The J-List
August 16, 2024
Hello JES Family,
What an amazing start to the school year! It has been so much fun having our students back in the hallways. I really missed these kids this summer and hope they are coming home excited about school!
We've included some safety and drill information in this edition of the J-List. Let me encourage you to please take some time and visit with your student about these procedures and their importance. You've heard me say this before, but the safety of our students and staff is my number one priority each and every day!
Thank you for entrusting us with your children. We are honored and do not take the responsibilities you have given us lightly. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, celebrations, or concerns.
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Johnson Elementary School
Physical ID Required to Enter JES
For the safety of our students and staff (and as required by state law), you must present a valid state or federal government issued picture ID before you can enter the school building. In the past we were able to accept a copy, but as of this year you must present the original document. We can not accept a digital or paper copy.
Also, please help us maintain a secure building by not allowing anyone else to follow you into the building. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Safety Drills - Week of August 19
We will be practicing all of our campus safety drills this coming week. Although our teachers and administrators will review safety procedures before hand with our students, we ask that parents please take some time to have conversations about school safety procedures at home with your students.
Here is a schedule of our drills and some talking points about each type of drill to aid you with those conversations:
- Monday - EVACUATION Drill
- Tuesday - SHELTER Drill
- Wednesday - SECURE Drill
- Thursday - LOCKDOWN Drill
- Friday - HOLD Drill
- Used to clear the hallways and keep students in their classroom.
- Typically used when there is a medical emergency and EMS/police/firefighters need to navigate the building.
- Used to bring all students and staff inside of the building.
- Typically used when there is a concern in the vicinity of our school, but not inside (like a police chase or a crime nearby).
- Used to preserve life against threats inside of the building.
- We do not emulate any sort of "situation" when we practice this drill; we only practice student and staff actions. Even though staff do not discuss the "why" behind this drill, it can still be a little scary for students. Please talk about this drill as a family.
- Students will hide in a "meeting place" in their classroom - away from the door and out of sight from windows. The teacher will turn off the light and have everyone hide and be quiet. The goal for our students is to be INVISIBLE!
- In real situations - be smart! If you are close to an outside door, it's okay to run away to a neighborhood and knock on a door. The safest place to be in an actual lockdown emergency is out of the building.
- If you are outside of the classroom and hear something bad going on, find an open room (we leave ALL unused rooms open with the door locked) and close the door. Don't open the door.
- Never open the door if you hear something bad happening. A police officer will always open the door with a key.
- Stay calm and quiet!
- Never open an outside door for an adult without permission from a teacher, even if it's someone you think you know.
- Never leave the building without an adult with you, except in a lockdown situation.
- Grownups should always have a badge on that says who they are (a visitor or a teacher).
- Never leave doors open.
- If you are concerned about anything, please tell an adult!
GT (Gifted & Talented) Referral Window
Referrals for students currently in 1st - 4th grades for the CISD Gifted and Talented Program (Quest) open on August 26 at 8:00 am and close on September 10 at 3:00 pm. Please note that there are NO exceptions to the referral deadline. Information and details on the process are available in the link below. Please contact Mrs. Dickinson at JES with any questions.
Morning Reminders
We appreciate you working with us and adhering to the campus drop-off and pick-up procedures this first week. We have over 600 students trying to arrive and depart each day, so it is important that we all continue to work together to make the process as smooth as possible.
Please remember:
- Car line is open from 7:20-7:38 am (historically a very short wait until 7:30!).
- Announcements start promptly at 7:42 am.
- If you arrive after the car line closes, please park in front, walk your student into the office, and sign them in on the clipboard.
- Please remember that school starts promptly at 7:40 am. Students entering the building after the 7:40 am bell will be counted tardy. Help us start every student's morning off on a good note by being on time!
If you are driving to school, please use the car line. The walk-up area is reserved for bus riders and those families who walk to school from our surrounding neighborhoods.
Afternoon Reminders
- Changes in transportation must be emailed or called in by 2:00 pm.
- Early check-out ends at 2:30 pm except in the case of emergencies.
- For transportation changes, call 817-949-4500 or email jesoffice@southlakecarroll.edu
- Thank you for helping us keep our front office calm and efficient!
If you are driving to pick up your student, please use the car line. The walk-up area is reserved for daycare buses and those families who walk to/from school from our surrounding neighborhoods.
