Douglas Tilden 1860 - 1935
Hunter Piedlau Per.8
Fact #1
He graduated from the CA School for the Deaf, he went on to attend UC Berkeley, but then left to study art in Paris.
Fact #2
He has made many famous artworks that are located in California and San Francisco, one statue is located on school campus and another is located in the center of san francisco as a remembrance.
Fact #3
On June 6, 1896 Tilden was married to Elizabeth "Bessie" Cole, a former student of his, also deaf. Although the union produced two children, a son Lee and a daughter Gladys.
Fact #4
Douglas moved to Hollywood and began to sculpt dinosaurs and other extinct animals for historical and educational films.
Fact #5
While in Paris, Douglas won many sculpture design contests and had his work installed all over the world.
Fact #6
Douglas Tilden died August 4, 1935 of an apparent heart attack. A deaf neighbor found him dead on the kitchen floor. Coroners estimated that he had been dead for two days.
Fact #7
his artwork was used in monuments and his style of art was realism, representation, and neutralism.
Fact #8
he has many books and news prints about him
Fact #9
he is known as The Silent Worker, because of his disabilities.
Fact #10
He was one of the organizers of the International Conference of the Deaf in 1889 and served as vice president of the World Federation of the Deaf. In 1910 he was elected president of the California Association of the Deaf.