Hembree Highlights
March 1, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families!
Sorry this message is late today, but the Family Dance just ended and I was having a blast! Thanks to all the families who came out tonight and participated in this amazing event. We will have our Silent Auction open until March 9th at 3:00 PM. There are some great items to bid on, so please take a look. The money goes to the PTA. The PTA directly sponsors all the events at our school and so much more.
Here is the link if you need it:
I can't believe it is March already, this semester is going fast. We have Exceptional Children's Week next week. Please see below for the dress-up activities for your children for the week.
Please help me reach my goal!! We want to hear from you! Take the Annual Parent Perception Survey between February 12 and March 15 and tell us what you think about Fulton County Schools. https://www.fultonschools.org/annualparentsurvey
Have a great and relaxing weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Annual Parent Perception Survey
Dear Parent/Guardian,
At Fulton County Schools, we truly value the feedback from our parents about their experiences with the district. That is why I encourage all parents to take the Annual Parent Perception Survey. This survey allows parents to tell us what they think about their student’s school(s) and the district. While we always make it a priority to listen to our parents, this survey affords us another opportunity to receive your thoughts and opinions.
The survey is anonymous and confidential. Please complete one survey per school where you have one or more students enrolled. The survey will remain open from Monday, February 12 through Friday, March 15.
The parent survey is currently available in English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi, and Punjabi. If you or your family would like to take it in a language that is not listed, contact your school’s principal with the requested language. The parent FAQ is available in:
To access the parent survey, click here or scan the QR code with a smartphone.
It’s not only parents we want to hear from. Our students’ opinions are important too! Students in grades 3-12 will be provided with the opportunity to take the Annual Student Perception Survey between February 12 and March 15 during the school day. In our ongoing efforts to remain transparent with parents, please take a moment to review the 3-5 student survey and/or the 6-12 Student Survey, which are available in English and Spanish.
Results from past surveys are available on the Balanced Scorecard.
Thank you for making your voice heard!
Relationships Matter!
Important Dates
3/1 Sweetheart Family Dance 6-7:30 (HSE Cafeteria)
3/5 Northwestern Rising 6th-Grade Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm (Northwestern cafeteria)
3/14 Elkins Pointe Rising 6th-Grade Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm (EPMS Gym)
3/19 Hembree Perk FY 25 Parent Title I Input Meeting @ 7:40am
3/21 Hembree’s Got Talent @ 6:00pm (HSE Cafeteria)
Sweetheart Family Dance on Friday 3/1
Celebrate Exceptional Children's Week March 4-8
It's here! The annual PTA Together We Soar! Fundraising Auction is now LIVE!!!
We have more than 90 items ready for bidding. And wait until you see all the awesome gift cards, baskets and teacher experiences we have to offer. We're going big this year, and we've upped our fundraising goal to $5,000.
We know you can get us there! Tell your friends, family and neighbors. So many local small and large businesses have donated to our cause. We have wine tasting with charcuterie. Pedicab date excursion. Father's Day ideas. Escape game experience. A day at Avalon. Music school. Facials. Massages. Dog grooming and boarding. Breweries. Birthday party. Tickets to a number of attractions around Atlanta. A lot of recognizable brands and restaurants.
There is nothing we haven't thought of! And these are all places you probably already spend money at -- so why not support our school and bid on the auction?! You may even score a deal.
Auction items will be on display as you walk into the Sweetheart Family Dance THIS Friday. They'll have QR codes so you can easily check an item out on your phone and bid away. Bidding ends at 3 p.m. on March 10.
100% of proceeds go to our PTA community fund and teacher grants. It's a no-brainer!!!
Here's the auction link, check it out!
Parents of rising Elkins Pointe 6th graders—save the date!
Elkins Pointe Middle School Principal Ms. AJ Smith invites all parents and guardians to the middle school transition information meeting for “Rising 6th-Grade Parents” Note: This event is for parents and guardians. The 5th-grade students will be visited by the Elkins Pointe Team ambassadors in March and come to Elkins Pointe for a school tour in May.
Title: Rising 6th-Grade Parent Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024,
Time: 6:30 p.m. in the evening
Location: Elkins Pointe Gymnasium
Address: 11290 Elkins Road, Roswell, GA 30076
Phone: 470-254-2892
Website: www.fultonschools.org/elkinspointems
Topics include: Welcome from the principal, meet the Titan Team, the middle school day, the curriculum, rigor/TAG, World Languages, Music Program, PTSA, SGC and more.
