Anna Yates TK-5 August Newsletter
15 August 2024

August 15th Newsletter
Returning Students!
All returning students must complete the data confirmation prior to the first day of school.
The Data Confirmation process helps caregivers update important student data and contact information at the beginning of the school year.
New Students!
We will have ASL interpretation.
Back to School Immunizations and Well-Child Care Visits
LifeLong Medical Care School-Based Health Center at Emery Unified provides age-appropriate comprehensive medical, dental, and health education during and after school hours. They aim to help student come to school ready to learn and excel at school. Centers are open to all students, regardless of income or healthcare coverage.
To prepare students for the 2024-25 school they are offering immunizations (to prevent and reduce the spread of diseases and build immunity) and well-child care visits (an opportunity to speak with a provided about your child/children´s health and development concerns) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To make an appointment please call 510-833-7050.
A few reminders and healthful hints from your school nurse:
Welcome to a new school year!
MEDICATIONS Whenever possible, medication should be scheduled during non-school hours. If your child must receive medication during school hours, please be sure to have the Authorization to Administer Medication form completed by your child’s physician and returned to the school nurse. All medications must be sent in the original container, sealed, and labeled with the child’s name. Non-prescription medication (Tylenol, Advil, cough syrup, etc) may not be administered at school without physician authorization according to California state law. All medication must be hand-delivered to the nurse’s office by a parent/guardian. Children should not be transporting medication to school in their backpacks or lunch boxes.
ALLERGY AWARENESS As in past years, we have a number of students with various food and other allergies, some of which may be life-threatening. Please help support a safe environment for all by talking with your children about not sharing food. It is imperative that parents of children with allergies notify the school nurse to complete the necessary paperwork as soon as possible.
ILLNESS/INJURY If your child is ill or injured during school hours, s/he may be assessed by either a staff member or the school nurse. You will not be contacted each time your child visits the school nurse; however, in the event your child appears to have a serious illness/injury, every effort will be made to notify you. Children with a fever of 100.4F degrees or higher will be sent home immediately. Please keep students home from school until they remain fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
HEALTH FORMS FOR KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES Kindergartners need to have the Physical Exam form (CDHP form) and the Oral Health form completed by their doctor/dentist and on file in the school office before the start of first grade. Please submit electronically to keegan.roehr@emeryusd.org
Please contact me at keegan.roehr@emeryusd.org or 510-601-4747 ext 169 if you have any questions or concerns. Have a safe and healthy school year! Keegan Roehr, BSN, RN Emery Unified School District Nurse
Mark your Calendars:
- Tuesday, August 20th: New Student Orientation
- Thursday, August 22nd: First Day of School
- Friday, August 30th: Free Dress Day
- Monday, September 2nd: (No School) Memorial Day Holiday
- Wednesday, September 4th: Back to School Night
- Friday, September 6th: Coffee with the Principal
- Friday, September 27th: Free Dress Day
- Monday, September 30th: Picture Day
Anna Yates TK-8th Grade will have its Back To School Night won Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Elementary (grades TK-5th) teachers will welcome students from 5-6 PM. Middle School (grades 6th-8th) teachers will welcome students from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Elementary school teachers will have their first presentation at 5 PM and their second presentation at 5:30 PM.
Back to School Night is great opportunity to learn more about school and class expectations, meet your child/children´s teacher, visit the classroom(s), hear about what students will be learning this year, ask questions, and find opportunities to get involved at the school!
Coach Ray, Magenta, Principal Animuntu (middle school) , and Principal Chavez (elementary) will be at the front lobby to welcome and answer questions as needed.
We will have ASL interpretation.
August Free Dress Day
Our August Free Dress Day, or Uniform-Optional Day, will be on Friday, August 30, 2024.
Students are expected to follow the school dress code.