newsletter
October 2024
Happy Fall from the Counseling Department!
We hope that you and your student have settled back in to the school routine and are off to a great start with the new school year.
The Counseling Department has been busy ensuring that students are set up for success this school year through our class chats. Each student has the opportunity to speak with their counselor one-on-one and receive resources and tips for navigating through high school.
Items discussed during chats are as follows:
- Transcript/Credit review
- Attendance
- Career interests
- Post-high school plans
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Back Row: Miguel Gilmore, Yolanda Sampson, Patricia Alarcon, Evetta McGriff
Front Row: Debbie Hartman, Kaci Bunnell, Maria Solano
GPISD provides services for mental health, food assistance, clothing and uniforms, and supplies for your everyday life. To get started, please call 972-522-7070.
SGPHS School Social Workers
A school social worker provides counseling and support services to students inside a school setting. They work with children, parents, teachers, school administrators, and the wider community to support the mental and emotional health needs of students and their families. We have two social workers on campus that will serve all students. You can contact them by email, phone, or by visiting the office.
Applying to College
College application season is in full swing! Check HERE for a suggested senior checklist of steps to take in the college application process.
Post-High School Planning
GPISD College & Career HUB has resources that may be useful in planning for post-high school. The hub provides information on scholarships, financial aid, career and technical education information and much more. Please take some time to check out the site and bookmark it for future use while planning for after high-school.
NCAA: Free Webinar
Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time, understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level!
Canvas Parent Observer Account
Hey Parents! Did you know that you can sign up as an observer for your student's SGP Canvas? As an observer, you can link your canvas account to your student and see their courses and content, course announcements, and assignment due dates. Follow the steps below to create your parent observer account!
Join a club at SGPHS
Attendance Contact Information
Attendance/Truancy Advisor:
Laverne Ferrell
* Ask about the Strengthening Families Program(SFP), which will start on October 17th (after school).
Attendance Clerks:
Vickie Montes De Oca
Miranda Lopez:
Yajaira Cano
Please contact the attendance office to report absences. Information regarding the attendance policy can be found in the Student Attendance Handbook.
Students needing a VOE (Verification of Enrollment)
If you need a VOE, please email your student's attendance clerk 48 hours in advance to request the form.
Success Saturday Info
Who: ALL SGPHS students
When: 8:00am-11:00am
Where: Alex Building- Drop off/pick-up on the church parking lot side of building (door 10)
What: Students can work on missing assignments, EOC Prep, ACT/TSIA2 Prep, make-up attendance hours (hours will count double)
Please calendar these dates:
November 9th
December 14th
February 8th
March 8th
March 29th
April 5th
April 12th
April 26th
May 17th
Stay on Track!
It is the responsibility of each student to complete homework assignments and submit assignments in a timely manner– even when he or she is absent from school. With a little planning and follow through, students can avoid falling behind. Bear in mind, one of the single most important keys to academic success is regular student/teacher communication.
In addition, here are a few pointers for staying on track:
- Routinely check teacher’s Canvas to account for upcoming assignments.
- Continually check Skyward for grades and assignments.
- Keep communication open with teachers and counselors.
- Attend tutoring for help with understanding assignments and concepts.
- Study for test!
Mark your calendars!
October 14th: School Holiday- Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 15th: Beginning of Quarter 2
October 24th -25th: 9th -11th Yearbook Photos
October 28th: SGP Annual Trunk or Treat, 6-8PM
October 29th: SGP Warrior Madness Community Basketball Pep-Rally, 7-8:30 PM
November 5th: Student Holiday- Election Day
November 9th: Success Saturday, 8-11AM
November 11th: Senior Panoramic Picture
November 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
October is Bullying Prevention Month
Red Ribbon Week 10/21-10/25
In addition to celebrating Red Ribbon Week, October is also Fentanyl Awareness Month.
Mission Statement:
SGP Counseling Services will provide an all-inclusive counseling program that offers every student the opportunity to attain exceptional results in academia, support their social and emotional development, and elevate them on a path toward college and career exploration.
Vision Statement:
SGP Counseling Services will ensure student success by providing the tools necessary to navigate an ever-changing global society by fostering their desire to pursue lifelong academic, cultural, social-emotional, and technological awareness that extends far beyond the high school experience.