Hózhó Academy Newsletter
For the week of August 22nd - 26th, 2022
Weekly Update
Dear Families,
Please see our current news below.
Freshman Promotion: On September 9th, we will hold our 9th grade/freshman promotion. Freshmen will parade to the school and be honored with a special morning assembly at 8:30 AM.
Arrival: Students may arrive between 7:45 and 8:30 am and we will have the morning assembly in the gym at 8:30 am.
After School Pickup: Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Please remember access to the elementary parking lot will be restricted once our dismissal staff are in place. You may park at the junior high and walk to the elementary school for pick up or visiting the office.
Uniforms: Junior high and high school (Upper School) students may opt for a black or gray polo shirt. All other uniform options will remain the same. Please make an appointment at Sportsworld (505) 863-8819 to try on sizes. Uniform compliance will be strictly enforced. Students must be in full uniform to attend classes. If you need financial assistance with purchasing uniforms, please come by the front office. If you have a rental uniform from last year that still fits, keep it. If it no longer fits, please return it to the school’s front office. Shoes are part of the uniform. Students must be in athletic closed-toe shoes and ready for PE every day. Sandals and boots, etc. are too dangerous for PE.
School Supplies: If you did not purchase your child's planner yet, we are asking each family to buy a binder with folders and a planner for $10 for each of their students in all grades. Please send payment in with your child to school. Lower school may turn it into their teacher and upper school turn it into the front office.
After school clubs and fitness: We will continue to offer free afterschool options. Families will need to register for all options, including fitness (click here). No student may stay after school in a program without being registered. We will offer after school fitness beginning August 1. Other clubs will start at various times in the year. Reminder: All students must be picked up from after school activities between 4:45 and 5 pm. Tardy pickups will result in students losing the privilege to participate in after school activities.
Attendance is critical: We are expecting students to attend every day. I know there has been some flexibility during the pandemic, but beginning August 1, students must attend every day unless administration has made an arrangement, in very limited circumstances, for remote learning. For junior high and high school students, we are also strictly enforcing prompt attendance to class. Any tardy to class will be addressed. Please note that attendance can impact enrollment. If students miss 10 days in a row, they are considered disenrolled.
Detention and Saturday school: We are setting high expectations for student behavior. We want to encourage behaviors that will promote success in school and after graduation. If a student makes a poor choice, we will address the behaviors as usual but in some cases of repeated infractions, particularly in the upper school, we will implement detention at lunchtime and afterschool and a Saturday school option.
Meals: All meals are free to students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided daily.
Transportation: We have a few limited options for transportation with Gallup Express. Any current student who used transportation in the past will be added to the transportation roster from last year. Any new student requiring transportation should contact Gallup Express at (505) 722-0777.
Please refer to our online handbook for information regarding parties and outside food and more details on many other policies and procedures.
If you have questions, please reach out to our front office at (505) 722-8922.
Important Dates
September 9th - Freshman Promotion 8:30 AM
September 26th - Back to School/Curriculum Night
Sports Practice Schedules
High School: Alternating (M/W/F 4:30 - 6:00 pm) and (T/TH 3:30 - 5:00 pm)
Football: 3:45 - 5:30 M-F
Cross Country: 3:45 - 5:00 M-F
Meet Our New Bunny
- Teach students responsibilities of caring for a pet
- Build connections with life and nature
- Decrease anxiety
Rabbits are beneficial to the garden because they are great composters. The manure from rabbits doesn't need to sit and compost before being used in the garden, and seeds can be planted directly into the manure.
We ask that if anyone has an allergy or concern please contact the school nurse, Mr. Balok, at cbalok@hozhoacademy.org. Thank you!
Meet the Hózhó Staff
We are happy to introduce Mr. Jason Wright, who teaches 7th, 8th, and 9th-grade math and 9th-grade Honors Algebra 1. Mr. Wright is encouraged by Hózhó’s community of teachers and students who work together to improve learning and understanding. When asked about his educational philosophy he stated the following: “It is my belief learning comes from making sense of chaos. My job is to design work that will allow students to process, explore and discuss concepts to own the learning. I need to be part of the process to guide and challenge.”
Mr. Wright can be described as funny, energetic, and unstoppable. He enjoys spending time with his wife, who is in the Air Force, and their seven children, while also taking care of their farm. He has a love for martial arts and has a black belt in 3 martial arts systems. His favorite book is The Young Mathematician. Mr. Wright is certified to teach in all subject areas and holds a master's degree in Educational Administration and Leadership and is currently working on his doctorate in education.
Hózhó Academy 2022-2023 School Calendar
Hózhó Academy Charter School
Email: office@hozhoacademy.org
Website: https://hozhoacademy.org/
Location: 515 Park Ave, Gallup, NM, USA
Phone: (505) 722-8922
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hozhoacademy
Twitter: @HozhoA