Student Chromebooks
This week, your child received their Chromebook that will be used to complete school assignments. Please read the newsletter below for important information and updates.
Chromebook Updates
6th Grade
All 6th graders received a new Chromebook. They will use this Chromebook for the next three school years at Peacock. Please note the following:
- Every student received a case for the Chromebook. Chromebook cases are to stay on the device at all times.
- Each Chromebook was labeled with the student's name and District Information. Both of these stickers are to be visible and remain on the Chromebook at all times.
7th & 8th Grade
Returning 7th and 8th graders received the Chromebook they used last school year. Students new to the District received a recycled Chromebook. Please note the following:
- Every student received a black Chromebook bag. Students are to use this bag to transport the Chromebook to and from class and school.
- If a returning students that did not turn in a Chromebook charger in the spring did not receive a new charger. You can purchase a charger at the links below.
- 8th grade students will need to return their Chromebook, charger, and Chromebook bag at the end of the year to participate in graduation activities.
Chromebook Chargers & Insurance
Optional insurance on the device is available for purchase here:
Chromebook Active Times
Student Chromebooks are active between the hours of 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. Your student's Chromebook will not work outside of this window.
Helpful Tips
- Charge the Chromebook each night. This sets students up for success as it ensure the battery will last throughout the day.
- Store the device in a safe area away from liquids, pets, small children, etc.
- Use the device for school work only.
- Label chargers with students first and last name.
- Should a student need a repair, please have them speak with their teachers.
Brooke Krey
Brooke is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters