RHHS Wildcats News You Can Use
News and Notes
Upcoming Dates
- March 31-April 4; Spring Break
Senior Specific Information Website
- May 8th – Senior Exams (3rd and 4th block)
- May 9th – Senior Exams (1st and 2nd block)
May 15th – Senior Meeting, ONLY for students on the Obligations List
- May 16th – Graduation Practice
- May 16th – Graduation; Half Day for All Students
Congratulations UGA Certificate of Merit Recipients
Bryan Academy Update
Dear RHHS Families,
We want to share an important update regarding Bryan Academy, our district’s planned nontraditional learning academy. Unfortunately, due to limited interest, Bryan Academy will not be opening for the 2025-2026 school year. While this opportunity will not be available at this time, the district remains hopeful that it may be offered in the future.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to explore options that best meet the needs of our students.
Recycled Art Competition
Manufacturing Course
Parents and Seniors:
A modern manufacturing career is exciting, rewarding, and meaningful!
Are you interested in a career in manufacturing?
Join Goodwill and Savannah Technical College for upcoming sessions for our Fast Track
Manufacturing 6-week course!
Starting April 1- May 8, 2025:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 4:00-7:30PM
Where? Richmond Hill Opportunity Center: 9701 Ford Ave, Richmond Hill, GA 31324
A letter of recommendation from school counselor, advisor, or teacher is required for all
graduating seniors.
Class includes virtual reality training, multiple industry recognized credentials, life skills
and facility tours to see what it is like first-hand to work in manufacturing. Certifications
include Forklift Training, Bennett Mechanical, CPR/ First Aid, Lean Six Sigma White Belt in
Manufacturing, OSHA 10, Fast Track Manufacturing, and Soft Skills training.
Questions? Contact Debborah Marble dmarble@goodwillsega.org 912-235-1723
Link to register:
Click on the form to register with a QR code.
Class of 2026-RIsing Senior Night
Dual Enrollment
GSBA Youth Advisory Council
GSBA's Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is now accepting applications for 2025, and we would love your help spreading the word to your students.
The YAC is a student leadership program formed by GSBA to give high school students the opportunity to provide meaningful input to school board members and aid them in their decision-making. In addition, YAC members will have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and contribute to their community by affecting positive change for students across Georgia.
Applications are now open and will close April 18, 2025. This year, we're streamlining the application process from two steps to one. You can find more information on expectations, meeting dates, eligibility and more in our initial information document. The application link is also available on our website.
Military Child Appreciation Breakfast
April is the Month of the Military Child!
Join us as we honor and celebrate our military-connected students at a special Military Child Appreciation Breakfast. This event recognizes their strength, resilience, and sacrifices.
Please complete the google form linked HERE to RSVP, last day to RSVP is April 10th.
Service Academy Information
For those interested in pursuing admissions to a United States Military Academy or a College ROTC program; the RHHS counseling department has compiled a list of resources to get you started. You can find this information located on the Counseling Department website, look for Post-Secondary Planning on the left side of the screen, and select Military. On the Military Information page, scroll down and locate Service Academy Information link where you will find checklists and requirements for each service academy and ROTC program.
Theatre Arts Presents A Wrinkle in Time
Join the Theatre Arts pathway in watching A Wrinkle in Time as part of their production unit. During this unit in class, students are assessed with both formative and summative assessments ranging from blocking to performance per our standards. They learn how a full production is put together with lighting design, sound design, costume design, set design, stage managing, acting, and directing.
One of literature's most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back. Once again, she's joining forces with Mrs. Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O'Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself.
- Drama - Full Length Play – 90 – 100 minutes
- Location: RHHS - The Tiny Taft Theater, Room 401 on East Campus
- Audience can enter through the 400 halls doors by the senior parking lot.
- Tickets are $5 on GoFan - https://gofan.co/app/school/GA23137
Travel Club
MCV-4 Important Information
At the age of 16, Georgia requires that your student receive the booster to the MCV4 vaccine.
If they do not receive the MCV4 booster on or after the age of 16, their immunization record, Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231), will expire.
If you have not already scheduled an appointment for your student to get their vaccines updated, please contact your healthcare provider or the Bryan County Health Department at 912-756-2611 to arrange the MCV4 booster.
Meningococcal disease is a serious bacterial illness that affects the brain and causes shock, coma and death within hours of the first symptoms. Georgia law requires students be vaccinated against this disease.
Please provide an updated copy of the Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231) once the MCV4 booster is completed. This document will become a part of your student’s permanent record once it is received by the RHHS clinic staff.
Contact your healthcare provider or the Bryan County Health Department with any questions related to the MCV4 Booster.
Library Lowdown
Summer Camps
Athletic Newsletter
Spread the Good News! #ouRHouse
We know staff members at RHHS go the extra mile - we want to hear about it! When a staff member makes you/your student feel special or does something exceptional, YOU can give them a shoutout and in return, the PBIS team will send them a treat!
- Amber Crews (A- Carter/AVID)
- Emily Neff (Cartwright-Gelly)
- Tam Daniels (George- Langridge)
- Debbie Kilpatrick (Lanier- Odell)
- Megan McDonough (Offringa- Slaughter)
- Amber Miles (Slusarski- Z)
- Deanna Appleton (DE/5th YR/BA)
For additional information regarding the Richmond Hill High School Counseling Team, please click here!
RHHS Essential Information
School times
7:30am-2:25pm/Buildings open at 7am
Office Hours
Certificates of Enrollment
Car-rider/parent drop-off information - Click Here
Bus rider information- Bryan County Transportation Services
School nutrition information-
MySchoolBucks - Online Payment Portal
- Breakfast - $2.50
- Lunch - $3.50
- Breakfast - $2.75
- Lunch - $4.50
- Lunch - $5.00
Questions regarding remaining lunch balances should be directed to Alisa Vallbracht (School Nutrition Director) avallbracht@bryan.k12.ga.us/912-459-5121
Nurse/Clinic information-
Nurses: Taryn Parker (tparker@bryan.k12.ga.us) and Caitlyn Matias (cmatias@bryan.k12.ga.us)
If you should need to discuss health information at length, please call to schedule a meeting. All clinic forms are available HERE. Inhalers and epi pens that are carried by the student must have forms completed by their physician.
Richmond Hill High School
Website: https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/o/RHHS
Location: 1 Wildcat Drive, Richmond Hill, GA, USA
Phone: 912-459-5151
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richmondhillhigh
Twitter: @RichmondHill_HS