Falcon Flyer
Volume 2

Falcon Flyer October 2024
EmPOWERing Students to SOAR to Excellence
Oaklands Elementary School will provide a great education that engages, empowers, and elevates all students and contributes to thriving communities.
October Dates to Remember
- October 7: No School for Students ~ Parent-Teacher Conferences
- October 8: Fall Picture Day ~ Students should wear their uniforms.
- October 11: Oaklands Fall Festival
- October 18: No School for Students ~ Professional Development Day
- October 31: End of Quarter 1
Looking Ahead... November Dates to Remember
- November 1: 3-Hour Early Release ~ Students dismissed at 10:40 am.
- November 5: No School ~ Election Day
- November 27-29: No School ~ Thanksgiving Break
Synergy ParentVUE
Synergy is our new Student Information System. It is important that families activate their ParentVUE account. This will allow parents to view student schedules, attendance, and grades.
If you have questions or need support please click here: ParentVUE Support and FAQ
September Superheros of the Month
Congratulations to our September Superheroes of the Month! These students have shown outstanding dedication to their learning and consistently demonstrated SOARing behaviors. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and positive attitude, which inspire those around them. Keep up the fantastic work!
MCAP & Top Scholars Celebration
On Friday, September 20, students who achieved proficient or advanced scores on last year's MCAP (Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program) were celebrated for SOARing to excellence. Teachers also selected and recognized their Top Scholars to participate in the celebration.
Thank you, Ms. Johnson!
In September, we celebrated Community School Coordinator Day. Thank you, Ms. Johnson, for being the vital link between our school and community resources. Through her dedicated efforts, our families have access to a wide range of resources, ensuring their essential needs are met. Ms. Johnson also brings fun and educational assemblies and experiences to our students, enriching their learning journey. She truly makes Oaklands a better school!
Community Schools Updates
Belinda Johnson Community School Coordinator
Melany Ortiz Parent Engagement Assistant
Who Are We?
We are here to provide students and families with the physical and mental health, academic, and extracurricular supports needed to thrive.
How Can We Support You?
In order to better serve the needs of Oaklands Students and Families, this document has been created to streamline the process of being able to get assistance. Melany Ortiz-Parent Engagement Assistant, Belinda Johnson- Community School Coordinator, Taleesa Osborne- Professional School Counselor, Jessica Hayes-Professional School Counselor and Brittany Grinnell-School-Based Clinician are here to connect the students and families to resources in the school and community. Please fill out the form if you need any assistance for your child or yourself and we will reach out to you to schedule a time for an in-person or virtual appointment.
Con el fin de atender mejor las necesidades de los alumnos y las familias de Oaklands, se ha creado este documento para agilizar el proceso para poder obtener ayuda. Melany Ortiz-Asistente de Participación de Padres, Belinda Johnson-Coordinadora de la Comunidad Escolar, Taleesa Osborne-Consejera Escolar Profesional, Jessica Hayes-Consejera Escolar Profesional, e Brittany Grinn-Clínica Escolar están aquí para conectar a los estudiantes y las familias con los recursos en la escuela y la comunidad. Por favor, rellene el formulario si necesita ayuda para su hijo o usted mismo y nos pondremos en contacto con usted para programar una cita en persona o virtual.
ELD Coffee & Donuts
On September 24, our ELD teachers hosted a successful Coffee & Donuts event. During the parent workshop, they shared valuable information with our families, including details on ACCESS for Multilingual Learners and practical ways to support their children using ELD strategies. Thank you, Ms. Cardwell, Ms. Lee-Fehn, Ms. McEaddy, Ms. Penn, Ms. Roncal, and Ms. Villarosa!
Hispanic Hertitage Celebration
On September 20th, Joe's Movement Emporium invited Grupo Fenix to perform in cultural clothing to celebrate Hispanic Heritage at Oaklands.
Attendance Matters
On September 25, Ms. Hayes, Ms. Osborne, Ms. Johnson, and Ms. Ortiz hosted a parent workshop focused on the importance of student attendance. Consistent attendance is crucial to your child's success, ensuring they can fully participate in daily learning experiences and SOAR to excellence. We encourage all parents to make attendance and punctuality a priority, helping your student build strong habits for future success.
For more details, please see the following resources: Attendance Presentation, Attendance Success Tips, Attendance Video
Volunteers Needed
With your help our student’s opportunities for success and achievement will be enhanced. Just a few hours a week can have a meaningful impact on our school and a child. Whether supporting with filed trips, classroom helper, setting up for food distributions, a lunch monitor, assisting in the parent resource center, planning/helping with school events, taking part in a school committee or being a member of our Parent providing classroom assistance, it's through the efforts of people like you that we can do great things. Volunteers play a vital role in transforming our schools and the educational experience of our students.
Con su ayuda, se mejorarán las oportunidades de éxito y rendimiento de nuestros estudiantes. Solo unas pocas horas a la semana, ya sea en forma virtual o en persona, pueden tener un impacto significativo en una escuela o un niño. Ya sea asesorando a un estudiante, ayudando a la oficina principal a recibir a los visitantes, ayudando en el centro de padres, participando en un comité escolar o brindando asistencia en el salón de clases, es a través de los esfuerzos de personas como usted que podemos hacer grandes cosas. Los voluntarios juegan un papel vital en la transformación de nuestras escuelas y la experiencia educativa de nuestros estudiantes.
Stay in Touch
Follow us on Instagram and visit our website for regular updates. Also, make sure to sign-up for Class Dojo. Communication is the key to our success, and we are here to support you throughout the school year.