News From Room 106
January 24, 2025
Today, we celebrated our 50th Class B-Slip! The students continue to impress other staff members throughout the school. Not only do they continue to do an excellent job in the classroom, but are noticed in specials and in the hallways too!
Students will be coming home today with report cards for marking period two and our latest NWEA test results from December. Please let me know if you have any questions after looking over both documents.
Our Valentine Day party will be on February 14th. We do have a half day. More information on the party will be coming home soon.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Arends
Email: arendsk@bas-k12.org
Classroom Phone: 794-4756
Google Voice/Text: 616-236-3820
Upcoming Important Dates:
2/14- Half Day (11:30)
2/14- Valentine's Party
2/17- No School
2/28- Woodview Book Fair
3/5- Half Day Elementary only (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
3/6- Parent Teacher Conferences
3/7- Book Fair ends
3/7- Half Day (11:30)
3/10- No School
3/13- Woodview Spring Family Night (5:00-7:00)
4/4-4/11- No school. Spring Break
Spotlight Student
Jorden was this week's Spotlight Student. Jorden has done an excellent job with working hard each day. Jorden continues to use great manners with students and staff. Throughout the week, we learned that Jorden loves to spend time outdoors hunting, fishing, swimming, and playing football. He does not like sweets and pizza! Keep up the great work, Jorden!
Inside the Classroom:
Students are continuing to find the area of composite shapes. We will end the unit with working to design our dream homes! We will plan to test next week on Thursday or Friday. After our multiplication unit, we will move to fractions!
Language Arts
Science/Social Studies
Red Folder
Parent Resources:
News From Around the School:
Woodview's Character Trait of the Month- Integrity
Throughout the month, we will focus on Integrity. Students will work to learn the importance of making the right choice when on one is looking.