For additional information: Look on our website, under TITAN HEADLINES Rising 6th-Grade Corner or use the link: http://tinyurl.com/Welcome-Titans-2024
Questions? Contact the Parent Liaison, Ms. Lisa O’Hanlon Cowles, at ohanlon@fultonschools.org or 470-254-8379.
Interpreter services are available. Please contact the school 10 days prior. The meeting will be presented in English and Spanish. ¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el enlace Bilingue, Sra. María Shuford, en shufordm@fultonschools.org o 470-254-8380
La directora de la Escuela Intermedia Elkins Pointe La Sra. AJ Smith, invita a todos los padres y tutores a la reunión informativa sobre la transición a la escuela intermedia para "Futuros padres de 6º grado” Nota: Este evento es para padres y tutores. Los estudiantes de 5º grado serán visitados por los embajadores del equipo de Elkins Pointe en marzo y en mayo vendrán a Elkins Pointe para conocer la escuela.
Título: Reunión de padres de estudiantes en ascenso a 6º grado
Fecha: jueves, 14 de marzo de 2024,
Hora: 6:30 p.m.
Lugar: Gimnasio de la escuela Elkins Pointe
Dirección: 11290 Elkins Road, Roswell, GA 30076 Teléfono: 470-254-2892
Sitio web: www.fultonschools.org/elkinspointems
Los temas incluirán: la bienvenida de la directora, introducción del equipo Titan, un día en la escuela secundaria, el plan de estudios, clases de rigor / TAG (talentosos y dotados), idiomas del mundo, el programa de música, PTSA (Organización de padres, maestros y estudiantes), SGC (Consejo de Gobierno Estudiantil) y más.
Para obtener información adicional: Busque en nuestro sitio web, en TITAN HEADLINES Rising 6th-Grade Corner o use el enlace: http://tinyurl.com/Welcome-Titans-2024
¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con el enlace bilingüe, Sra. María Shuford, en shufordm@fultonschools.org o 470-254-8380
Servicios de intérprete disponibles. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la escuela 10 días antes. La reunión se presentará en inglés y español.
Northwestern Rising 6th-Grade Parent Meeting
Book Club for Grades 3, 4 and 5
Parents of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders! If you'd like your child to participate in book club, please fill out this form:
Books will be distributed in early March, and we'll discuss them the week after spring break.
If you'd like to come in and discuss the book with your child's class, sign up here:
Summer Learning Program for Grades 3-5
Fulton County Schools is offering a summer learning program for elementary students grades 3-5 from June 5th - July 3rd from 7:20 am - 2:20 pm at Mimosa Elementary School. This is designed for students that are not meeting grade level expectations at this point in the school year. This summer school opportunity is by invitation only and will be for reading and math. We will be sending out invitations on Friday, March 8th based on preliminary data. The preliminary data is used to make recommendations for Summer Learning and does not mean that your child will be required to attend summer learning. It will be an opportunity for parents to be aware that their child may be a candidate for summer learning. All students that are invited in this 'preliminary' round of invitations are asked to complete the invitation and return it to school for planning purposes. Below is the criteria being used for Summer Learning recommendations:
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in reading (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in math (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 ELA and/or reading course
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 math course
- 3rd- 5th grade student being considered for retention
Please reach out to Morgan Tew, Assistant Principal, with any questions you might have about Summer Learning.
From Mrs. Stowers
Join our volunteer copy team- open to English and Spanish speakers!!!
Volunteering with our copy team is a breeze! It is an great way to lend a helping hand to our teachers and familiarize yourself with the school. Join us in making a difference for our school- it is easy and fulfilling. Reach out to Julie Burnley at jkburnley@gmail.com to get started.
From Title I
Title I Input Meeting
Parents, Families and Community Members! Please join us for our Title I Input Meeting on March 19th at 7:40am in the HSES Media Center. See attached flyers for more details.
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
Share Your First Day of School Photos for the Yearbook!
Click HERE to upload First Day of School Photos.
Thank you all so much for volunteering at Hembree Springs this semester! We appreciate all of the many hours you gave to support our students, staff and other parents and families to help make our Hembree Hawks community thrive. We wish you a restful or exciting winter break and look forward to seeing you in the halls in 2024.
All volunteers are required to re-register online to be able to volunteer again starting in January 2024. Once you re-register your volunteer status will be good through May 31, 2026. Fulton County School is discontinuing the current Raptor sign in process and replacing it with Infinite Campus CheckMate. Link here to complete the re-registration.
Safety & Security / Volunteer Application Form (fultonschools.org)
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902