School Lunch & Lunch Visitors
As a reminder, the campus will be closed for lunch visitors the first week of full school days (August 19-23). We look forward to having visitors for lunches beginning Monday, August 26.
JES 2024-2025 Lunch Schedule
- 10:30 - 11:00 Kindergarten
- 11:05 - 11:35 1st Grade
- 11:40 - 12:10 2nd Grade
- 12:15 - 12:45 3rd Grade
- 12:50 - 1:20 4th Grade
Library Book Parent Preview
Curriculum Nights - August 27 & 29
Curriculum Night is an in-person event where teachers review specifics for the school year with parents. The slides from the presentation will be shared with parents for those who are unable to join, but we encourage parents to attend in person so you can ask questions and get to know your teacher.
August 27: Curriculum Night for Kindergarten and 1st grade, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
August 29: Curriculum Night for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade: 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Please note, child care will not be provided for Curriculum Nights.
Volunteer Application & Background Check
We depend on the dedication of the wonderful volunteers that we have in our community, and can not thank our volunteers enough for sacrificing their valuable time and efforts in support of our campus.
Any person who works with our students in any capacity must complete the application and background check, including (but not limited to) field trip chaperones, mystery readers, library volunteers/helpers, car drop off line, workroom volunteers, etc.
Every volunteer must complete an application and a background check to ensure the safety of our students. To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers must complete and submit an application each school year prior to being allowed to volunteer on campus or any campus event. Please note that this process can take up to 1 week and can not be done on the spot at the campus.
Click here to begin your application to become a Carroll ISD Volunteer.
After School Orchestra & Spanish Enrichment
Orchestra Program
CISD has partnered with Rojas School of Music to offer an after-school orchestra program (violin, viola, and cello) for students in grades K-6th. This program will be offered after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays at JES. For more information, or to register, please click on this link.
Spanish Enrichment
CISD has partnered with Language Lab Academy to offer an after-school language program for students in grades K-6th. JES students who enroll in the program will have classes at Walnut Grove Elementary. Parents will be responsible for transportation to/from WGES. For more information, or to register, please click on this link.
Parent Information/Orientation Session
PTO Updates
Don't miss a thing! The website is your one stop shop for everything JES: volunteer opportunities, calendar of events, spirit shop, PTO news, helpful links and more.
Support your school and enrich your student's education experience by being part of our PTO. It will only take you a few minutes to complete the form and only one form per family is needed. No additional commitment is expected; throughout the year we will provide information on optional volunteer activities.
Help our dragons pick out and purchase toys and trinkets at the Dragon Wagon! The Dragon Wagon rolls in once a month during lunchtime.
PTO MEETING August 28th @ 9am in the cafeteria. Everyone is welcome!
DRAGON WAGON September 6th
DADs CLUB September 13th
Tickets are on sale now for $125 per person through Aug 23rd. Purchase tickets here before the price increases to $140 per person on August 24th! There are also lots of sponsorship opportunities to showcase your business support of the JES PTO: from classroom art, auction paddles, event host, entertainment host and more! Check out the sponsorship opportunities!.
The Adult Event is an amazing way to meet and socialize with other JES parents while supporting our school. An event ticket includes all-inclusive food & beverages, in-person access to auction items, evening entertainment, eligibility for raffle winnings, etc. ALL proceeds from this event go directly to the PTO.
Our JES PTO funds numerous initiatives throughout the year such as installing turf & sun-shades, training and curriculum support for teachers, field trip transportation, various events for students and families, teacher wishlists, Dragon Diamonds, Teacher Appreciation, Hospitality, Dad's Club, Dragon Wagon, and more!
Community Corner
Around the Corner
27 - Curriculum Night (K-1), 5pm
28 - PTO General Meeting, 9am
29 - Curriculum Night (2-4), 5pm
2 - Student/Staff Holiday
11 - First Responders Day: Wear red, white, blue
11 - PTO Auction Flash Sale Opens
13 - Dragons & Donuts; 6:40am
18 - PTO Auction Flash Sales Closes
20 - JES Olympic Kick-Off Assembly
23 - PTO Spirit Night @ Feedstore
25 - Homecoming Parade
26 - Fall Individual Pictures, 8am
27 - Homecoming Game/JES Tailgate