Husky Howler 11/16/24 (Community)
We are the PACK!
Smiley Thoughts
PACK Guardians and Students,
This is the last week before Thanksgiving break. Student progress grades will go in on Friday and be finalized. Their report card grades will be finalized the Friday before Christmas break. Please get on your parent portal account and have notifications turned on for your child's grades/attendance! Here are a few remindesr:
Basketball games - Students MUST have their guardian with them and present to attend our basketball games at Hubbard. An adult cannot get 5-10 different students in at the same time as we are cracking down on student behavior and need THEIR guardian present to assist us with any issues.
AVID - Attention students and guardians, the AVID application window opens TODAY through November 22nd. If you are interested in becoming one of our AVID students and learning all the skills necessary to be prepared for life after high school, then make sure you apply online with this application link for Hubbard Middle School or Tyler Legacy High School if your student is a current 8th grader.
ONLINE APPLICATION WINDOW: November 1 through November 22, 2024
STUDENT INTERVIEW WINDOW: January 7 through January 21, 2025
Leaving Early - If you are picking your child up early from school please do so by 3:15 p.m. We do not allow students to be checked out after 3:15 p.m. since this could hamper our dismissal procedures and ability to retrieve multiple students before the bell. The front office is closed between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m.
Important Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, November 19th - Band Winter Concert at Hubbard - 6pm in the cafeteria
Wednesday, November 20th - Fall picture retakes through Lifetouch
Thursday, November 21st - Chick-fil-a through PTA order online by 9a.m. on Tuesday
Thanksgiving break
8th grade class shirts
Listen up 8th grade PACK parents! You can go online to the Hubbard PTA website and snag this year's 8th grade shirts NOW!
--------------------This PAST week--------------------
Legacy ROTC
This week, Master Sargent Gunnery Horner came over from Tyler Legacy with his ROTC students to speak to 8th graders. This is an awesome leadership program that Tyler Legacy offers and your student can choose to enroll in as a freshman. Counselors will talk more about this when they are going over 8th grade choice sheets with classes.
Veteran's Day
A special shoutout to the lone veteran of Hubbard, 7th grade RLA teacher Greg Lytle. We appreciate his service!
Art - Self Portraits
Ms. Bell and Mrs. Ashwood's art classes are coming up with some awesome self portraits!
Tin Can Cafe - Chicken Spaghetti
--------------------NEXT week--------------------
ONLINE APPLICATION WINDOW: November 1 through November 22, 2024
STUDENT INTERVIEW WINDOW: January 7 through January 21, 2025
--------------------TWO weeks away--------------------
Annie Jr. - Get your tickets now!
We are excited to be offering the experience of Annie Jr. coming up in December! You can buy your tickets online here!
--------------------ONGOING GOODNESS--------------------
Dads on Duty - EVERY FRIDAY
Tutorial Schedule
Important Contacts
John Smiley - Principal -
Melissa Martin - 8th grade AP -
Jimmie Williams - 7th grade AP -
Carli Fite - 6th grade AP -
Eleni Fancher - Counselor A-L -
Sarah Norris - Counselor M-Z -
Rhona Meads - Math/Science master teacher -
Katherine Bozick - RLA/SS master teacher -
Tom Pino - Media Technology Specialist -
Diana Garcia - receptionist -
Maria Lengua - attendance -
One last thought...
Hubbard Middle School
Location: 4400 Copeland Road, Tyler, TX, USA
Phone: (903)262-1560