Action of the School Board

June 24, 2024
Anoka-Hennepin Schools, Destination Imagination Teams - Global Finals Team Participants
Lynn Montgomery, Destination Imagination (DI) coordinator for teams in the Anoka-Hennepin School District, presented achievements with this program in 2024. Montgomery said 150,000 students in grades K-12 from around the world compete in one of six challenges through the DI program. The top one percent are invited to global finals. Montgomery said the teams typically strive to be scored among the top 50 teams at Global Finals. The participants include:
- Rum River Elementary:
- “Ancient Dust Rats” Megan Christensen, Brittan Koosmann, Colin Lewandowski, Caelen Shaddi, Rilynn Smith.
- “The Excellent Elegant Emus: Emily Cleary, Noah Cox, Tanner Curry, Amelia Mattis, Moira Paddock.
- “Crazy Bubble Fish” Jacob Ball, Ashten Beyah, Natalie Clark, Rashmike Nepal, Lyndi Payeur, Essie Sikora.
- Madison Elementary:
- “The Space Launchers Crew” Jens Hiti, Declan Hruby, Anna Kline, Iszabella Moe, Audrey Nutter, Patrick Nutter.
- “The Ever Flaming Crystals” Kieran Delliger, Robel Fasil, Kailyn Garner, Elliot Hommerding, Alivia Moores, Jayne Opsal-Johnson, Arya Sullivan.
- Oak View Middle School - Blayke Chastanet, Amia Chittenden, Nora Hendrickson, Adelyn Hruby, Josephine Peterson, Lila Peterson, Lincoln Peterson.
- Northdale Middle School - Garrett Bower, Weston Finco, Gabriella Fournier, Aiden LePage, Andreas Apostolu.
Improvisation challenge - So extra
- Rum River Elementary “Ancient Dust Rats” placed 24th in the world.
- Rum River Elementary “Excellent Emerald Emus” placed 23rd in the world.
Fine arts challenge - In motion
- Madison Elementary “Thee Candy Nerds” placed 25th in the world.
Engineer challenge - Going the distance
- Rum River Elementary “Crazy Bubblefish” placed 30th in the world.
- Madison Elementary “Space Launchers Crew” placed 26th in the world.
- Oak View Middle School “Ever Flaming Crystals” placed 19th in the world.
Community service challenge - Uncharted
- Northdale Middle School “Struck by Creativity” placed 6th in the world.
The School Board took actions regarding employees and positions in the district in relation to a reporting timeline needed to comply with contracts and state requirements. Matt Brain, director of employee services, presented items for approval. All items were approved on a unanimous vote.
- Resolution relating to the termination and non-renewal of teaching contracts of probationary teachers.
- Proposed resolution to rescind the inclusion of certain teachers’ names in resolution terminating probationary teachers.
Legislation update
Michelle Trelstad, executive director of community education and government relations, was joined by Lori Grivna from Asmundson Strategies for a review of legislative action involving education issues at the 2024 state legislature. Grivna noted work done to share legislative priorities approved by the School Board and information regarding testimony from the district was provided.
2024 population certification resolution
Michelle Trelstad, executive director of community education and government relations, presented the 2024 population certification resolution which set the district population at 253,142, up over 3,000 residents from last year. This number, which was established by the State of Minnesota Demographer, is used to set formulas for some district funding programs and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Long-term facilities maintenance 10-year plan
Greg Cole, chief operations officer; and Ben Martinson, director of buildings and grounds, presented $14.5 million of facility maintenance projects to the School Board for approval. Hamilton Elementary, McKinley Elementary and Sand Creek Elementary are continuing with HVAC dehumidification along with classroom upgrades while Dayton Elementary is in year two of a four-year plan to implement classroom upgrades and space reconfiguration for safety and improved utilization. The long-term facility maintenance program, formerly known as alternative facilities, allows school boards to protect taxpayer investment in facilities through the replacement of aging building components. The School Board approves a 10-year plan each year, but also updates the planning documents as new projects emerge or priorities change. Funding through this program cannot be used for new facilities or components of facilities. The recommendations were approved on a unanimous vote.
Action Plan and progress to date
The School Board reviewed progress and actions in relation to a listing of items raised by three board members for removal from district operations. The board has held work sessions on June 10 and June 11 to determine action plans for four items with additional meetings set for July 15 and August 12 to resolve the remaining items.
FY25 proposed budget all funds
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget for School Board consideration and approval. The School Board has been engaged in developing the budget since December 2023 and has taken an active role in shaping the final proposal. Total expenditures are set at $724,599,453 with revenues of $717,264,851. This budget total reduces the district’s fund balance to 7.7%, below the School Board goal of 10 percent. The budget was approved on a 4-2 vote with Directors Linda Hoekman and Matt Audette voting no.
Authorize Anoka-Hennepin child nutrition site supervisors 2024-26 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented the Anoka-Hennepin child nutrition site supervisors 2024-26 master agreement for approval The agreement is within the budget parameters provided by the School Board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Labor Relations update
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided the School Board with an update on the status of negotiations for employee groups consistent with Board Policy 209, Negotiations Code of Ethics. The presentation included an overview of the status of negotiations with the district’s bargaining groups and policy groups.
- Minutes from the 06/10 and 06/11 School Board work session.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarship report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- 213.0 Advisory committees.
- Repeal, policy 510.3 co-curricular admission rate.
- Repeal, policy 510.5 student activity fee.
- 511.0 fees policy.
- Repeal, policy 527.0 student parking lot fee and guidance.
- Terms and conditions of employment for confidential employees 2024-25.
- Bid #24043B-HP laserjet toner cartridges, preventative maintenance and service program.
School Board meeting, July 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sandburg Education Center, 1902 2nd Ave, Anoka, MN 55303.
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