Boyden Weekly Update
September 27 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
We did it! Today Boyden went yellow/gold in recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We also took this day to honor and recongize former Boyden student Emmanuel Urrea (age 7) who lost his courageous battle with cancer this past summer. We wore yellow/gold, shopped at the store with proceeds donated to his family and ended our day outside having a "party" by releasing yellow ballons into the sky...Emmanuel loved parties!
It was a special day!
♪Notes♪ from the Music Room
Boyden students have been settling into the music room and exploring many instruments, activities and songs.
Kindergarten and Grade one have been playing singing games and learning all about steady beat and dynamics!
Grade two has been reviewing dynamics and trying out some more complex rhythms. They have also been learning some fun double circle movement songs!
Third grade is excited to be learning how to read notes on the music staff in preparation for learning the recorder!
Fourth grade has been challenging themselves with a French cup passing routine!
Fifth grade working on some complex rhythms and playing Tuban, hand and bongo drums!
What is Title 1?
Title I is a federal program that provides financial aid to school districts to help ensure that all students meet academic standards, especially those from low-income families. Title I is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and is authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
The program provides supplementary instruction in the areas of Language Arts and Math. Title I is a regular education program and is not part of Walpole’s special education program. It has proven to be extremely beneficial, providing students with extra academic support, which assists them to succeed in the daily classroom setting. In some cases, students work in small groups outside of the classroom with the Title I Instructor in addition to the instruction provided by the classroom teacher.
We are fortunate this year to have four excellent Title 1 Teachers at Boyden;
Mrs. Doucette, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Federico, and Mrs. Berry.
Washington Street Closure
Please be advised that Washington Street, between Common and South Street is still closed. For families dropping off and picking up by car please plan accordingly. Also, we anticiapte the buses to be delayed as well. Thank you in advance for your flexiblity due to this unexpected road closure.
Walpole 300th Anniversary Parade
The Walpole's 300th Anniversary Parade is a few short week's away. The Parade will kick off on October 5th at 11am from the Norfolk County Agricultural High School and proceed up Main Street to the Town Common and then turn and proceed up Common Street to Walpole High School which will allow for 2 miles of viewing. Downtown we will have food trucks around the common. Join us as we watch bands and performance groups from around the region celebrate our hometown.
The 300th Committee is also looking for additional floats from Community Groups, as well as antique autos which would like to participate in the parade. Check out Walpole300.com for more information
Basketball Clinic (ONLY GRADES 2 & 3)
We are excited to bring back our basketball clinic just in time for basketball tryouts! We will be offering a basketball clinic for 2nd and 3rd graders on October 1st and 4th and 5th graders October 8th. Session will be $25 per student. Each session is limited to a maximum of 30 students. Session will run after school from 3:45-5pm.
PAC News
Direct Donations
PAC fundraising supports activities that benefit Boyden students, teachers, and staff throughout the year. Information on how to make a gift can be found here or on the direct donation flyer sent home with students.
Volunteers Opportunity - Docent
Docents are volunteers (parents/guardians, grandparents) who go into classrooms to help teach students about different art and artists. No prior knowledge is needed; the docent program provides all training. New volunteers are welcome in all grades, but especially needed in 1st grade classrooms and Mrs. Folan's 3rd grade class. Email boydendocent@gmail.com if interested.
Sign Up for PAC Events
Boo Bags
Boyden PAC is excited to announce our NEW Halloween event this year.. BOO BAGS!! Visit the link below to register and learn more about it! Please note there is no Trunk or Treat this year
Packets went home this week but here is more information
SEPAC Meeting on October 8, 2024
Important Dates
Ocotober 9th -Boyden School Council (3:30 PM) Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
October 11th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
October 14th - No School
October 16th - Picture Day
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz