Salem Public Schools Nursing News
September 2024

September 2024
Health Office Updates
Please Complete Back to School Forms ASAP!
- The information collected on these forms help our School Nurses communicate pertinent health information to First Responders in the event of an emergency. The information obtained stays in the student's confidential health record.
- The "Permission to Treat" section allows the School Nurse to administer basic treatments such as Tylenol administration and basic first aid ointments. The Nurse is unable to deliver this care without parental permission. This form gives the nurse the ability to treat your child in a timely manner without having to wait on a phone call.
Medication Administration In Salem Public School
- Per SPS District Policy, a medication may be administered by the School Nurse as long as the proper documentation is in place.
- A Doctor's Order From and a Parental Consent From (attached below) must be completed by the prescribing physician for each medication to be delivered.
- The prescription MUST be delivered to the school by a parent/guardian in a pharmacy issued bottle that states the following:
- Student Name
- Date of Birth
- Medication Name
- Medication Dose
- Medication Route
- Time of Administration
- For Over The Counter Medications, ensure that the bottle of medication is unopened and labeled with the child's name and date of birth.
Annual Physical Exam Documentation
- Its always a good idea to have your child seen by their pediatrician for a Well Child Visit annually.
- Salem Public Schools requires documentation of the Well Child Visit in grades 4, 7 & 10. Please ask your pediatrician to complete a School/Camp Form and return to the school health office when completed. Our School Nurses always appreciate this documentation for all other grades as well.
- Interscholastic Sports Teams will require a current physical (within 13 months of season of play) in order to participate in team events.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation with the above information!
Please find the link to the above forms HERE
Health Tips
Sleep plays a critical role in your student's readiness to learn. September is a difficult time for many after the free form days of the summer months. Here are some ways to help your child establish a good sleep routine to help get back into the grind of the school year:
- Set a Bedtime: Try to pick a time that is consistent on every night during the week, including weekends. Altering times on the weekends makes it more difficult to maintain weekly schedules
- Set a Screen Curfew: The blue light emitted from televisions, mobile devices and tablets has been clinically proven to suppress melatonin, a sleep hormone, in the brain. It also stimulates the brain which makes it more difficult to wind down and relax.
- Create a "Bedtime Routine": Perform the same activities around bedtime nightly. For example, wash, brush teeth, etc. Over time, the body will start to recognize these activities as a familiarity and comfort and will promote relaxation.
- Promote Daily Exercise: 60 minutes of physical exercise is clinically proven to help people fall asleep faster and remain asleep. Be sure to avoid strenuous physical activity within 2 hours of bedtime. It may make your child feel "wound up" and make it difficult to unwind.
- Curb Sugar and Caffeine: Caffeine and sugar can stimulate the brain. Caffeine should be avoided and sugar minimized within 6 hours of bedtime.
For more information from Boston's Children's Hospital about sleep hygiene, click HERE
Fruity Breakfast Tacos
- 3/4 Cup All Purpose Flour
- 3/4 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
- 3 TBSP Sugar
- 2 tsp Baking Powder
- 3/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1 Large Egg
- 1 Cup 2% Milk
- 2 TBSP Canola Oil
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 1/3 Cup Cream Cheese, Softened
- 3 TBSP Vanilla Yogurt
- 1 Small Banana, Sliced
- 1 Cup Fresh Berries of Choice
Click HERE for cooking instructions
TIP: Make pancakes and filling ahead of time and store in air tight containers for a quick breakfast on the go!
Physical Activities
After School Ideas
- Salem Public Schools: Several of the schools in the district offer after school programming. Please click HERE for more information.
- Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem: Membership at the Boys and Girls Club affords many opportunities for students of the district. The Club, located at Collins Middle School offers drop in after school activities for children and teens throughout the district. Membership rates are $25 for children and $10 for teens for the entire school year. Transportation is also available. Please click HERE for details.
- Leap for Education: Located at 35 Congress St., LEAP offers programming for middle and high school students. Middle school students can enjoy cooking, art and robotics while the Teen Center offers a safe space to hang out, get help with homework and college readiness. Most offerings are free. Please click HERE for more information.
- Salem Public Library: The Library offers a range of activities for people of all ages. Please click HERE for details
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