April 2024

From the Principal
Hello Jefferson Families,
The first day of school is such a special day in the calendar year, and it was wonderful to see our first through fifth graders back today! We got started with our new arrival/entry procedure*, and students all got safely to class. As the day progressed, teachers engaged students in a variety of welcome activities as well as teaching of our four Jefferson Charger expectations:
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Kind
Orange chicken was a big hit for our students who got a school lunch today, and there was a lot of joy on out on the playground as students played on our obstacle course (thank you, PTA!) for the first time under clear blue skies. A great first day overall!
Kindergarten families have started family meetings with teachers, and we will look forward to welcoming our new cohort of our youngest learners on Monday. Can you believe they will be the class of 2037!
Our theme this year is “What Are You Learning?” This theme invites all of us- students, staff and
families - to actively engage in this question, and it provides the opportunity to be very individual in
nature, as well as collaborative. I am excited for the year ahead and all of the great learning that will
happen for our students (and us) as a result of the work we do together.
Important Change Of Date
Once the Everett Teachers Association reached an agreement with the district, and the calendar was released, we learned that we needed to adjust our Open House. It will now be held on Thursday, October 10th from 6:00-7:00pm here at school.
*See below for our new arrival/entry procedure.
Kind regards,
Steve Hopkins, principal
Sept 4 First day of school for grades 1-5
Sept 4-6: Kindergarten family conferences
Sept 9: First day of kindergarten
Sept 9: Tissues and Treats for Kindergarten parte
Oct. 1: Natural Leader Meetings 5:00-6:00 pm
Oct 3: Individual Picture Day
Oct 5: Natural Leaders Meeting, 5:00-6:00 pm
Oct. 10: Open house 6:00-7:00 pm
Morning Arrival Procedures
We are no longer having 1st-5th grade students line up in the undercover area by the playground before school. This has been a loud and often cold way to start the school day. New this year, we will have the students head into the building (and out to portables if applicable) beginning at 9:02 each morning. Teachers will have an arranged line-up spot for students indoors or will have students come right into the classroom to get the day started. If your child is coming for breakfast, they may arrive as early as 8:45am. If your child is a bus rider, he/she will get off the bus and head straight to the cafeteria to either have breakfast, or if they already had breakfast at home, to wait until 9:02 to be dismissed to class.
One way you can help... if you are a family where your child(ren) eat breakfast at home, we would greatly appreciate you dropping your child off between 9:02-9:10 so we can have a trickle in of students that contributes to a calm start to the day. If you do this, your child can head straight into the building at his/her designated entry point:
- Students from the following classes will enter the doors at the B Wing entry across from the cafeteria: Kaci, Jones, Burchak, Stewart, Bingay, Dersom, Lundgren, Bowman (Nielson), Darby-Augustin and Klujber
- Students from the following classes will enter the doors at the back of the B Wing (across from the portables): Schmieder, J. Nelson, T. Nelson, Lemkau, and Montzingo
- Students from classes who will head to the portables: Dinh, Magley, Jeffries and Lucas
Parents will need to say their goodbyes at drop-off and/or our courtyard area. We will not have parents come near the entry doors or into the building. Thank you for your help with this. With all of this said, we will have an abundance of staff members assisting students the first few days.
*Students from Ms. Denham, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Schull's classes who arrive by bus will be greeted by staff at bus drop-off area. Parents from these classes who drop off their child should also head to the bus area to meet the class. Staff will then escort students from these classes into the building.
**Kindergarten students, who begin on Monday, September 9th, will continue to line up in our kindergarten corral.
We expect this new procedure to be a better way for our 1st-5th grade students to start their day. Thanks for your partnership as we are less than 24 hours away from the start of the 2024-25 school year!
News from the GYM
Hello Jefferson Families,
Welcome to Jefferson’s Physical Education (P.E.) specialist class! I’m Ms. Rowe, your child’s P.E. teacher. I’m very excited to welcome back former students as well as welcome students who are new to our school!
As you may know, students do much more than ‘play games’ in P.E. Students learn and refine skills in safe movement, motor skills, fitness, physical health, emotional health & wellness, as well as social development, cooperation and sportsmanship. Learning in PE will take place through tons of movement in fun, engaging activities, games, stations and cooperative work.
For your child to be successful and participate fully during PE, please help them to remember to wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes to move safely in the gym (and at recess). Closed-toed shoes with good support and floor grip are ideal to prevent injuries. Please no sandals, Crocs, heels, boots or shoes with a slippery bottom in P.E. It may be helpful to keep a pair of gym shoes in your child’s backpack, so that they can switch into them for P.E. I look forward to helping your child gain social, fitness and sport skills this school year! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: srowe@everettsd.org :)Ms. Rowe
Free and Reduced Lunch
Annual Updates
You may have received an email regarding Annual Updates. These updates are important and help us to serve our students better. Please log in through HAC and under the "Registration" tab and then click "Update Enrollment". This is not a new enrollment, it is just updating your information to be current. If you are struggling to login, you can open a Tech Ticket and they will respond by email with your login and password.
We appreciate your help in making sure we have up to date information on your child!
New School Bus App
Download the Versatrans My Stop App
We are using a new Versatrans My Stop application for bus route tracking and information. The Versatrans My Stop application provides you with an estimated time of arrival for your student's school bus. Please continue to arrive at the scheduled bus stop location 5 minutes prior to the scheduled stop time. When you open the app for the first time, follow the instructions below and select Everett Public Schools (WA).
How to Log In
All information is transmitted securely and protected. No data is provided without proper credentials being provided.
1. Enter your student’s ID number in the username field.
2. Enter your student’s date of birth in the password field. Use the mmddyyyy format with no slashes. For example: if your student was born on Jan. 1, 2017, your password would be 01012017
3. If you have more than one student, their names will appear in a drop-down list in the top left corner. To view a different child's bus information, select their name from the drop down list.
4. In your phone settings, under Notifications, scroll to the Versatrans My Stop app and make sure:
- show notifications are in the on position.
- pop on screen is also in the on position
5. This will allow you to see any notification that Everett Public Schools sends through the Versatrans My Stop App.
Community Opportunities
Peachjar Flyers for After School and Community Opportunities
School Hours
Regular Hours: 9:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Learning Improvement Fridays: 2:15 p.m. dismissal
½ Day Early Release: 1 p.m. dismissal