Warrior Weekly
Published August 9th
One More Week!!
Dear Coleman Families,
We hope you've had a wonderful summer! Our custodial team has been hard at work, painting and waxing to prepare the building for the upcoming school year. In addition, all Coleman teachers have begun setting up their classrooms, and they have some adorable themes in store for your students this year.
We are excited to welcome you to Open House on Wednesday, August 14th, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to drop off school supplies, meet your child's teacher, and connect with our community. As a special treat, Dana's Shaved Ice will be available for everyone to enjoy!
Also, a quick reminder that the Coleman PTO will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, August 12th, at 6:30 PM in the library. We look forward to seeing both new and returning faces.
We can't wait to see you and kick off another fantastic school year together!
Best regards,
Dr. Quanz
Back to School Open House
Coleman's Open House is scheduled for
Wednesday, August 14th from 6-7 p.m.
Student supplies can be dropped off, meet the teachers, nurse, finish enrollment, enroll in SACC, PTO involvement, and much more!
School Supplies
Please check the district website for your child's school list.
School Hours
The school day begins at 8:35 AM and students will be released at 3:40 PM. Students should not be dropped off before 8:05 am; there is no supervision available. Students dropped off between 8:05 - 8:20 will either eat breakfast or head to the playground. It is strongly encourage for all car rider drop offs in the morning to arrive between 8:20-8:30
Car Rider Drop Off & Pick Up Traffic Pattern
If you are planning to bring your child to and from school, please take a moment to review the below images of the traffic pattern for our lower parking lot. I appreciate everyone's cooperation and understanding to keep students and families safe during these transition times.
Parents we heard your feedback and are widening the entrance to the lower parking lot off of 100. Thank you for your feedback and sharing your concerns regarding the narrow driveway.
Birthday Celebrations
In compliance with our Healthy Generation School goals, Coleman will focus on healthy celebrations. Student birthdays will be recognized on our daily announcements.
To comply with the national health guideline, we do not accept birthday or holiday treats.
*Every student at Coleman Elementary will receive a birthday pencil and card from the office on their birthday.*
Watch D.O.G.S
The district is also expanding the Watch D.O.G.S (dads of great students) safety program at each K-8 building in the district.
Watch D.O.G.S. (dads of great students) is a national innovative program focusing on the prevention of violence in our children's schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for two purposes:
1) To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important.
2) To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. WATCH D.O.G.S. are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and any other father-figures who volunteer as a positive presence for at least one whole school day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school.
Please complete the sign up below if you are interested in serving as a WATCH D.O.G.S. at your child's school!
3rd & 4th Grade Departmentalizing
What is departmentalizing? -When teachers focus on one or more specific subjects, they can teach those subjects to different groups of students throughout the day.
Why departmentalize? -This allows teachers to focus on the subjects they are most passionate about and excel in, ensuring that your child receives the best possible instruction. It also gives teachers the chance to concentrate on one or two subjects, rather than spreading their attention across five different areas.
Sample Student Schedule:
8:40 - 9:00 - Homeroom
9:00 - 9:50 - Block A - ELA
9:55 - 10:45 - Specials
10:50 - 11:20 - Block A - ELA
11:25 - 11:40 - Block B - Math
11:45 - 12:15 - Lunch
12:20 - 1:20 - Block B - Math
1:20 - 1:55 - Recess
1:55 - 3:20 - Block C -Science/Social Studies
* *Students will travel with their homeroom group throughout the day.**
This will be reviewed in greater detail during open house. Please bring any questions that you have to Open House.
School Age Child Care (SACC)
If your child needs morning childcare before 8:05 am, contact the Coleman SACC office at 636-271-1461 for information about the School Age Child Care Program registration.
For more information regarding our program please see the flyer below:
Bus Routes
Our transportation department is finalizing the bus routes for the upcoming school year. We will have this printed route sheets available at open house on August 14th. You also will have access to them on the transportation website once they are posted. Below is a link to the transportation website.
Elementary Student Handbook
Smore Back-to-School
Email: dquanz@mvr3.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.mvr3.k12.mo.us/o/coleman
Location: 4536 Coleman Road Villa Ridge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColemanWarriors/