Rays Update
December 13, 2024
Principal Message
Ray Community,
As we wrap up the semester, I wanted to say thank you for allowing our team to serve and educate your students every day. I am so honored to serve our Reagan community and brag all the time about how great our school is. As we end the 2024 year and head into 2025, I want you all to know how thankful I am for our Reagan families.
I wanted to remind everyone that Friday, December 20, 2024, is an early release for students. The school will dismiss at 11:30 am. Students will have the option to purchase a sack lunch to take home before dismissal, however, we will not have formalized lunches in our daily schedule.
We will welcome students back to campus on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We hope you all enjoy your well-deserved break.
We hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful break.
Alison Pennington
X: @ReaganELemCP Instagram: @reaganelem_rays
Coffee with the Principal: January 23, 2025
Save the Date: We will be hosting our next Site-based meeting and Coffee with the Principal on January 23rd. Please save the date. At this meeting we will go over Leader in Me and walk the campus to look at how our instructional goals are being met.
Save the Date
December 17-19: Winter Parties (teachers will provide more information)
December 20: Early release at 11:30 am
December 23-January 6: Winter Break
January 7: Students return to campus
January 16: Spelling Bee (3rd-5th grade students)
Spelling Bee
Reagan Elementary is pleased to welcome students in 3rd through 5th grade to compete in the 2024-2025 Reagan Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:30 PM. Student check-in is at 5:00 pm and the spelling bee will begin promptly at 5:30 pm (no late arrivals).
All students in grades 3rd through 5th are eligible to compete. The winner will advance to the next phase of the competition representing Reagan Elementary.
If your student wants to participate, click here to register. Registration closes on Monday, January 13th.
For a list of study words, please contact your child's teacher. For more information about Scripps National Spelling Bee, visit spellingbee.com
QUEST/GT Screening
Is your child returning to Reagan Elementary next year and does your child possesses some of these Common Characteristics of Gifted Children (source: What is Giftedness?):
Comprehends material above their age peers
Surprising emotional depth and sensitivity
Strong curiosity and unique interests
Quirky sense of humor
Creative problem solving and imagination
Quick learning with minimal repetition
Self-aware, socially aware, and globally aware
These MAY be indicators that the GT/QUEST program could be beneficial to your child. Screening for the GT/QUEST program is based on referral by any adult that knows the student. If you feel your child may have an educational need for gifted services, complete the Referral Forms provided on the Reagan Elementary Quest Website in order for them to be screened for the GT/QUEST program for the 2025-2026 school year.
Students may be referred for QUEST screening by filling out both of the parent input forms using the following links:
1st - 5th grade forms due by March 1, 2025. Screening will begin in March and parents will be notified by April 1, 2025 if their child will move from screening to testing.
Kindergarten Screening begins in January. Input forms for Kinder students due by Jan. 31, 2025.
Author Visit
Attention 1st-3rd grade families!
Reagan Elementary will be hosting author Nick Bruel on January 16. Nick writes the hilarious Bad Kitty series. He will be autographing his new book for students. You can purchase it here:
Books will be delivered to your student in their classroom after the author visit.
Spanish Volunteers NEEDED!
Yearbook Ads
Yearbook Ads are only open for fifth grade students.
About Reagan
Email: reagan@leanderisd.org
Website: https://reagan.leanderisd.org
Location: 1700 E Park St, Cedar Park TX
Phone: 512-570-7200