February Scholarship Bulletin
February 2025
Scholarship Search Engine
Sacramento Region Community Foundation: https://sacregcf.academicworks.com/opportunities
Fastweb: https://www.fastweb.com/college-scholarships
Scholarships: https://www.scholarships.com/
Go Merry goingmerry.com
Sacramento State University incoming freshman scholarships: Deadline March 2, 2025
The Hazel Cramer Scholarship awards an incoming freshman at Sacramento State University. Open to all majors; applicant must be a undergraduate student; be enrolled full time at time of award; have a minimum 3.5 overall GPA for High School (incoming Freshman) and 3.0 overall GPA (continuing Sac State student) and demonstrate financial need. Applicants are to submit a one to two page essay regarding: Student’s background, work and volunteer initiatives, educational goals, career goals statement.
Hornet Horns Brass Quintet Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship is intended to further develop students that have outstanding skills in music through participation in an ensemble within the School of Music.
Scholarship Renewable – Student recipients may receive the scholarship for up to four (4) years. The student must reapply for consideration each year and meet the specified eligibility criteria.
Hornet Horns Brass Quintet Audition
Guidelines and Requirements
Membership in the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet will be awarded based on auditions in front of a committee comprised of at least two faculty members from the brass area of the School of Music, the faculty director of the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet and preferably the studio instructor of the auditioning instrument. If the studio instructor is not able to attend they will listen to a recording of the audition. The audition will be recorded regardless.
Auditions for the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet are open to any undergraduate music major, or incoming freshman music student planning to attend Sacramento State, whose primary area of studio instruction is an instrument needed for the brass quintet (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba or
bass trombone). Students must be taking lessons in their primary area of studio instruction while in the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet.
Audition requirements include:
Two minutes of a solo of your choice
Two audition pieces of contrasting nature to be played with members of the Quintet. (Music will be chosen before the audition and sent to those auditioning prior to the
Participation in the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet is for a one year term. Students may participate in the ensemble for up to four years, and will be held to the same audition standards each time. If a student fails to meet the scholarship requirements, and/or the challenges and demands of the ensemble, the student may be asked to re-audition for the ensemble as decided in agreement between the ensemble director and the student’s studio instructor. In such an instance, the student may potentially lose his or her place in the ensemble and the corresponding scholarship awarded.
If a student switches majors, instrument focus, or degree programs while still under the Hornet Horns Brass Quintet scholarship, the student may be asked to forfeit his or her position in the ensemble and the corresponding scholarship.
When a position in the ensemble becomes vacant or if a member of the ensemble is asked to re-audition, information on the opening/audition will be sent by e-mail to all current and incoming students on the appropriate instrument a minimum of three weeks prior to the scheduled audition dates.
Sacramento Master Singers Scholarship for Young Choral Singers 2025 Deadline March 7, 2025
The Sacramento Master Singers Scholarship for Young Choral Singers (formerly known as the Asya Pleskach Scholarship) is designed to support and encourage choral singers from ages 14-22 from the greater Sacramento area (Sacramento, Yolo, El Dorado, Placer, San Joaquin and Amador counties). Participants should be a current or recent (within the last 2 years) member of their school choir, church choir or community choir, and show commitment to and leadership in the choral arts.
Click here for details on how to apply.
Sacramento Region Community Foundation 2025 Scholarship Opportunities Deadline March 14, 2025
Please use the Scholarship Grid to find scholarship opportunities offered by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation. To Apply , follow the instructions provided.
Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Scholarship Deadline March 15, 2025
Scholarship Amount: $500.00
Criteria: Portuguese descent, 3.50 GPA, participated in 3 extracurricular activities
Application Process:
Submit application with:
- Transcript
- One letter of recommendation
Order of Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Deadline March 30, 2025
Italian Ancestry/Heritage Scholarship
Selection is based on completion of all parts of the application. Include a brief essay summarizing your heritage, family customs, participation in Italian American Community activities, etc.
Application below
Barry Goggin Scholarship Deadline March 31, 2025
Better Business Bureau of Northeast California is proud to award scholarships to academic and vocational students annually in memoriam of former President & CEO, Barry Goggin.
- 3.0 GPA or better
- High school seniors and continuing undergraduates. Must be a full-time student for the Fall 2025 semester.
- Submission of an appropriate, eligible essay or video essay.
- Must reside in the BBB Northeast California 24 county territory**
Required Documents
- High school transcripts/College Transcripts
- Describe extracurricular activities and community involvement.
- A 500-word essay or video describing an ethically difficult situation you encountered and how you worked through and resolved the issue.
- Letter of recommendation (must be from someone not related to the candidate)
Elk Grove Knights of Columbus Scholarship Deadline April 11, 2025
The Elk Grove Knights of Columbus Council 7241 is making available two (2), $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors for the academic year 2024-2025. Candidates must be active members of St. Joseph's Parish or the Mission Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Rancho Murieta, and completed the necessary items on the application.
The deadline for receipt of the application is 4:00 pm on April 11, 2025. See application attached below for details.
Any questions regarding the scholarship may be directed to Nick Garcia via email at knights7241scholarship@gmail.com .
Sacramento Suburban Writers Club Deadline April 18, 2025
$1000 Writing Scholarship awarded by Sacramento Suburban Writers Club
The 2025 Scholarship for high school seniors.
Americans Against Gun Violence High School Essay Contest Deadline April 19, 2025
To enter the contest, students must submit an essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts about the following excerpt from the late Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas’s opinion in the 1972 case of Adams v. Williams:
A powerful lobby dins into the ears of our citizenry that these gun purchases are constitutional rights protected by the Second Amendment, which reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
There is under our decisions no reason why stiff state laws governing the purchase and possession of pistols may not be enacted….There is no reason why all pistols should not be barred to everyone except the police.
We’ll be awarding at least $15,000 in scholarships distributed among 12 contest winners again this year, with a maximum award of $3,000, a minimum award of $250, and with the option of giving additional $100 awards, as we’ve done in most past years, if we receive more than 12 outstanding essays. Full contest details and the online entry form are posted on the High School Essay Contest page of the Americans Against Gun Violence website. The deadline for students to enter the contest is Saturday, April 19.
The Elks Lodge #6 Golf Club Scholarship Program Deadline April 30, 2025
To get a copy of the application contact Lonnie Carlson, Elks Golf Club Chairperson at (916) 691-4546 or (916) 753-3782.
Applications must be received at 9476 Emerald Cove lane, Elk Grove CA 95758 by 5pm April 30, 2025
Omega Scholarship 2025 Deadline April 30, 2025
The Epsilon Xi Chapter, an unincorporated association of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., along with the Nobility Educational Foundation, Inc., is delighted to announce that four (4) scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors graduating in 2025 from the greater Sacramento area.
These scholarships are specifically intended for students of African American descent who have demonstrated academic excellence and a well-rounded high school career, both in school and within the community.
Online Scholarship Application: https://forms.gle/pfjEwyJSRqhRSv1i7